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Big Brother Starts This Thursday


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That was great reality TV... I haven't come close to watching all the seasons, but I can't imagine there has ever been a greater move than what Dan pulled off. :worthy:


I've seen em all except S1, and I don't know that I've ever seen a better move. That was a complete 180degree turnaround for him....it'll be interesting to see if this whole "swearing on the bible and his ring" stuff holds true and he remains loyal to frank.


For those who aren't following the feeds tune in tomrrow to see...

Ian charge up into Frank's HOH room and just go ape ****! :lol:


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I've seen em all except S1, and I don't know that I've ever seen a better move. That was a complete 180degree turnaround for him....it'll be interesting to see if this whole "swearing on the bible and his ring" stuff holds true and he remains loyal to frank.


For those who aren't following the feeds tune in tomrrow to see...

Ian charge up into Frank's HOH room and just go ape ****! :lol:


Re: the spoiler, I don't like him but I do respect him, dude's got game.
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Re: the spoiler, I don't like him but I do respect him, dude's got game.


He was becoming my favorite player until just recently...when he's called out on something or when he's in a position to have to defend his actions, he goes into berzerker neurotic mode and can't seem to function.


Another thing about him....

He really rubbed the others the wrong way last night apparently. In the first couple weeks, Ian would sit on the lounge in the bathroom, alone, when Kara and the other women took showers. It came out last night that Kara was really bothered by this, along with a comment Ian apparently made about how "thousands of men have masturbated to her body". Dan was trying Ian to understand that when a woman indicates she's uncomfortable with a behavior, you don't try to rationalize or justify what you did, and you don't debate the point....you stfu and stop the behavior. Ian lost a lot of my respect last night for failing to understand this point. He really came off like a completely pervert who doesn't have a lot of respect for women.


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He was becoming my favorite player until just recently...when he's called out on something or when he's in a position to have to defend his actions, he goes into berzerker neurotic mode and can't seem to function.


Another thing about him....

He really rubbed the others the wrong way last night apparently. In the first couple weeks, Ian would sit on the lounge in the bathroom, alone, when Kara and the other women took showers. It came out last night that Kara was really bothered by this, along with a comment Ian apparently made about how "thousands of men have masturbated to her body". Dan was trying Ian to understand that when a woman indicates she's uncomfortable with a behavior, you don't try to rationalize or justify what you did, and you don't debate the point....you stfu and stop the behavior. Ian lost a lot of my respect last night for failing to understand this point. He really came off like a completely pervert who doesn't have a lot of respect for women.


That is pretty douchey. :lol: , can't say I'm too surprised.
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That was great reality TV... I haven't come close to watching all the seasons, but I can't imagine there has ever been a greater move than what Dan pulled off. :worthy:

you must have not watched Dr Will.........the master of this game.....only person I know who threw like every head of house comps and still won the game....that's why Boogie joined him for the ride and then won it on allstars with his help.


I root for Dan...but these have got to be the dumbest players ever.

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you must have not watched Dr Will.........the master of this game.....only person I know who threw like every head of house comps and still won the game....that's why Boogie joined him for the ride and then won it on allstars with his help.


I root for Dan...but these have got to be the dumbest players ever.

I disagree. Dr. Will played a good game but he had the advantage that it was the first (real) season of Big Brother (the real first one wasn't really a game), and he never changed his gameplay at all - did the same thing all season. Dan, on the other hand, came in with a strategy, changed it up a little to get this far in the game, and then completely flipped the table to save his bacon. It was an amazing move, and we'll have to see how well it works long term.

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I disagree. Dr. Will played a good game but he had the advantage that it was the first (real) season of Big Brother (the real first one wasn't really a game), and he never changed his gameplay at all - did the same thing all season. Dan, on the other hand, came in with a strategy, changed it up a little to get this far in the game, and then completely flipped the table to save his bacon. It was an amazing move, and we'll have to see how well it works long term.

disagree with you, of course the coaches had an advantage.....they know how the game is, therefore, lesser ones latch on to them to stay afloat. Dr Will played the perfect game and did it again in allstars and people knew how he was.....only boogie was smart enough to turn on him then and came out on top. Like Janelle.........she is a beast in this game......so they got her out quick because she can win 2-3-4 head of households in a row.


I've watched, I do believe every season and most gameplay has sucked and still does......I knew what Dan was doing before he done it.......I mean come on seriously, you think he would turn on his closest ally LOL you must think it snows every christmas......everywhere!


It's like football.....u know who is going to get the ball......why not attack solely that person? well because that person is so good he gets others to focus on other people. Chilltown.....best duo to play the game.


Like I said, I am rooting for Dan but if shane had any balls or Frank had a brain, they would have had him out already and been coasting to final two together.

Edited by Jerry Christ
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you must have not watched Dr Will.........the master of this game.....only person I know who threw like every head of house comps and still won the game....that's why Boogie joined him for the ride and then won it on allstars with his help.


I root for Dan...but these have got to be the dumbest players ever.


dr Will is the gold standard for me, as well. The thing that people forget is that there was no power of veto in S2. Dr Will couldn't take himself off the block, he had to strategize a way to get the other house guests to vote out the person sitting next to him each time. That was truly impressive.


WTF, is "strategize" not a fuggin word anymore? Why am I getting the evil red line underneath it when I type it?

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Holy crap that was an excellent move! The look on Ian's face. Lol

That was priceless. I can't stand that little weasel. The nerve to go off on Frank showed just how immature and coddled this kid must be.

I was neither here nor there on Dan but after that stroke of genius I have to say I'm a fan. I hope he doesn't knife Frank in the back though.

Edited by Dante
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That was priceless. I can't stand that little weasel. The nerve to go off on Frank showed just how immature and coddled this kid must be.

I was neither here nor there on Dan but after that stroke of genius I have to say I'm a fan. I hope he doesn't knife Frank in the back though.

Yeah, and after readin AJ's posts above about him...Ick! :blink:


I have always liked Dan. He seems like a good person. Like them Catholic boys. 0:);) Like you said, let's just hope he doesn't stab Frank in the back. I also like Frank in that when the odds are against him, he seems to be able to pull out ahead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That was amazing, what a cut-throat move. :worthy: I don't know how he wins it though, but if anyone can pull it off, it's Dan. I don't like Danielle, but Ian really annoys me now, that tard better not take it. :thumbdown:

Edited by Rico
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DAMMIT, stupid Dish Network DVR thought tonight was a repeat and didn't record it....that's why I got rid of that crap service.

You know what happened by now, right? Must-see TV, it'll be on cbs.com tomorrow if not somewhere else sooner.
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You know what happened by now, right? Must-see TV, it'll be on cbs.com tomorrow if not somewhere else sooner.


Yeah, unforutnately I went to Jokers not knowing tonight was a show and ended up seeing what happened. I think my online tv site will have it in another hour or so....hopefully one of the streams will work. Frickin Dish....

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Just saw it....hell of an episode. I wish I hadn't spoiled it for myself, but was still really good. Glad we got to finally see some jury house shenanigans. Ashley actually looked really good!


If I hear anymore !@#$in' quacking, I'm gonna puke. Dumbest name for an alliance ever.

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