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Has the left lane become the new right?


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Don't forget the merge lanes for oncoming and exiting traffic that are one in the same... very dangerous designs that plague HR.

Ugh, I remember when I moved here I had a serious WTF? moment. But that's not the fault of bad drivers. It was poor civil engineering that has never been remedied

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The thing that gets me is when people slam on their brakes when they see a cop on the other side if the highway going in the opposite direction. Forget, the median or barrier or the fact that they're going 65+ in the opposite direction or am already have someone pulled over.

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Ugh, I remember when I moved here I had a serious WTF? moment. But that's not the fault of bad drivers. It was poor civil engineering that has never been remedied


I thought when I moved to Baltimore they would not be here, but I was wrong- 295 has some on them, and during rush hour they are dangerous.

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The thing that gets me is when people slam on their brakes when they see a cop on the other side if the highway going in the opposite direction. Forget, the median or barrier or the fact that they're going 65+ in the opposite direction or am already have someone pulled over.



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The thing that gets me is when people slam on their brakes when they see a cop on the other side if the highway going in the opposite direction. Forget, the median or barrier or the fact that they're going 65+ in the opposite direction or am already have someone pulled over.


Oh yes, this! Even if they are on the side of the road shooting radar, if you can see them, it's already too late. Just keep on going. Jumping on the breaks just causes more problems.

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Oh yes, this! Even if they are on the side of the road shooting radar, if you can see them, it's already too late. Just keep on going. Jumping on the breaks just causes more problems.


I used to agree with you until once I got pulled over and the cop said, "If you had tapped the brakes, I would've known that you saw me and would be travelling slower from that point on." He then said something along the lines of noticing him (the cop) meant I was at least an attentive driver and not just speeding carelessly.


Of course that could've just been that guy- I slowed way down after I was sure I was tagged by radar a few weeks ago and thought it the cop might've realized I was only speeding to pass a guy right after a one lane highway became two lanes, and downhill to boot. So I tried to be polite and explain the situation without incriminating myself, but I was basically entrapped into admitting I was speeding (by not denying it- what's the point, he had me on radar anyway?) which the cop then included on the ticket as some sort of supporting deposition.


There is one definite plus to braking even if you think you've been caught- you alert the drivers behind you that there is a "hazard."


I'm surprised no one used a term I learned from my Grampa to describe these schmucks the OP is talking about: "left lane bandits." Then again, I have no idea if that's common or a term he coined himself. But it sure rubbed off on his sons and then on to the next generation including me.

Edited by uncle flap
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I usually move over if I see a car driving faster than me in my rear view mirror. But if a person drives aggressively towards me and is being a general ahole like flipping me off, I become an ahole to them and wont move over.


Recently I had this one ahole come up on my bumper from out of no where and was flipping me the bird, and I do mean he was like two feet off my bumper, so I brake checked him. I was especially annoyed because a big truck was in the lane beside me so I could not move over if I wanted too. What did he expect me to do with a truck in the lane beside me?


So this tool slows down then moves over two lanes and roars past me and the truck and gets in front of me and proceeds to slow down to 65 MPH. I was traveling 75 MPH when this guy came up on my bumper when he wanted me to move over. He sits in that lane doing 65 MPH for about a mile to make a point and then flips me the bird. So I finally get past the truck on my right and move over a lane to pass this guy on the right. He speeds up to stay in front of me in the left lane. So I move back into the left lane. He slows back down to 65 MPH to block me and flips me the bird. I move the right lane and he speeds up again. I move back to left and he slows down. We do this dance 3 more times. At this point I'm just laughing at this tool who is getting so worked up about this left lane thing. He takes off up to 85 MPH and flips me the bird. So for yuks I started chasing him matching whatever speed he went up to.

Unfortunately we came up to my exit and I had to stop chasing the guy which I was doing because I was so amused by his road rage.


There ought to be a law where you can shoot out the tires of road rage people.

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I usually move over if I see a car driving faster than me in my rear view mirror. But if a person drives aggressively towards me and is being a general ahole like flipping me off, I become an ahole to them and wont move over.


Recently I had this one ahole come up on my bumper from out of no where and was flipping me the bird, and I do mean he was like two feet off my bumper, so I brake checked him. I was especially annoyed because a big truck was in the lane beside me so I could not move over if I wanted too. What did he expect me to do with a truck in the lane beside me?


