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Who Do You Think Will Win The Presidential Election?

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Not literally. Just pointing out what a spineless, repugnant, piece of canary **** he is.

Barry is no less spinless, repugnant, and a piece of canary ****. On top of that, he's a ****ty leader who has no real life work experience and no concept of how business works.


This election, like any election, is a choice of the lesser of two evils. The question is, do you want a guy who has proven to be a failure, or a guy who has actual business sense, when the economy is the most important issue?

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I've heard worse rationales.

It's how I hand out final decisions when merit based comparison winds up a draw on hiring and promotion decisions, because the possibility of a roll in the hay with the hot wife of a grateful underling is a known commodity. What are the numbers of the possibility of a First Lady blowing you for voting for her husband? #michellewearskneepads

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Romney is hell bent on not letting that happen though, and with good reason. He'll broken record his pitch on the economy to stonewall that and at some point other issues will come but all in all if the numbers don't improve he'll be able to prevent any pivoting from that discussion. Wouldn't you say?

Romney has been very good at keeping a smile on his face, not getting dragged too low, and managed to remain a positive figure. I think this was his major strength in the debates. It should be a major asset in the election because the overall down in the dumps mood of the country and needing someone positive. But BO is the best political orator since JFK (better IMO). He'll be fighting for his political life and put on a strong showing. Should be a good fight but moneys on BO.

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Michigan looking more and more likely its gonna be a close race:


Two polls released Tuesday give different views of how Michigan may vote in the presidential election.


A survey by Mitchell Research & Communications showed the race is a statistical dead heat between President Barack Obama and presumptive Republican challenger Mitt Romney, with Romney leading, 45 percent to Obama's 44 percent.


But a poll by Rasmussen gave the edge to Obama, 48 percent to 42 percent.


Both surveys show that Romney, who was born in Michigan, is closing the gap with the president. Last month, Obama had a larger lead in a Rasmussen poll, 50 percent to 42 percent.


Also last month, the Mitchell survey showed Obama in front, 47 percent to 46 percent.


"Mitt Romney's home state continues to look as though it is going to be a battleground state this year," said Steve Mitchell of Mitchell Research & Communications.


The results are consistent with other polls showing Romney closing the gap since becoming the presumptive GOP candidate. Obama once had a commanding lead in Michigan, as much as double figures in one May poll.


Mitchell Research queried 825 likely voters Monday in an automated telephone survey. It has a margin of error of 3.4 percentage points.


Rasmussen questioned 500 likely voters Monday with a margin of error of 4.5 percentage points.


The Mitchell poll showed a possible cause for concern for Obama. Romney expanded his lead among independent voters, who are considered a key voting bloc.


In the poll, they preferred Romney by a 44 percent to 34 percent margin. Last month, they liked Romney, 43 percent to 38 percent.


Wendy Morlock, 36, a medical technician from Taylor, is an independent who hasn't made up her mind about the race. "I'm still weighing both sides," she said. "I'm not sure either one can really help the economy."


The gender gap also seemed to be tightening in the Mitchell poll. Among men, Romney led, 48 percent to 43 percent. Among women, Obama led, 44 percent to 42 percent.


Among younger voters, ages 18-39, Obama led, 49 percent to 39 percent. The president also led with voters ages 60 and older, 46 percent to 41 percent.


Among people aged 40-59, Romney led by 50 percent to 40 percent.


From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20120725/POLITICS01/207250365#ixzz21do6aN5K

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Romney has been very good at keeping a smile on his face, not getting dragged too low, and managed to remain a positive figure. I think this was his major strength in the debates. It should be a major asset in the election because the overall down in the dumps mood of the country and needing someone positive. But BO is the best political orator since JFK (better IMO). He'll be fighting for his political life and put on a strong showing. Should be a good fight but moneys on BO.

Barry did the "hope and change" thing last time. He's got nothing to sell this time around.

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This is kind of unrelated but I didn't want to start a new thread for it


Krauthammer: 1 Whitehouse: 0




Charles Krauthammer wrote a syndicated piece on Friday, in which he recapitulated an anecdote about President Obama returning a bust of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill...

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer authored an irate "fact check" blog post on the White House website, claiming that the column was "patently false," based on "rumor," "ridiculous," and "100 percent false." ... Guess who turned out to be 100 percent wrong?

I like the way the author put it here:

If you're going to call someone a liar -- especially someone who is much smarter than you'll ever hope to be -- you'd better have the goods.


