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What gets me is so many gay people want to be treated just like everyone else, because they're no different than anyone else. But, then they're the first ones to announce publicly how different they are by "coming out" or marching down the street in some flamboyant gay pride parade. It just seems contradictory.



So you equate celebrating your national heritage to celebrating your sexual orientation?

In response to Dan's statement, yes.


You really like the gay thing, eh?

I prefer John Carpenter's version. "The Gay Thing" was just a schlocky rip off.

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In response to Dan's statement, yes.


So your post regarding Dygus Day was to demonstrate that Polish people don't want to be different but because they have a parade every year they're pointing out that they in fact are. :blink:

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In response to Dan's statement, yes.

perhaps replace "heritage" and "sexuality" with "cultural differences" and it all kind of makes sense.


Wanting the same rights and to be treated fairly/equally doesnt really equate to being the same as everybody.

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So your post regarding Dygus Day was to demonstrate that Polish people don't want to be different but because they have a parade every year they're pointing out that they in fact are. :blink:


It's exactly the same logic Dan is betwixed over in his post. But it's okay for poles because ... they're poles? There's no difference between a gay pride parade (which happens once a year) and Dyngus Day. There's no difference. Both events even have weird fetishes (guys in drag in one, dudes whipping chicks with kitty willows in the other).


Both are just people celebrating who they are.


perhaps replace "heritage" and "sexuality" with "cultural differences" and it all kind of makes sense.


Wanting the same rights and to be treated fairly/equally doesnt really equate to being the same as everybody.

Neither the people in Dyngus Day or Gay Pride Parades are celebrating being the same as everyone else. They're both celebrating being different.


For a day.

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Straight people arent PHYSICALLY assaulted and killed on a regular basis. Im not talking about some verbal abuse or stupid protesters. Im talking about being chained to the back of a pickup for a good ol fashioned Fag Drag. The comparison is not even close. Gay people are subject to physical assaults on a REGUGALR basis.


And it happens from Wyoming to Buffalo, NY and everywhere in between.

On the average, more than three women are killed every day by their intimate partner. More than three. Every day.


Millions more are beaten to within an inch of their lives every single year.


Think first, then type.

Edited by LABillzFan
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On the average, more than three women are killed every day by their intimate partner. More than three. Every day.


Millions more are beaten to within an inch of their lives every single year.


Think first, then type.

How is this point related to what DrD was saying? You're making a false connection.

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How is this point related to what DrD was saying? You're making a false connection.

He was just pointing out another group of people that need to shut the hell up.

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How is this point related to what DrD was saying? You're making a false connection.

He argued that gay pride is important and justified because "Straight people arent [sic] PHYSICALLY assaulted and killed on a regular basis."


Let's count the number of homosexuals subjected daily to "a good ol fashioned Fag Drag" because they're gay to the number of women beaten and murdered by their husband or boyfriend every day because they're women.


There may well be reasons for gay pride, but his argument is not one of them.



He was just pointing out another group of people that need to shut the hell up.

I've actually dedicated a large chunk of my personal life to raising awareness and funds for the issue of battered women. But your comment still was a little funny.
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as horrible an issue as it is, i also found that comment very funny....but to your point, these women you cite (probably) aren't being beaten because they are straight, they are being beaten because to many sick men, women are mere 2nd class citizens, much like african-americans, and gays are/have been. Women have long fought and continue to be treated like their male counterparts, much like minorities and gay people continue to do today...

Keep fighting for battered women! :thumbsup: its a noble cause!


He argued that gay pride is important and justified because "Straight people arent [sic] PHYSICALLY assaulted and killed on a regular basis."


Let's count the number of homosexuals subjected daily to "a good ol fashioned Fag Drag" because they're gay to the number of women beaten and murdered by their husband or boyfriend every day because they're women.


There may well be reasons for gay pride, but his argument is not one of them.


I've actually dedicated a large chunk of my personal life to raising awareness and funds for the issue of battered women. But your comment still was a little funny.

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It's exactly the same logic Dan is betwixed over in his post. But it's okay for poles because ... they're poles? There's no difference between a gay pride parade (which happens once a year) and Dyngus Day. There's no difference. Both events even have weird fetishes (guys in drag in one, dudes whipping chicks with kitty willows in the other).


Both are just people celebrating who they are.



Neither the people in Dyngus Day or Gay Pride Parades are celebrating being the same as everyone else. They're both celebrating being different.


For a day.

Oh man you are deep into this queer/fag/gay/homosexual/lesbian thing. But cannot you admit in the NATURAL scheme of nature, sex is for reproduction and same sex "love" is a dead end in evolution? In other words, pushed out of the gene pool?

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He argued that gay pride is important and justified because "Straight people arent [sic] PHYSICALLY assaulted and killed on a regular basis."


Let's count the number of homosexuals subjected daily to "a good ol fashioned Fag Drag" because they're gay to the number of women beaten and murdered by their husband or boyfriend every day because they're women.


There may well be reasons for gay pride, but his argument is not one of them.


I've actually dedicated a large chunk of my personal life to raising awareness and funds for the issue of battered women. But your comment still was a little funny.

Exactly what Pooj said ...


I don't doubt your sincerity nor begrudge your noble efforts helping battered women. It's wonderful work and you should be proud. But it's not at all what DrD was talking about. There's no correlation between the two other than the act of violence itself.


Oh man you are deep into this queer/fag/gay/homosexual/lesbian thing. But cannot you admit in the NATURAL scheme of nature, sex is for reproduction and same sex "love" is a dead end in evolution? In other words, pushed out of the gene pool?

It's such a dead end in evolution that it's continued to exist throughout humanity's entire existence as well as being prevalent in a multitude of other species found in our world.


You're right! You're a genius! How has no one come to that conclusion before???

Edited by tgreg99
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On the average, more than three women are killed every day by their intimate partner. More than three. Every day.


Millions more are beaten to within an inch of their lives every single year.


Think first, then type.


They arent attacked for being "straight". No one is calling them a "stupid hetero" and then beating them. I did not mean to imply that no straight people are ever attacked. Simply that no one is attacking straight people for being straight. Shame on me for assuming that should have been an obvious part of my point.


Yes, people are beaten because they are female. Or black. Or gay. But no one is going around looking for those "Dang Straights".

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that's fine if you feel as though it is 'dead end' in your words, but do you hate/dislike them because they chose to let their natural lineage ends with them? Gay couples are able to build a family through adoption or scientific methods. 'Lord' knows there are plenty of children with no homes out there, so for the time being there is no shortage of a next generation


Oh man you are deep into this queer/fag/gay/homosexual/lesbian thing. But cannot you admit in the NATURAL scheme of nature, sex is for reproduction and same sex "love" is a dead end in evolution? In other words, pushed out of the gene pool?

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as horrible an issue as it is, i also found that comment very funny....but to your point, these women you cite (probably) aren't being beaten because they are straight, they are being beaten because to many sick men, women are mere 2nd class citizens, much like african-americans, and gays are/have been. Women have long fought and continue to be treated like their male counterparts, much like minorities and gay people continue to do today...

Keep fighting for battered women! :thumbsup: its a noble cause!


At least ONE person got it, thank you.


And LA, I commend you for your work as well.

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I've actually dedicated a large chunk of my personal life to raising awareness and funds for the issue of battered women. But your comment still was a little funny.

:lol: I know you have, and you know I'm just funnin'. Fight the good fight, LA.

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