So this tool slows down then moves over two lanes and roars past me and the truck and gets in front of me and proceeds to slow down to 65 MPH. I was traveling 75 MPH when this guy came up on my bumper when he wanted me to move over. He sits in that lane doing 65 MPH for about a mile to make a point and then flips me the bird. So I finally get past the truck on my right and move over a lane to pass this guy on the right. He speeds up to stay in front of me in the left lane. So I move back into the left lane. He slows back down to 65 MPH to block me and flips me the bird. I move the right lane and he speeds up again. I move back to left and he slows down. We do this dance 3 more times. At this point I'm just laughing at this tool who is getting so worked up about this left lane thing. He takes off up to 85 MPH and flips me the bird. So for yuks I started chasing him matching whatever speed he went up to.

Unfortunately we came up to my exit and I had to stop chasing the guy which I was doing because I was so amused by his road rage.


There ought to be a law where you can shoot out the tires of road rage people.


He probably expected you to pass the truck, since you were in the passing lane. Not commenting on the rest of the douchebaggery that played out. But if you are in the left lane, and not passing the vehicle to your right, you shouldnt be in that lane.

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He probably expected you to pass the truck, since you were in the passing lane. Not commenting on the rest of the douchebaggery that played out. But if you are in the left lane, and not passing the vehicle to your right, you shouldnt be in that lane.


Like I said he came up on my bumper going like 100 MPH, flipped me the bird and was sitting two feet off my bumper. I don't move over for douche bags who drive like that. If he didn't flip me off and sit two feet off my bumper I would have gladly moved over after passing the truck.

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Like I said he came up on my bumper going like 100 MPH, flipped me the bird and was sitting two feet off my bumper. I don't move over for douche bags who drive like that. If he didn't flip me off and sit two feet off my bumper I would have gladly moved over after passing the truck.


ok :rolleyes:

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He probably expected you to pass the truck, since you were in the passing lane. Not commenting on the rest of the douchebaggery that played out. But if you are in the left lane, and not passing the vehicle to your right, you shouldnt be in that lane.

Not to be a jerk, but I agree.


The speed limit idea is that is the max speed you can travel safely and legally. In converse to fast speeds I will take my old truck out and drive 55 on I-85. I never get past the middle lane and watch my mirrors like crazy. If I have a bunch of trucks in the right lane I move to the middle if there is an open highway.


Like I said he came up on my bumper going like 100 MPH, flipped me the bird and was sitting two feet off my bumper. I don't move over for douche bags who drive like that. If he didn't flip me off and sit two feet off my bumper I would have gladly moved over after passing the truck.

That's nothing. I was out in San Diego recently and had an emergency with Bessie. I had a rental car that drove like crap. I was in a hurry to the airport to make a flight and tried to get around some jerk in the fast lane driving next to a truck. I finally get past him after he slowed me down for 10 minutes making me miss my flight. I was in tears but he couldn't see them just laughing at me. I got so mad I slowed down to give him the finger. I tried to get around him but the car wouldn't accelerate...then finally got to a point where I could drive. The jerk followed me! After getting next to me 3 times just to laugh at me- what a jerk, how could he? Eventually he got off on his exit I guess... man I was happy!

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Not to be a jerk, but I agree.


The speed limit idea is that is the max speed you can travel safely and legally. In converse to fast speeds I will take my old truck out and drive 55 on I-85. I never get past the middle lane and watch my mirrors like crazy. If I have a bunch of trucks in the right lane I move to the middle if there is an open highway.



That's nothing. I was out in San Diego recently and had an emergency with Bessie. I had a rental car that drove like crap. I was in a hurry to the airport to make a flight and tried to get around some jerk in the fast lane driving next to a truck. I finally get past him after he slowed me down for 10 minutes making me miss my flight. I was in tears but he couldn't see them just laughing at me. I got so mad I slowed down to give him the finger. I tried to get around him but the car wouldn't accelerate...then finally got to a point where I could drive. The jerk followed me! After getting next to me 3 times just to laugh at me- what a jerk, how could he? Eventually he got off on his exit I guess... man I was happy!


Yes it is bothersome when someone just sits in the left lane and blocks it. I drive very courteous all of the time and move over, I ignore jerks most of time. This guy was just over the top with his road rage it was amusing.

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Yes it is bothersome when someone just sits in the left lane and blocks it. I drive very courteous all of the time and move over, I ignore jerks most of time. This guy was just over the top with his road rage it was amusing.


"I drive very courteous all of the time, except for when I dont feel like it". Not cool. It's not a game, it's not a competition. Faster cars to the left, slower cars to the right. Rules are very simple. If you are not passing the car to your right, then get over asap. It's drivers like you that think they can determine when the rules should and shouldnt apply, and who they should and shouldnt apply to, that are causing problems.


If you hate dealing with jerks so much then move over and let him by and that is the end of your interaction. You obviously DONT ignore them, you played his game right along with him.


Sorry, cant agree at all with your actions.

