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Is Mitt Romney A Dirty Tax Cheat?

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I don't recall a clumsier campaign season. It's like someone made campaigning a Special Olympics event.


And yet between 48%-52% of America will vote for Obama as will states with a mininum collective total of 270 electoral votes.


If Obama was a white guy, Romney would be on another victory lap and Congressional/Senate Democrats would be campaigning on how they would work with the new President

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The Dark Side of Anti-"Swiss Bank Account" Politics: Democratic Swissophobia is hurting patriotic, middle-class Americans.

Matt Welch | July 10, 2012


Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) may be too busy to pass a budget more than every 1,168 days or so, but he can always spare time for passing judgments about U.S. citizens who have the gall to open bank accounts in stable countries with sound currencies and a tradition (if eroding) of banking privacy.


"You either get a Swiss bank account to conceal what you're doing, or you believe the Swiss franc is stronger than the American dollar," Durbin put forth on Face the Nation this weekend, in part of a coordinated Democratic attack on Mitt Romney's overseas finances.


Whether tautological or conspiratorial, Democratic Swissophobia precludes the idea that Americans could possibly have a legitimate reason to park money in one of the world's leading financial centers. "Mitt Romney," Obama campaign spokesman Ben Labolt stated gravely in an attack ad, "had a bank account in Switzerland." Why, that's not what normal Americans like Robert Gibbs do! "I pick a bank because there's an ATM near my home," the former White House press secretary said over the weekend. "Romney had a bank account in Switzerland."


Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), chair of the Democratic National Committee, also smelled a rat: "Americans need to ask themselves: why does an American businessman need a Swiss bank account and secretive investments like that?" And here's LaBolt again, in a tweet from May: "There are only 2 reasons to have a Swiss bank account: hedging against the dollar or avoiding paying fair share in taxes. (LOL)


Do you know who else once had a Swiss bank account? I mean, besides Hitler? Various U.S. military veterans, dual-national citizens who haven't lived or worked in America for decades, and panicked retirees who are trying to cope with new tax rules imposed capriciously by a revenue-hungry Congress and president in 2010. Thousands of such Americans are getting bounced out of their existing Swiss accounts and denied new ones, even if they live and work in Geneva for one of the city's many international non-governmental organizations.




There is something very wrong about the principle that your after-tax earnings are subject to still more scrutiny by the most powerful government the world has ever known, and something insidious about the sight of politicians blaming Americans' investment choices for their own shoddy governance.


Given the bipartisan disaster with public finances, it's no surprise that an already trivial presidential campaign is wallowing in the comparative irrelevance of Mitt Romney's private investment strategies. And anyone who thinks that repetitive attempts to damn a presidential candidate through his European associations is a purely Democratic piece of phony xenophobia ought to do a Google search on "haughty, French looking" sometime.


But sadly, we live in an age when stupid campaign prejudice can too easily be translated into law, with consequences that damage the lives of middle class Americans while leaving the rich unscathed.


Back in January, during a rehearsal of the Democratic anti-Romney line, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) said "There is no such thing as an ordinary Swiss bank account." Thanks to populist millionaires like Levin, that clumsy slur is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy




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And yet between 48%-52% of America will vote for Obama as will states with a mininum collective total of 270 electoral votes.


If Obama was a white guy, Romney would be on another victory lap and Congressional/Senate Democrats would be campaigning on how they would work with the new President


Tonight on MSNBC, is Obama a dirty tax ch..., ummm Romney put his dog on the roof of a car!!!

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A New York City donor a few cars back, who also would not give her name, said Romney needed to do a better job connecting. "I don't think the common person is getting it," she said from the passenger seat of a Range Rover stamped with East Hampton beach permits. "Nobody understands why Obama is hurting them.


"We've got the message," she added. "But my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies -- everybody who's got the right to vote -- they don't understand what's going on. I just think if you're lower income -- one, you're not as educated, two, they don't understand how it works, they don't understand how the systems work, they don't understand the impact."

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So after pounding on Mitt Romney about Swiss Bank Accounts for the past couple of days, Debbie Wasserman Schultz apparently has her own Swiss accounts


That's it, Obama. Throw the gun and run. Just throw the gun and run.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of Congress from Florida, previously held funds with investments in Swiss banks, foreign drug companies, and the state bank of India.


Wasserman Schultz invested between $1,001-$15,000 in a 401k retirement fund run by Davis Financial Fund. As the fund discloses, it is invested in the Julius Baer Group Ltd. and the State Bank of India GDR Ltd., as well as other financial, insurance, bank institutions.


imilarly, according to disclosure forms from 2004, Wasserman Schultz had holdings in the Fidelity Advisor Overseas Fund. That fund is invested in HSBC bank (a British financial institution), Hengdeli Holdings (a Hong Kong watch company), Novo Nordisk (a Danish drug company), Volkswagen (a German auto company), Rakuten (a Japanese shipping business), Richemont Cie Financiere (a Swiss luxury goods company), and many others



well you got her alright she is every bit as unworthy to be President as Romney.

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well you got her alright she is every bit as unworthy to be President as Romney.

