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Is Mitt Romney A Dirty Tax Cheat?

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No, I just have a habit of giving individuals the benefit of the doubt, preferring to build my own opinions of them through the experience of personal interaction. See, I like to form my own opionions rather than borrow someone elses.


You, however, have completely wasted my time and have saddly proven to be exactly what everyone said you were. You may just be the dumbest sonofabitch alive.

If that is true... Why have you waited so long to post and finally interact. Who are you?

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Who is "everyone" TakeYouToTasker?


After all these years lurking, you finally chime in and immediately flirt with the TOS. Maybe the board's powers put up with TOm's BS and libel... Now they are putting up with yours?


Who's taking who to task? Who is "everyone?"


I didn't realise there was some sort of rule requiring me to comply with your personal standards of message board interactions and time lines?


Are you talking to me? There is not... But you have been hanging around here for years... And now you start with the personal interaction? I am calling total BS on your act.

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I once got banned on PPP for suppose libel. Why do escape Scott-Free?


I'll assume the awesomely mangled "Why do escape Scott-Free?" refers to me? (And don't forget to blame the iPhone again.)


Uh...because? Actually, I often wonder why I haven't been banned. LA's been banned. Even crayonz has been banned.


He's been lurking here for eternity... I think he can figure that out you pedantic, supercilious anal orifice.


Hell, I'll help him.


TakeYouToTasker: I'm an !@#$. A complete jerk. I'd need a personality transplant to improve to being merely dislikable. I'm also terribly arrogant (but only because I'm so great), impatient with stupid, have forgotten more than you'll even know, and don't really care what you think about it - because I'm better than you, so of COURSE you're going to disagree with me. But that's your problem, not mine. Because I'm better than you. And it's nothing personal...I'm better than everyone.


So...welcome to the anti-DC-Tom club. Meetings are Mondays, talk to Big Cat for the place. New guy brings the donuts.





Again... He has been lurking forever... All of sudden he starts with me? The guy obviously is dumber than you give him credit for.


Hell, I've been here for 15 years, and I STILL argue with you. :wacko:

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God, I hope someone engraves this thread on your tombstone. You should be emburdened with this albatross of a legacy even years from now, when you've departed from your mortal coil.


As for the getting to know people on my own, and treating them with respect, reserving judgement until after I've gotten to see who they are? You'll have to blame my parents for that. They called it "being polite" and "having manners". I'm actually stunned that anyone would criticize it.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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You may just be the dumbest sonofabitch alive.


If you've lurked here for any length of time, you'd know that he's not even in the same league with the likes of Dave_in_Norfolk, conner, or BF in Indiana.


It's a libelous statement, only for diminishing the truly awesome display of stupidity that others have put so much work into.

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I'll assume the awesomely mangled "Why do escape Scott-Free?" refers to me? (And don't forget to blame the iPhone again.)


Uh...because? Actually, I often wonder why I haven't been banned. LA's been banned. Even crayonz has been banned.




Hell, I'll help him.


TakeYouToTasker: I'm an !@#$. A complete jerk. I'd need a personality transplant to improve to being merely dislikable. I'm also terribly arrogant (but only because I'm so great), impatient with stupid, have forgotten more than you'll even know, and don't really care what you think about it - because I'm better than you, so of COURSE you're going to disagree with me. But that's your problem, not mine. Because I'm better than you. And it's nothing personal...I'm better than everyone.


So...welcome to the anti-DC-Tom club. Meetings are Mondays, talk to Big Cat for the place. New guy brings the donuts.







Hell, I've been here for 15 years, and I STILL argue with you. :wacko:


No. I take umbrage to the libel attacks and so should the board's powers.


I have given the board my personal background and TakeYouToTasker, if he has been reading all these years, should give us theirs...


If you've lurked here for any length of time, you'd know that he's not even in the same league with the likes of Dave_in_Norfolk, conner, or BF in Indiana.


It's a libelous statement, only for diminishing the truly awesome display of stupidity that others have put so much work into.

At least you are CYAing now.


I don't mind the good natured banter. But, some of you really have to let it go... Or just start blocking people.

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At least you are CYAing now.


I don't mind the good natured banter. But, some of you really have to let it go... Or just start blocking people.


No I'm not. I'm just being honest. It's insulting to the hard work others put into being dumb to compare them to someone who does it so effortlessly.


You're welcome. Let me know if you need me to defend you any more. :beer:

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No. I take umbrage to the libel attacks and so should the board's powers.


I have given the board my personal background and TakeYouToTasker, if he has been reading all these years, should give us theirs...



At least you are CYAing now.


I don't mind the good natured banter. But, some of you really have to let it go... Or just start blocking people.


I'm not sure where the libel took place. Was it when he called you the dumbest sonofabitch alive? Personally I don't think that could be considered libel. I kid, I kid....we love ya Uncle Eric! :beer:

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Actually, I often wonder why I haven't been banned. LA's been banned.

In fairness, I wasn't banned by the mods over here. Simon banned me a couple of times on OTW because I called someone a nancy and I suspect he thought I meant Pelosi. I remember he aborted a Chef Jim thread because of an absolutely brilliant Pelosi reference. Might be family ties there or something. Or maybe his family comes from a long line of plastic surgeons.


(Oh, relax, Simon. It's a freaking joke.)

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God, I hope someone engraves this thread on your tombstone. You should be emburdened with this albatross of a legacy even years from now, when you've departed from your mortal coil.


As for the getting to know people on my own, and treating them with respect, reserving judgement until after I've gotten to see who they are? You'll have to blame my parents for that. They called it "being polite" and "having manners". I'm actually stunned that anyone would criticize it.