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"I drive very courteous all of the time, except for when I dont feel like it". Not cool. It's not a game, it's not a competition. Faster cars to the left, slower cars to the right. Rules are very simple. If you are not passing the car to your right, then get over asap. It's drivers like you that think they can determine when the rules should and shouldnt apply, and who they should and shouldnt apply to, that are causing problems.


If you hate dealing with jerks so much then move over and let him by and that is the end of your interaction. You obviously DONT ignore them, you played his game right along with him.


Sorry, cant agree at all with your actions.


Well it must be nice to be a saint. Your telling me that if a rude driver comes roaring up behind you over 100MPH flipping you the bird sitting two feet off your bumper because you cant move over that exact second you would have no reaction? If he wasn't so rude about it and exhibiting extreme road rage to the nth degree I would have gladly moved over. I didn't react with anger but amusement at his anger. I was traveling 75MPH in a 65 MPH zone so I wasn't exactly being a slowpoke. He was traveling well over 100MPH when he jammed up my bumper that's why i didn't see him approaching. He was driving in a dangerous and discourteous way so I don't think the normal courtesy rules apply to that jerk. Sorry I can't agree with your opinion.

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Well it must be nice to be a saint. Your telling me that if a rude driver comes roaring up behind you over 100MPH flipping you the bird sitting two feet off your bumper because you cant move over that exact second you would have no reaction? If he wasn't so rude about it and exhibiting extreme road rage to the nth degree I would have gladly moved over. I didn't react with anger but amusement at his anger. I was traveling 75MPH in a 65 MPH zone so I wasn't exactly being a slowpoke. He was traveling well over 100MPH when he jammed up my bumper that's why i didn't see him approaching. He was driving in a dangerous and discourteous way so I don't think the normal courtesy rules apply to that jerk. Sorry I can't agree with your opinion.


I move over asap, and have as little interaction with them as I can. If they are driving that crazy, I want to get away from them, or allow them to get away from me.


Happens all the time here in Atlanta, and maybe that's the difference. I'm used to it and learned a long time ago (after coming home too many times frustrated with road rage) that it's not worth reacting in any way other than to get out of the way. The general rule I follow is "I wont get in your way, you dont get in mine". You gotta learn to let stuff go, my man.


I dont care how fast you were going, and how he was driving. If you are in the passing lane and not passing the vehicle to your right, you need to get out of that lane. If you are in the passing lane, and someone is behind you that wants to go faster, move over asap and let them pass. Pretty simple. Take the emotion out of it.


It gets even worse when you take it upon yourself to deem another driver "undeserving" of the usual rules.

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I move over asap, and have as little interaction with them as I can. If they are driving that crazy, I want to get away from them, or allow them to get away from me.


Happens all the time here in Atlanta, and maybe that's the difference. I'm used to it and learned a long time ago (after coming home too many times frustrated with road rage) that it's not worth reacting in any way other than to get out of the way. The general rule I follow is "I wont get in your way, you dont get in mine". You gotta learn to let stuff go, my man.


I dont care how fast you were going, and how he was driving. If you are in the passing lane and not passing the vehicle to your right, you need to get out of that lane. If you are in the passing lane, and someone is behind you that wants to go faster, move over asap and let them pass. Pretty simple. Take the emotion out of it.


It gets even worse when you take it upon yourself to deem another driver "undeserving" of the usual rules.


Well Dr. we will have to agree to disagree. I gave up road rage a long time ago. But I can tell that you havn't because you just won't let this topic go. You keep trying to educate me as to your idea of how the world should work. Sorry dude you drive your way and I'll drive my way when confronted by hyper aggressive road rage drivers.

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I used to agree with you until once I got pulled over and the cop said, "If you had tapped the brakes, I would've known that you saw me and would be travelling slower from that point on." He then said something along the lines of noticing him (the cop) meant I was at least an attentive driver and not just speeding carelessly.


Of course that could've just been that guy- I slowed way down after I was sure I was tagged by radar a few weeks ago and thought it the cop might've realized I was only speeding to pass a guy right after a one lane highway became two lanes, and downhill to boot. So I tried to be polite and explain the situation without incriminating myself, but I was basically entrapped into admitting I was speeding (by not denying it- what's the point, he had me on radar anyway?) which the cop then included on the ticket as some sort of supporting deposition.


There is one definite plus to braking even if you think you've been caught- you alert the drivers behind you that there is a "hazard."


I'm surprised no one used a term I learned from my Grampa to describe these schmucks the OP is talking about: "left lane bandits." Then again, I have no idea if that's common or a term he coined himself. But it sure rubbed off on his sons and then on to the next generation including me.




