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One question my friends

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i am a Bills fan for now 16 years, i've visited Buffalo and WNY 5 or 6 times so i think i know a little about "our" team and "our" city. But there is something i have never understood about you Bills fans: Why the hatred for the Steelers and Pats?

Pittsburgh and Boston are two nice towns, from the NE, even if Boston has that "gentry" image, most people living in those two areas have many common points with WNYERs, blue collar, lot of catholics, hard tough minded people living in tough weather areas, passionate for their teams , faithful and loyal. You can maybe add Cleveland and you have 4 cities that are the heart and soul of the "Working East". So why the hatred?!

I root for those teams when they don't play the Bill as i root for the Chi Bears, the Pack (yes you can like both!), the Browns and the Eagles because they represent the part of America i like the most (and for the Broncos for other reasons, they are mountain guys like i am) and i keep my "hatred" for to the beach teams like the Fish, Bucs, and somepussy Dome teams like the Colts, Rams or Viks...

so can you tell me why?

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT

Olivier, let me sum it up for you:


It is BECAUSE we are all the same that makes us go at each others throats... beer, football, blue collar blending together to form a huge body of (dare I say) rabid sports fans. It is within these fans that regional differences make loyalty to it a PRIME necessity. The cities of Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Boston, and New York EACH have different cultural bases that have formed identities. You can understand this through looking at the differences between the mountainous regions in France, each one having more German or more Italian combinations. I am attempting to make it seem clear in this fashion, so here goes:


Boston: Irish/English

Pittsburgh: German/Italian/Balkan peoples

Buffalo: Polish/Italian

New York: A varied mix


I know it's a generalization, but it comes as close as I can get to bringing the distinct differences together.. :pirate:


(I break the rules because my family is of French Canadian and northern European heritage, but most of my state leans Boston because of the Irish/English influence. I however got my father's blue collar nature and disdain for anything Massh*le) :doh:

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Olivier, let me sum it up for you:


  It is BECAUSE we are all the same that makes us go at each others throats... beer, football, blue collar blending together to form a huge body of (dare I say) rabid sports fans. It is within these fans that regional differences make loyalty to it a PRIME necessity. The cities of Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Boston, and New York EACH have different cultural bases that have formed identities. You can understand this through looking at the differences between the mountainous regions in France, each one having more German or more Italian combinations. I am attempting to make it seem clear in this fashion, so here goes:


Boston: Irish/English

Pittsburgh: German/Italian/Balkan peoples

Buffalo: Polish/Italian

New York: A varied mix


I know it's a generalization, but it comes as close as I can get to bringing the distinct differences together.. :pirate:


(I break the rules because my family is of French Canadian and northern European heritage, but most of my state leans Boston because of the Irish/English influence. I however got my father's blue collar nature and disdain for anything Massh*le) :doh:






So you'd better wake up! the real enemy is the tasteless, culture-less, rootless sunbelt white collar fan!!

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Olivier, let me sum it up for you:


  It is BECAUSE we are all the same that makes us go at each others throats... beer, football, blue collar blending together to form a huge body of (dare I say) rabid sports fans. It is within these fans that regional differences make loyalty to it a PRIME necessity. The cities of Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Boston, and New York EACH have different cultural bases that have formed identities. You can understand this through looking at the differences between the mountainous regions in France, each one having more German or more Italian combinations. I am attempting to make it seem clear in this fashion, so here goes:


Boston: Irish/English

Pittsburgh: German/Italian/Balkan peoples

Buffalo: Polish/Italian

New York: A varied mix


I know it's a generalization, but it comes as close as I can get to bringing the distinct differences together.. :pirate:


(I break the rules because my family is of French Canadian and northern European heritage, but most of my state leans Boston because of the Irish/English influence. I however got my father's blue collar nature and disdain for anything Massh*le) :doh:




by the way there is no italian and german mixes in our mountainous regions... we don't even mix with the people from the next valley, so forget about the next country!

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT

So you'd better wake up! the real enemy is the tasteless, culture-less, rootless sunbelt white collar fan!!



I wouldn't say white collar, I'd say vastly different social and cultural makeups from our region to theirs. That's why I really can't live in that area any more- it drives me NUTS!!! I don't know if you are familiar, but ask anyone from Milan or Rome what they think of people from Naples or Sicily, and they will say their region is so much better. It is a fair comparison; when you go from a base that is more dependent on manufacturing jobs rather than agricultural jobs, life is very different, and you are used to your own ways. I'm sorry I didn't make it over to western France, though... I'll get there someday.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
by the way there is no italian and german mixes in our mountainous regions... we don't even mix with the people from the next valley, so forget about the next country!



I went to Strasbourg, and saw a lot of strange things for a French city... somehow I doubt that if you have a city so close to Germany, many, MANY mixes don't happen! I don't care who you are for... men and women in love spurn such bias when love springs eternal. :pirate:

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I think it goes back to the Jim Kelly's days. When the bills had to go to pittsburgh in the playoffs. The players always gave jim kelly fits, Greg Lloyd & Kevin Greene.



After the bills beat there ass tomorrow. :pirate: The rival war will again begin.

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until recently, the only despised team, for bills fans, has been the fish. we never felt any true hostility toward NE. since they have embarrassed us a few times recently, and their fans have become quite cocky and obnoxious, the level of hate toward them has grown. the steelers.......there is no rivalry there. no true hatred. i have gone to games in pittsburgh, decked out in red, white, and blue, and was treated with respect. i think one problem that there is with home games against the steelers, is that when they do come to orchard pk, they bring alot of fans with them. they will buy up every unsold seat. as a matter of fact.......i attended my first bills game, back in 1979. i went as a steelers fan, black and gold flying. anyways, buffalo was a bad team that year, and the bills faithful were actually outnumbered by the folks from pittsburgh. they hade their fan wagon there and everything. something happened that day...........to my father and i both..... we left that game happy that the bills had pulled it off against a superior team. we have been bills fans since that day. funny how off topic i have gotten.


go bills

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I don't hate the Steelers, I respect them. Pitts a cool place.

They are not the Bills, so I am against them simply on that basis alone.


Boston sucks, the Red sox and its fans suck, the patriots fans are bandwagon fans who didnt know they had a team 4 years ago. The pats are overated and need to be shot down, hard. I hate them because the team and its fans dont deserve to win. people are calling them a great team and a dynasty and i cringe everytime i hear that or praise of marsha said. they deserve to be on the bottom of the nfl and stay there forever.

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I went to Strasbourg, and saw a lot of strange things for a French city... somehow I doubt that if you have a city so close to Germany, many, MANY mixes don't happen! I don't care who you are for... men and women in love spurn such bias when love springs eternal.  :w00t:


well Strasbourg is not really in my home region! the Alps are quite far from there! and Alsace's and Strasbourg's history is at least as german as it is french. the Rhein river is much easier to cross than the Alps! (ok guys you're allowed to make some bad jokes with Rommell tanks following this post!)

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