Who are you replying to, me?


Sorry, you strike me as disingenuous. Again... You should already know us! Why the heck don't you?


In fairness, I wasn't banned by the mods over here. Simon banned me a couple of times on OTW because I called someone a nancy and I suspect he thought I meant Pelosi. I remember he aborted a Chef Jim thread because of an absolutely brilliant Pelosi reference. Might be family ties there or something. Or maybe his family comes from a long line of plastic surgeons.


(Oh, relax, Simon. It's a freaking joke.)


I was banned for doing exactly what Tom was doing earlier... Good thing for him, I am not running for prez.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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This is directed at ExiledInIllinois, incase he missed it:


God, I hope someone engraves this thread on your tombstone. You should be emburdened with this albatross of a legacy even years from now, when you've departed from your mortal coil.


As for the getting to know people on my own, and treating them with respect, reserving judgement until after I've gotten to see who they are? You'll have to blame my parents for that. They called it "being polite" and "having manners". I'm actually stunned that anyone would criticize it.


Additionally, who the hell do you think you are to demand that I disclose my personal information on a public internet message board? I don't care what you yourself have done in the past, and despite what you seem to think, being a casual long time lurker does not, nor need it not, include knowing the intimate details of anyone's posting history. Furthermore, anyone who would post identifiable information on a message board is 47 different kinds of stupid that I didn't even know existed.

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I'm not sure where the libel took place. Was it when he called you the dumbest sonofabitch alive? Personally I don't think that could be considered libel. I kid, I kid....we love ya Uncle Eric! :beer:


I guess you don't know the defintion... That is okay.


Name calling isn't the issue.


I am cool with all you guys... Just not when it turns malicious (and again, no, the name calling isn't malicious).


Think about it a little. We can all help or harm our reputation on our own... ;-)


Sometimes... I wonder why the board hasn't stepped in? Maybe some of the other posters have exposed their personal information.

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I guess you don't know the defintion... That is okay.


Name calling isn't the issue.


I am cool with all you guys... Just not when it turns malicious (and again, no, the name calling isn't malicious).


Think about it a little. We can all help or harm our reputation on our own... ;-)


Sometimes... I wonder why the board hasn't stepped in? Maybe some of the other posters have exposed their personal information.

Remember, EII, truth is an affirmative defense to an action of libel.



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No. I take umbrage to the libel attacks and so should the board's powers.


I have given the board my personal background and TakeYouToTasker, if he has been reading all these years, should give us theirs...


At least you are CYAing now.


I don't mind the good natured banter. But, some of you really have to let it go... Or just start blocking people.


Now you've gone and done it. Calling TYTT two-faced? We'll all be waiting to hear from you in about 30 days from now.

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This is directed at ExiledInIllinois, incase he missed it:




Additionally, who the hell do you think you are to demand that I disclose my personal information on a public internet message board? I don't care what you yourself have done in the past, and despite what you seem to think, being a casual long time lurker does not, nor need it not, include knowing the intimate details of anyone's posting history. Furthermore, anyone who would post identifiable information on a message board is 47 different kinds of stupid that I didn't even know existed.


What's up with the English schooling? You Canadian? :-P ;-P


Wow... Must have touched a nerve. Why is this board linked to Facebook then if giving personal information is so bad? I only devulge my name in PM's and never people's names slip in public. I devulged my name one time in a private meessage to a poster and they took it up their own to publish it... So be it, the cat is out of the bag. If you want to be taking seriously... You gotta give up the info... So people can build on it.


Simmer down... You can stay not known... Again, just asking a few questions if you want to answer.


Honestly, your first mistake was to say that you have lurked a long time here... I am just taking you to task.


Remember, EII, truth is an affirmative defense to an action of libel.




No it is not necessary. :nana:


Now you've gone and done it. Calling TYTT two-faced? We'll all be waiting to hear from you in about 30 days from now.


"Should" is the definitive word here.

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No, you're just being obtuse. And like I said, anyone who shares their personal information with strangers on the internet is 47 kinds of stupid I didn't even know existed. Why not just go ahead and post your address, social security number, bank account information, and your credit card number.


I've learned something today, however. Some people just aren't worth being nice to. Thanks for the lesson.

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No, you're just being obtuse. And like I said, anyone who shares their personal information with strangers on the internet is 47 kinds of stupid I didn't even know existed. Why not just go ahead and post your address, social security number, bank account information, and your credit card number.


I've learned something today, however. Some people just aren't worth being nice to. Thanks for the lesson.


I share completely made-up personal information. Basically, not only does no one here no much about me, much of what they think they know is completely false.

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No, you're just being obtuse. And like I said, anyone who shares their personal information with strangers on the internet is 47 kinds of stupid I didn't even know existed. Why not just go ahead and post your address, social security number, bank account information, and your credit card number.


I've learned something today, however. Some people just aren't worth being nice to. Thanks for the lesson.


Come now... We are not strangers... We are all Bills fans... Heck, we may even see each at games, partys and what not. Why is it stupid... Check out the other forums... A lot are friends.


You really are insincere. You have been lurking all these years... Now we are just strangers? What gives?


I share completely made-up personal information. Basically, not only does no one here no much about me, much of what they think they know is completely false.

Okay... You may be the person who can pull this off.


So... No tailgates for you... Even some of the most hardcore PPP fellas make the rounds.

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I share completely made-up personal information. Basically, not only does no one here no much about me, much of what they think they know is completely false.


I know that you don't know everything you think you know.

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