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The Obama Record

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This Park guy... He doesn't seem smart enough to be a calculating contrarian, yet he seems to be an obvious troll.


I'm guessing this is one of the guys who graded out as an even bigger fool than ExiledInIllinois?


He's new.


But he is similar to Conner, Dave_In_Norfolk amongst the others.

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Too bad none of that is helping the economy or jobs. And the "prevented the next great depression" made me LOL.


Well, the video was targeted for Progressives, but from the 3rd link I posted:


1. Passed Health Care Reform: After five presidents over a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act (2010). It will cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014 and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number one cause of America’s long-term fiscal problems.


2. Passed the Stimulus: Signed $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid greatest recession since the Great Depression. Weeks after stimulus went into effect, unemployment claims began to subside. Twelve months later, the private sector began producing more jobs than it was losing, and it has continued to do so for twenty-three straight months, creating a total of nearly 3.7 million new private-sector jobs.


3. Passed Wall Street Reform: Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010) to re-regulate the financial sector after its practices caused the Great Recession. The new law tightens capital requirements on large banks and other financial institutions, requires derivatives to be sold on clearinghouses and exchanges, mandates that large banks provide “living wills” to avoid chaotic bankruptcies, limits their ability to trade with customers’ money for their own profit, and creates the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (now headed by Richard Cordray) to crack down on abusive lending products and companies.



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Well, the video was targeted for Progressives, but from the 3rd link I posted:






So his "accomplishments" are the things Congress did that aren't based on economic reality... Woo-!@#$ing-hoo.


This Park guy... He doesn't seem smart enough to be a calculating contrarian, yet he seems to be an obvious troll.


I'm guessing this is one of the guys who graded out as an even bigger fool than ExiledInIllinois?


Amazingly, there's lots of people here who are bigger fools than EII.


I hope park isn't a troll, and takes himself seriously. 'Cause if he does, I'm going to have a lot of fun annihilating him. :devil:

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Too easy Park:

He got us out of Iraq over the loud and angry protests of the guy he ran against. Thank God!


Following the path laid out by GWB down to the exact month. Congrats! He honored GW's withdrawal plan.


His policies eased the recession and kept it from getting much worse, again, over the protests of the GOP


His policies stymied growth and kept business in a state of uncertainty. Business now hoard money waiting for the EPA hammer to fall and the ACA hammer to fall.


He bailed out the auto industry that Mitt Romney said should go bankrupt and that would fail, but when it didn't Mitt changed his story to make it seem like Obama listed to him all along.


In the end, he allowed for a structured bankruptcy EXACTLY as Mitt Romney proposed, except he violated over 200 years of contract law by not paying the investors first and handing over the control to the UAW. Then, GM has to gall to pay us back with "stimulus" money. To keep their stock propped up, the GAO goes on a car buying spree from GM


He put two liberals on the supreme court


That's a wash. He REPLACED two lib's with two lib's. Not much of an accomplishment.


He has passed major health care reform which has and will help millions get, um, well, health care.


Health care has not been reformed. Only the way in which I pay for YOUR healthcare.


He's cut payroll taxes


As someone mentioned: So. I spent that $8 a pay day for lunch.


He's such a good President! :thumbsup:



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This Park guy... He doesn't seem smart enough to be a calculating contrarian, yet he seems to be an obvious troll.


I'm guessing this is one of the guys who graded out as an even bigger fool than ExiledInIllinois?

So macro economics is bs? Wanna explain that to us?


Too easy Park:

He got us out of Iraq over the loud and angry protests of the guy he ran against. Thank God!


Following the path laid out by GWB down to the exact month. Congrats! He honored GW's withdrawal plan.

y not paying the investors first and handing over the control to the UAW. Then, GM has to gall to pay us back with "stimulus" money. To keep their stock propped up, the GAO goes on a car buying spree from GM[/b]


He put two liberals on the supreme court



He's cut payroll taxes


As someone mentioned: So. I spent that $8 a pay day for lunch.


He's such a good President! :thumbsup:

What, you want a medel for being a spinner? Ok, congrats, you are a nice bull s@@@@

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So macro economics is bs? Wanna explain that to us?



What, you want a medel for being a spinner? Ok, congrats, you are a nice bull s@@@@


Go back and read your post that he was responding too.


And you're calling him the spinner? :blink:

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So macro economics is bs? Wanna explain that to us?



What, you want a medel for being a spinner? Ok, congrats, you are a nice bull s@@@@

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I want to waste my time explaining economics to someone whose first response to me was to troll, and call me a fraud. You're going to have to demonstrate you can be a rational and civil adult before you can lay claim to any of my time. Bonus points if you can demonstrate that you can have open minded dialog opposed to screaming from a pulpit.

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I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I want to waste my time explaining economics to someone whose first response to me was to troll, and call me a fraud. You're going to have to demonstrate you can be a rational and civil adult before you can lay claim to any of my time. Bonus points if you can demonstrate that you can have open minded dialog opposed to screaming from a pulpit.


Certain people just aren't worth it.

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I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I want to waste my time explaining economics to someone whose first response to me was to troll, and call me a fraud. You're going to have to demonstrate you can be a rational and civil adult before you can lay claim to any of my time. Bonus points if you can demonstrate that you can have open minded dialog opposed to screaming from a pulpit.

Yes, you are sorry. And the reason you don't want to answer is because silly little you trying to explain why the established field of macro economics is bs is because your argument is simply stupid. If you are going to make such outrageously stupid statements be prepared for people to call you on them.



But if you want to try, I'd love to laugh at your attempt to defend your idiocy.

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Yes, you are sorry. And the reason you don't want to answer is because silly little you trying to explain why the established field of macro economics is bs is because your argument is simply stupid. If you are going to make such outrageously stupid statements be prepared for people to call you on them.



But if you want to try, I'd love to laugh at your attempt to defend your idiocy.



We missed you, Conner.

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You're right, I'm a sad little troll living in my mother's basement, both unthinking and unemployed. I've never formed a unique opinion, or thought for myself in my whole life. I try to cover my shameful inadequacies by goading my betters, those who do think for themselves, on internet forums. The worst part about being me is that I don't write well enough even to parrot Daily KOS talking points, so I instead attempt in vain to get others to do my work and research for me, then scream prepackaged talking points at them, because I'm just not bright enough to actually comprehend the subject matter. As if that's not bad enough, I'm incredibly rude and offensive in the process, but as I said before, I'm an idiot, so I think that's actually a cool way to act. In short, I'm just not worth your time.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I figured. When you're ready to be a man, and eat with a knife and fork, I'll invite you to come sit at the grownup table. But for now, at a minimum, please try to keep from dumping your bowl of Cheerios out over your own head.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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This is not Conner, but definitely a previous poster. Don't engage.


His spelling is familiar, and the unprovoked attacks fall in line. Of course he could still be DiN, but I was just playing. He/it won't get any serious engagement from me. I sat in the audience with the MDP/Tom "debates" and figured the "exalted one" was either really, really bored or arguing with a creature he made up.

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His spelling is familiar, and the unprovoked attacks fall in line. Of course he could still be DiN, but I was just playing. He/it won't get any serious engagement from me. I sat in the audience with the MDP/Tom "debates" and figured the "exalted one" was either really, really bored or arguing with a creature he made up.


Tom has many personalities, but they've never argued with one another. How in the world would one side declare victory?

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