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California Bullet Train

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Miss Hoover: I hear those things are awfully loud...

Lyle Lanley: It glides as softly as a cloud.

Apu: Is there a chance the track could bend?

Lyle Lanley: Not on your life, my Hindu friend.

Barney: What about us brain-dead slobs?

Lyle Lanley: You'll be given cushy jobs.



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Miss Hoover: I hear those things are awfully loud...

Lyle Lanley: It glides as softly as a cloud.

Apu: Is there a chance the track could bend?

Lyle Lanley: Not on your life, my Hindu friend.

Barney: What about us brain-dead slobs?

Lyle Lanley: You'll be given cushy jobs.




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It's hardly worth my time. Same stupid people having the same stupid arguments.


Obviously, my "free for all" moderating style has kept the inmates from tattling on each other. :lol:



Tattling is a no, no. Let the **** fall where it should. There has been a little too much crusading in the last month or so.

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It's estimated to be a $70 billion dollar project when completed. And California has the money, so why not? The funny thing is that CA agreed to spend about 3B because the Fed Govt agreed to spend about that much if CA committed. Blind leading the stupid.

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It's estimated to be a $70 billion dollar project when completed. And California has the money, so why not? The funny thing is that CA agreed to spend about 3B because the Fed Govt agreed to spend about that much if CA committed. Blind leading the stupid.


When was the last time a government project came in on budget?


Oh, that's right.. NEVER!!!! I'm willing to bet on record it hits at least 200 billion before it's finished...

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When was the last time a government project came in on budget?


Oh, that's right.. NEVER!!!! I'm willing to bet on record it hits at least 200 billion before it's finished...


Well, California has the money. Jerry F'n Brown. You gotta be kidding me.

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Unbelievably stupid project in an unbelievably stupid state.

Almost as stupid as a state that spends 400 million to build a bridge to 45 people oh and a road to the bridge for another 25mil- almost as stupid as a state where they can't get their fuel in before the ice closes them off and has to beg for a coast guard ice breaker from Seattle and a Russian fuel tanker on the Federal dime because they're to cheap to fly the fuel in- of course we know Alaskans are smart because in 2011 they registered 32 patents while all California registered was 30750 patents, of course California has a much larger population so when you account for population differences Californians only produce 18x the patents per person as Alaskans- Alaskans = dumb dirty hippies without the peace love and understanding but with massive unearned egos.

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Almost as stupid as a state that spends 400 million to build a bridge to 45 people oh and a road to the bridge for another 25mil- almost as stupid as a state where they can't get their fuel in before the ice closes them off and has to beg for a coast guard ice breaker from Seattle and a Russian fuel tanker on the Federal dime because they're to cheap to fly the fuel in- of course we know Alaskans are smart because in 2011 they registered 32 patents while all California registered was 30750 patents, of course California has a much larger population so when you account for population differences Californians only produce 18x the patents per person as Alaskans- Alaskans = dumb dirty hippies without the peace love and understanding but with massive unearned egos.


Are you "Dumb" or "Dumber"? I'm not an Alaskan, but I'm looking forward to the beatdown. Gotta go. Get that popcorn before everyone else gets ready.

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It's estimated to be a $70 billion dollar project when completed. And California has the money, so why not? The funny thing is that CA agreed to spend about 3B because the Fed Govt agreed to spend about that much if CA committed. Blind leading the stupid.

This is yet another thing that Walker did right in Wisconsin. One of the first things he did in office was to veto the train from Milwaukee to Madison. Lots of people on the left cried about it, saying "But the Federal government will give us money to build the train so we HAVE to do it!" He kept saying that it wasn't a good use of tax dollars at this time, and that once the federal money dried up, Wisconsin would have to pay the operating costs and we just couldn't afford it. Good move, IMHO, and something California should've said as well.

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He kept saying that it wasn't a good use of tax dollars at this time, and that once the federal money dried up, Wisconsin would have to pay the operating costs and we just couldn't afford it.


I wish they would have took that approach with the wars. Every side loves their "shiny objects."

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