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TV Show Marathons


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With the availability of tv shows on DVD, blu-ray and streaming so prevalent, there are many people who love to rent a season, or even an entire the entire series, and have a marathon viewing session. It's something we've talked about on here from time to time, so instead of discussing whether it's better to watch after the fact or during the show's actual broadcast, I thought we could discuss some of the best choices for marathoning.


The first time I really watched a series on DVD was probably the Sopranos back in the early 2000s. But my first experience with a marathon session was S1 of 24. It only took me a couple days to get through all 24 episodes and it was a total blast. I ended up doing the same for the next few seasons until I was caught up with where the show was at the time S5, I believe. I have to say, I found that watching back-to-back on DVD was much more fun than watching week-to-week. That's the sort of thing I'm focusing on in this thread...not just which shows are your favorites, cause we've had lots of conversations about that....but which shows do you feel best lend themselves to marathon sessions? Also, for those who know if their suggestion(s) are available on Netflix streaming, please let us know.


The show I'm marathoning currently is one that many of you have suggested to me for a while now - Friday Night Lights. I figured I'd just watch from time to time, but having been on leave from work a bit recently I found myself really going on some long stretches. The show is much better than I expected it, with excellent acting and writing, and with very little in terms of "filler", which is something I really can't stand (e.g. Falling Skies...way, way too much filler). I started a week or two ago and I'm already into S4.


So what are some of your best recommendations for shows to watch in large chunks at a time that actually enhance the viewing experience as a result?

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1 Day Marathons

Band of Brothers. I think it's Spike TV that does one every 4th of July and Memorial Day


John Adams



Multi Day Marathons

Any Star Trek Series

Babylon 5



Breaking Bad

Sons of Anarchy

Stargate SG1

Stargate Atlantis

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I remember thinking "I should check out that LOST show everybody is talking about" and going to abc.com.


An indeterminate number of hours later, it's Season 4, my eyes are bloodshot and a robin is nesting her eggs in my beard.



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Twilight Zone.


Ditto. We used to love to watch them with the local stations had them over a certain holiday. No with Roku/Netflix we can watch a Twilight Zone marathon anytime we like.


I also like to watch South Park marathons.

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1 Day Marathons

Band of Brothers. I think it's Spike TV that does one every 4th of July and Memorial Day


John Adams



Multi Day Marathons

Any Star Trek Series

Babylon 5



Breaking Bad

Sons of Anarchy

Stargate SG1

Stargate Atlantis


I second Firefly. Because of the way it's structured, it definitely benifits from marathon viewing. Disagree with Band of Brothers, however. Watching the episodes back-to-back, the series always felt a little choppy to me.

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I remember thinking "I should check out that LOST show everybody is talking about" and going to abc.com.


An indeterminate number of hours later, it's Season 4, my eyes are bloodshot and a robin is nesting her eggs in my beard.

Been there. That's one where it's 4 a.m., I've got to be at work at 9 a.m., but damnit, I've got to see what happens next [as I start the next episode].



I prefer shows with an ongoing storyline (18 hour movies) for marathoning, but there are a few like Burn Notice *, The In Betweeners *, and Firefly * that despite having some ongoing story are primarily stand alone stories strewn together with a secondary backstory are still fun to watch in succession.


My top 8:


1. The Shield

2. Lost *

3. The Wire

4. Dexter (Seasons 1 & 2) *

5. 24 *

6. Sons of Anarchy *

7. Breaking Bad *

8. Strawberry Shortcake *



* Available now or recently on Netflix

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"Treme"...only two seasons... few watch it...but it is excellent...from the same guy who brought you "The Wire" Season 3 is pending...hopefully this fall...I doubt it lasts much beyond that.


For a 1 or 2 day marathon, "Freaks And Geeks" is pretty great.

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1 day marathon:


Pushing Daisies: I know it officially had 2 seasons, but it was in-between the writer's strike so it's more like one full season.



Multiple day marathon:


Supernatural: Still on the air and heading to it's 8th season. While it is not as fresh as it once was, I still find it very entertaining.


Damages: Just started it's 5th and I think it's final season. Started on FX, now it's on a DirecTv only channel. This fantastic show somehow keeps getting overlooked. Trust me on this one, check it out, you'll enjoy it.


Mystery Science Theater 3000: This would take a long time, but it'd be worth it.


Sorry, I do not know if any of these are online streaming.


As for me I just started watching "Firefly", and I am going to start "Boardwalk Empire".

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