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Is Mitt Romney A Dirty Tax Cheat?

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Romney opened this whole can of worms by saying his private sector experience makes him better qualified to improve the economy. OK, so let's see how well you did in the private sector based on your work. Did you profit off of the bones of closed American companies? If he's not ashamed of what he earned and how he did it, then there's no reason to keep hiding the truth. Let Republicans defend his method of obtaining wealth to the voters, and then the voters will decide who has their best interest at heart. He could have put this to rest back when Newt called for it during the primaries. To keep resisting just fuels the fire that he wants to hide the facts from the voters. Let's go conservatives, open up the books and defend your vision of capitalism to the voters.



I'm afraid your grasp of capital reallocation, wealth preservation, and capital formation is cooked more than a little bit past al dente.


Starting with a few basic assumptions:

- Healthy business must be maintained for jobs to exist.

- Growing business has more employment potential than stagnating or shrinking business.

- Capital is best invested in the business with the most potential for growth.

- Many businesses are erroneously structured in such a way that their individual parts are worth more separate than combined.

- Efficiency is central to the goals of business.

- Efficiency means maximizing the capital potential of individual segments of your business.

- Capital investment is necessary for investment in new business with higher value and growth potential.

- Capital formation is necessary prior to capital investment.


The role that Bain Capital plays in a modern, fast moving, global economy is essential. Human motivation and action change by the second, and there is no planning mechanism that can keep up with those changes as an aggregate. New businesses are constantly moving in to fill market gaps as technology leaps obsoletes other more antiquated services and models. There are two ways for these businesses to transition their capital holdings back into the general economy in order for reallocation and economic growth to occur.


1) A business can become insolvent after malinvesting more of it's own capital in it's model, destroying it's capital, removing that wealth from the economy.


2) It can dissolve it's more valuable segments, while capital is still available, by separating that capital from the business, and reinvesting that wealth back into the economy.


This process is necessary to drive economic growth and real wealth creation, because the creation of new wealth doesn't matter if we allow old wealth to be destroyed.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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I'm afraid your grasp of capital reallocation, wealth preservation, and capital formation is cooked more than a little bit past al dente.

ways for these businesses to transition their capital holdings back into the general economy in order for reallocation and economic growth to occur.


1) A business can become insolvent after malinvesting more of it's own capital in it's model, destroying it's capital, removing that wealth from the economy.


2) It can dissolve it's more valuable segments, while capital is still available, by separating that capital from the business, and reinvesting that wealth back into the economy.


This process is necessary to drive economic growth and real wealth creation, because the creation is new wealth doesn't matter if we allow old wealth to be destroyed.

You are proving Pastas exact point! Too funny! Pasta is pointing out that that Romney is being smothered in bs, he's isn't making an economic point at all. You are correct about the economics, but so what? The American people don't understand anything at all about economics. Too funny how you simply walked into that one! :lol:

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You are proving Pastas exact point! Too funny! Pasta is pointing out that that Romney is being smothered in bs, he's isn't making an economic point at all. You are correct about the economics, but so what? The American people don't understand anything at all about economics. Too funny how you simply walked into that one! :lol:

Hence the reason there are any people at all who would still vote for him.

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It's not simply that he's an idiot, it's that he's willing to shamelessly showcase his idiocy with his terrible writing skills and horrific reading comprehension.


And - what you don't know - he's a former poster returned under a new user name. Apparently since, under the old user name, he was beaten to a pulp.

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It's not simply that he's an idiot, it's that he's willing to shamelessly showcase his idiocy with his terrible writing skills and horrific reading comprehension.


What's your take on run ons and comma splices? Amazing you went this long and kept quiet, now you are ready to boil over.


I jest TYTT... I jest...



Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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What's your take on run ons and comma splices? Amazing you went this long and kept quiet, now you are ready to boil over.


I jest TYTT... I jest...




You must be an "ass man". You certainly like having it handed to you on a regular basis.

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Anticipating what? Being a bootlicker.


NEWSFLASH: They are not laughing with you, they are laughing at you. That is, the group you so desparately adore here.


You must be back on the job and able to post again. Make sure you smile when you hand the ticket to the woman in the Chevy in lane 5, Mr. toll collector.

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You must be back on the job and able to post again. Make sure you smile when you hand the ticket to the woman in the Chevy in lane 5, Mr. toll collector.

Lol... That's the best you got? Not working tonight, the lady in lane 5 is gonna be sad.


Got to love them Republican Governors :o

Mitt's father was a Republican gov too! ;-)

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You are down right getting screwy... You hitting the sauce? Can't win the other conservatives hearts over here acting this way.


You asking me if I'm getting screwy is a laugh. This has nothing to do with conservative/liberal issues. It has everything to do with you being a clown.

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The criminal investigations come at a time when the public is still simmering over the dearth of prosecutions of prominent executives involved in the mortgage crisis. The continued trouble in the financial sector, including the multibillion-dollar trading losses at JPMorgan Chase, have only further fueled the anger of consumers and investors.


But the Libor case presents a potential opportunity for prosecutors. Given the scope of the problems and the number of institutions involved, the rate-rigging investigation could provide a signature moment to hold big banks accountable for their activities during the financial crisis.


“It’s hard to imagine a bigger case than Libor,” said one of the government officials involved in the case.



One wonders if this is a reason Mitt boy is raising so much money. If he is elected this case will probably end post haste.


And - what you don't know - he's a former poster returned under a new user name. Apparently since, under the old user name, he was beaten to a pulp.

Oh!!!!!!!!!!! That's what you think happened? Actually I was rubbing your face in my crap and your moderator buddy kicked me out to save you. You need help, I don't. How's my poop taste?

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