This guy should have known better. Krauthammer's one of the best there is. He's almost as smart as Tom. If you're going to go after him you better have a big breakfast.

Edited by Rob's House
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This is kind of unrelated but I didn't want to start a new thread for it


Krauthammer: 1 Whitehouse: 0





I like the way the author put it here:



This guy should have known better. Krauthammer's one of the best there is. He's almost as smart as Tom. If you're going to go after him you better have a big breakfast.


Maybe not as smart, but probably more thorough.


It's even more fun watching Pfeiffer trying to talk his way out of this. The guy sounds like conner. Really, there seem to be quite a few administration spokesmorons who sound like they were lifted from PPP.

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Now that Romney has insulted pretty much most people in the world by saying he sees a cultural reason for economic deficiency by people who are not born American or Jewish. I don't see him as presidential material but see him as the racist douche that he is. That is why he can't seem to name a Vice Presidential candidate because he can't find a weasel that is willing to be cast lower than himself.


I voted for Bush, but the Republican party has really stooped so low to name this dirt bag their candidate.

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Obama tells a joke that pretty well sums up his term, accidentally




These stories are almost always apocryphal, which is a polite way of saying totally made-up. The Obama story last night involved a youngster said to be named Sammy. Obama apparently meant it to be a humorous reference to the scores of millions of dollars, nearly $150 million since April alone, that he's spent on advertising not to outline a second-term agenda, but to attack Romney -- to little effect, according to polls.


Obama said he was reminded of the following story involving a young family that was understandably "very excited" at the mere sight of an Obama photo:


"This does also remind me of the season that we’re in. Jim Messina tells this story, my campaign manager. He was in some event, and this young couple who was there with their adorable four-year-old son, and I guess there was a picture of me somewhere, and so they were very excited.


"They said, 'Sammy, who’s that?' And he said, 'That's Barack Obama.' 'And what does Barack Obama do?' And the boy thinks for a second and he says, 'He approves this message.'"


Obama laughed and so did his wealthy audience. Because its members could afford to hear a different message straight from the source.


But no one, least of all Barack Obama, seemed struck by the fact that after all this time and all this money the only thing an American youngster in 2012 knows about the current President of the United States is that he approves the message in a political TV ad. And this oblivious Chicago South Sider finds that worth sharing publicly.


The thing is, Sammy's right. And that's not funny.


Andrew Malcolm



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Now that Romney has insulted pretty much most people in the world by saying he sees a cultural reason for economic deficiency by people who are not born American or Jewish. I don't see him as presidential material but see him as the racist douche that he is.

And out comes the R word. Is that seriously the best argument Obamabots have now is the Race Card? :thumbdown:


That is why he can't seem to name a Vice Presidential candidate because he can't find a weasel that is willing to be cast lower than himself.

Or maybe because VP selection traditionally occurs a week or so before the Conventions?


I voted for Bush, but the Republican party has really stooped so low to name this dirt bag their candidate.

Another trend I've noticed from Obamabots in online forums, along with calling people Racists®, is for people to identify themselves as former Republicans, former Conservatives, or saying they voted for Bush I/II or Reagan to try to give their rant credibility

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And out comes the R word. Is that seriously the best argument Obamabots have now is the Race Card? :thumbdown:



Or maybe because VP selection traditionally occurs a week or so before the Conventions?



Another trend I've noticed from Obamabots in online forums, along with calling people Racists®, is for people to identify themselves as former Republicans, former Conservatives, or saying they voted for Bush I/II or Reagan to try to give their rant credibility

So you respond to name calling by calling them Obamabots. Interesting......

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Now that Romney has insulted pretty much most people in the world by saying he sees a cultural reason for economic deficiency by people who are not born American or Jewish. I don't see him as presidential material but see him as the racist douche that he is. That is why he can't seem to name a Vice Presidential candidate because he can't find a weasel that is willing to be cast lower than himself.


I voted for Bush, but the Republican party has really stooped so low to name this dirt bag their candidate.



Who has an issue with people based on their religion? :unsure:

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Now that Romney has insulted pretty much most people in the world by saying he sees a cultural reason for economic deficiency by people who are not born American or Jewish. I don't see him as presidential material but see him as the racist douche that he is. That is why he can't seem to name a Vice Presidential candidate because he can't find a weasel that is willing to be cast lower than himself.


I voted for Bush, but the Republican party has really stooped so low to name this dirt bag their candidate.

Is this the main reason you hope someone kills him before the election?

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