More to the point, she's unworthy to be the leader of the DNC. Every time she opens her mouth, stupidity and hypocrisy falls out.


It impossible to look as stupid as she does right now. They really need to replace her...and I mean worse than when the GOP needed to replace Michael Steele. She's a useless voice in a big battle and she should sit to the side and let smarter people lead the way.

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Debbie Wasserman Schultz is not qualified to be paperweight, nevermind POTUS,


but its her lack of intellect, not her overseas investments.


Those do not disqualify anyone from being President, certainly not to any sensible voter.



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Romney and Wasserman two peas in a pod putting profit ahead of patriotism, and they both avoided military service


Though an early supporter of the Vietnam War, Romney avoided military service at the height of the fighting after high school by seeking and receiving four draft deferments, according to Selective Service records. They included college deferments and a 31-month stretch as a “minister of religion” in France, a classification for Mormon missionaries that the church at the time feared was being overused


I'm not sure how that Wasserman biotch got out of service but I've started digging and I'll find out.


Romney and Wasserman both unfit to be President.

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Romney and Wasserman two peas in a pod putting profit ahead of patriotism, and they both avoided military service




I'm not sure how that Wasserman biotch got out of service but I've started digging and I'll find out.


Romney and Wasserman both unfit to be President.

You really need to link that story for us. Thanks.


By the way, don't you usually wait until October before you start throwing the kitchen sink at the opponent? :lol:

Edited by LABillzFan
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They "get it." They're the entitlement class who want to see the gravy train continue.

Romney and Wasserman two peas in a pod putting profit ahead of patriotism, and they both avoided military service




I'm not sure how that Wasserman biotch got out of service but I've started digging and I'll find out.


Romney and Wasserman both unfit to be President.

So was Barry, but he still got elected. He's failing. Time to throw him out and put in the guy with the (gasp) Swiss bank account! DW-S can stay has head of the DNC.

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Romney and Wasserman two peas in a pod putting profit ahead of patriotism, and they both avoided military service




I'm not sure how that Wasserman biotch got out of service but I've started digging and I'll find out.


Romney and Wasserman both unfit to be President.

I agree that neither is qualified to be president, but for any reason similar to yours. Our entire economy and banking system is global, and has been since the first import in history. There isn't anyone on this board, or mostly anywhere else that doesn't have considerable investment in foriegn goods and services. The truth is that our Keynesian system has systemically forced our domestic economy to export our inflation checks in the form of outsourcing jobs and importing goods in order to keep prices under control. This has caused us to become a service based economy which consumes rather than produces wealth. Only a fool would refuse international investment given that economic reality. You can't possibly be arguing that only fools who have no understanding of economics are qualified.

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I agree that neither is qualified to be president, but for any reason similar to yours. Our entire economy and banking system is global, and has been since the first import in history. There isn't anyone on this board, or mostly anywhere else that doesn't have considerable investment in foriegn goods and services. The truth is that our Keynesian system has systemically forced our domestic economy to export our inflation checks in the form of outsourcing jobs and importing goods in order to keep prices under control. This has caused us to become a service based economy which consumes rather than produces wealth. Only a fool would refuse international investment given that economic reality. You can't possibly be arguing that only fools who have no understanding of economics are qualified.

Let me guess - love Ayn Rand,gaga over Mises and Hayek, don't worry it's mental virus that life will eventually cure you of.


You really need to link that story for us. Thanks.


By the way, don't you usually wait until October before you start throwing the kitchen sink at the opponent? :lol:

since you labeled your link to the Wasserman Article as "Debbie Wasserman Schultz apparently has her own Swiss accounts"

I question your reading comprehension so I'm going to link you to a video instead.


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Let me guess - love Ayn Rand,gaga over Mises and Hayek, don't worry it's mental virus that life will eventually cure you of.

Actually, that was the work of Paul Krugman, but since you just displayed an unparrelleled level of ignorance, choosing the route of uneducated ideolouge so much more desperate to attack than to understand and discuss, I do believe I'm done with you. It's noone's fault other than your own that you don't have a fundamental understanding of how the global economy works. Read books, it will help.

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Actually, that was the work of Paul Krugman, but since you just displayed an unparrelleled level of ignorance, choosing the route of uneducated ideolouge so much more desperate to attack than to understand and discuss, I do believe I'm done with you. It's noone's fault other than your own that you don't have a fundamental understanding of how the global economy works. Read books, it will help.


Speaking of Krugman...



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I question your reading comprehension so I'm going to link you to a video instead.

Oh, so YOU'RE the one who watches Martin Bashir. Imagine the odds in one day of not only finding someone who watches Martin Bashir, but on the same day actually seeing a Chevy Volt on the road.


I should play the lottery.

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Actually, that was the work of Paul Krugman, but since you just displayed an unparrelleled level of ignorance, choosing the route of uneducated ideolouge so much more desperate to attack than to understand and discuss, I do believe I'm done with you. It's noone's fault other than your own that you don't have a fundamental understanding of how the global economy works. Read books, it will help.

I'll weep a little but I'll get over it.

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