Off topic... Just take the ticket and do NOT make yourself remembered by the officer. Go to court and fight it at a mini-trial... If you do it right, you will win almost all the time. The key is to make him forget everything about you. Try to get a continuance if it is allowed. When it is time to cross-examine the officer (if he shows)... Do it right. I got a ticket a bunch of years ago and just laid down. Last year, I got another one and decide to fight... Man did I win! I think the judge was a little impressed because in the end I got the cop to incriminate himself and misstep badly. The judge immediately threw it out. Cross examine the state's evidence in question form... Building on the cops incredibility in remembering the incident. Ask what color car you had. Ask if anybody else was in the vehicle. Then state your argument. Mine was that he supposedly got me going the other way in traffic with radar... Ask what was the traffic like. Of course your remember everything. How many tickets do they write a month? Could he have got the wrong vehicle? Doing this, you realize how flimsy the case is against you. If it is your word against the cop... You will lose. You gotta while first at the scene make yourself the invisible ticket... Then start building your case the minute your pull away. It really does work, they totally remember sh*t! It was almost laughable.

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Off topic... Just take the ticket and do NOT make yourself remembered by the officer. Go to court and fight it at a mini-trial... If you do it right, you will win almost all the time. The key is to make him forget everything about you. Try to get a continuance if it is allowed. When it is time to cross-examine the officer (if he shows)... Do it right. I got a ticket a bunch of years ago and just laid down. Last year, I got another one and decide to fight... Man did I win! I think the judge was a little impressed because in the end I got the cop to incriminate himself and misstep badly. The judge immediately threw it out. Cross examine the state's evidence in question form... Building on the cops incredibility in remembering the incident. Ask what color car you had. Ask if anybody else was in the vehicle. Then state your argument. Mine was that he supposedly got me going the other way in traffic with radar... Ask what was the traffic like. Of course your remember everything. How many tickets do they write a month? Could he have got the wrong vehicle? Doing this, you realize how flimsy the case is against you. If it is your word against the cop... You will lose. You gotta while first at the scene make yourself the invisible ticket... Then start building your case the minute your pull away. It really does work, they totally remember sh*t! It was almost laughable.


A lot of it depends on the judge's mood, though (helps if you're seen early...if you get a late time, near lunch, when the judge is hungry and needs a break and is cranky, you're pretty much screwed). I easily beat a 55 in a 35 once, on the grounds that 1) I wasn't going 55, I was going 40, and 2) the officer claimed to clock me at 55...visually...from a mile away...in the rain...at ten at night. :lol:


Even better, though...talk your way out of it. First, pull over when you KNOW he's got you, don't make him chase you. Second, be polite. He's just doing his job, don't make it harder on him. Get on his good side. Third, don't make excuses. Cop to it, and don't bother defending yourself. "I'm sorry officer. I didn't realize I was going that fast. My attention just wandered." Make his life easy, and odds decent he'll give you a break. Probably more than half the time, I've gotten off with a warning doing just that. I've done it well enough that once I actually had an officer not only let me off with a warning, but as a friendly gesture told me where the other speed traps were down the road ("There's three more from here to Selingsgrove, but then you're clear all the way to Harrisburg.")


Or, if you want, root around under your seat, then hide your hands under your jacket before he comes to your window. They like that, too.


And if the officer's obviously lying (e.g. if he claims to have clocked you doing 20 over in the rain in the dark from a mile away), don't even bother arguing. If he's lying, he's already decided you're getting a ticket. Don't waste your time, just take the ticket and take it to court.

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A lot of it depends on the judge's mood, though (helps if you're seen early...if you get a late time, near lunch, when the judge is hungry and needs a break and is cranky, you're pretty much screwed). I easily beat a 55 in a 35 once, on the grounds that 1) I wasn't going 55, I was going 40, and 2) the officer claimed to clock me at 55...visually...from a mile away...in the rain...at ten at night. :lol:


Even better, though...talk your way out of it. First, pull over when you KNOW he's got you, don't make him chase you. Second, be polite. He's just doing his job, don't make it harder on him. Get on his good side. Third, don't make excuses. Cop to it, and don't bother defending yourself. "I'm sorry officer. I didn't realize I was going that fast. My attention just wandered." Make his life easy, and odds decent he'll give you a break. Probably more than half the time, I've gotten off with a warning doing just that. I've done it well enough that once I actually had an officer not only let me off with a warning, but as a friendly gesture told me where the other speed traps were down the road ("There's three more from here to Selingsgrove, but then you're clear all the way to Harrisburg.")


Or, if you want, root around under your seat, then hide your hands under your jacket before he comes to your window. They like that, too.


And if the officer's obviously lying (e.g. if he claims to have clocked you doing 20 over in the rain in the dark from a mile away), don't even bother arguing. If he's lying, he's already decided you're getting a ticket. Don't waste your time, just take the ticket and take it to court.


Doesn't copping to it basically ruin your chances in court?

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