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The Value of Racial Hyper-Sensitivity

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In regard to Meathead's post, I think if he were able to make it more obvious that he was joking (i.e. erring on the side of non-racism), we wouldn't have seen such a reaction.


I don't believe for a second that any of the people who jumped into hysteria over Meathead's comment didn't know exactly what he was referring too. This is a pro football fan board, not a sewing circle, so everyone understood the context because everyone remembers the brewhaha over Rush Limbaugh's comments on McNabb. Thus, I find the reactions to be completely disingenuous.

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I don't believe for a second that any of the people who jumped into hysteria over Meathead's comment didn't know exactly what he was referring too. This is a pro football fan board, not a sewing circle, so everyone understood the context because everyone remembers the brewhaha over Rush Limbaugh's comments on McNabb. Thus, I find the reactions to be completely disingenuous.

Thats the way these things go. Faux outrage over the initial comment followed by a stampede of highly conditioned and usually spineless white guys who can't denounce the offender quickly enough for fear of being labeled a racist themselves.

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When you have to explain the joke, it's not funny and doesn't work.


Michael Richards had to explain his joke when he shouted "!@#$" over and over too--once you're on that road, you've failed. I don't think Richards is/was a racist, but what he did was stupid and failed to entertain.


Meathead's offhand remark failed. He's probably not a racist but once he started shouting at the pitchfork-bearers instead of making fun of them, he lost.

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Actually it would be pretty cool to have a Mormon president... We could all learn about the religion. Maybe in 2016 a DC-8 could deliver us a Sicentologist prez!


Quite the trifecta... AA Prez, Mormon, and then Scientologist.



I am not too political but I think it is ridiculous how the libs like you just skip right over Obama with your criticism. AA, then Mormon the Scientologist. Aren't you forgetting somebody? I get it with Bush the AA, Romney the Mormon and then I suppose Travolta or whatever but why not at least TRY to make fun of Obama a little? First commie president maybe something like that? He is also the first black president and that's unfair to criticize but it didn't stop you from attacking Romney's religion or Bush's "AA" alcoholism. Geez dude at least try not to be so thin skinned and at least try to make a joke about a dem.

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I don't think that we're in a racially sensitive society (non-political).


Watch an episode of Dave Chappelle or Steven Colbert. If anything, I think we're at the point when racial differences are celebrated and uniquenesses can be toyed with a bit.



I don't know if that goes over too well in the 70s and 80s.


I was watching a talk show recently and the host (white) made a play on a black celebrity's cultural affinity for collard greens and fried chicken. The host went further to joke about why they shouldn't understand the affinity but somehow they do.


Just my two cents...

Edited by Juror#8
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When you have to explain the joke, it's not funny and doesn't work.


Michael Richards had to explain his joke when he shouted "!@#$" over and over too--once you're on that road, you've failed. I don't think Richards is/was a racist, but what he did was stupid and failed to entertain.


Meathead's offhand remark failed. He's probably not a racist but once he started shouting at the pitchfork-bearers instead of making fun of them, he lost.

Thats simply false. I'm still waiting for half of the board to forgive me for suggesting that signing Mario Williams was a PR move similar to the T.O. acquisition. No amount of explanation will fix that type of obliviousness. If we only allowed humor suitable for the lowest common denominator then the world would be a pretty sorry place.


Its half true in meathead's case, however, as the joke was poorly worded and wasn't as obvious a Limbaugh reference as it should have been for full effect, but most people couldn't deliver a joke properly if their life depended on it. Had meathead finished the joke with something to the effect of "Now where's my Oxycontin?" it would have been a much better attempt. Meathead took a known chance, so I can't say that I feel sorry for the guy, but I don't think he's a bigot.


The Richards case sounded to me like a man who really wanted offend his hecklers and any humor was purely coincidental. Now that doesn't make him some type of hate filled bigot either, but it wasn't exactly the shrewdest career move.


Poorly crafted joke aside, meathead's defenders raised a few interesting points. The board is littered with jokes very similar to meathead's directed at Asian cultures, homosexuals and white-hispanics which never attract even the slightest bit of criticism. In the workplace I've heard the same awful line about "flied lice" nearly every time someone orders Chinese takeout, and it never becomes an issue. If someone told the equivalent joke about KFC, and performed a different stereotypical impression there were would be gasps of horror and the man with the witty "flied lice" joke would be outraged.

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When you have to explain the joke, it's not funny and doesn't work.


Michael Richards had to explain his joke when he shouted "!@#$" over and over too--once you're on that road, you've failed. I don't think Richards is/was a racist, but what he did was stupid and failed to entertain.


Meathead's offhand remark failed. He's probably not a racist but once he started shouting at the pitchfork-bearers instead of making fun of them, he lost.


But Meathead's joke (or comment, or sarcastic reference or whatever label you want to put on it) didn't need to be explained --- everyone understood it yet some chose to play the 'outrage' card anyway. Conversely, I never heard any explanation for Michael Richards screaming "!@#$" other than he was pissed at a heckler who happened to be black.


I'll grant you Meathead would have been better off to keep silent or mock the outrage gang rather than get defensive about it, but even that offered some comic value. And given his comment has now spawned a full discussion here of the related issues, I'd say his offhand remark was anything but a failure.

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Fu*k all ya'll honkey crackers!





I gave up giving a flying !@#$ about all this when I got a good look inside a minority community and found out they are as prejudiced and biased and as capable of bigotry just as much as the "majority" is. It was actually refreshing to be reminded that people are people.

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ive been doing this so long that i generally let people process things for a few days before commenting. they learn more that way, they retain it better, and i have to teach less




In regard to Meathead's post, I think if he were able to make it more obvious that he was joking (i.e. erring on the side of non-racism), we wouldn't have seen such a reaction.



all anyone needed was right there in the one comment. i make statements like that to give people a chance to respond so they can see their bias in their own words. they need to hang themselves a little so you get enough of their own material to show them where they are wrong


in this case, it was such an easy comment to decipher that i was a little surprised how aggressively the few attackers came out, though perhaps i shouldnt be. even if youre not familiar with the rush controversy, which would make it super obvious, its pretty easy to discern that it was a mild joke based on decades of bias against black qbs. only the most blind of race issue bats wouldnt have seen that, which unfortunately still includes a disappointingly large number of people




Meathead's offhand remark failed. He's probably not a racist but once he started shouting at the pitchfork-bearers instead of making fun of them, he lost.



totally disagree


like i said, ive been doing this a long time and ive found that people dont respond to this topic in a normal rational way. theres like an extra several layers of hysteria that gets piled on top and they simply wont respond to most usual dialog. its like a hard shell of hysterical protection and intransigent resistance. this is especially true of the attackers, so you have no choice but to hit them between the eyes because any other approach simply doesnt work


note that once i did that there was no response. thats because there was no winning response left, i hit them hard and with pure unassailable logic. believe me, if you leave an opening they will try to rush through it, but they couldnt, there is nothing left to debate. if you just kitty foot around then they will keep coming back at you again and again. you have to sort of knock them on their ass and then let them go lick their wounds in order to have any chance to break that shell


on that topic im not here to be popular, make friends, or make people feel comfy. im here to knock those barriers down, and in decades of doing this work ive found the fastest way to do that is to hit hard and bluntly


Cartman was right, black people can do no wrong.

didnt peter griffen say that in a recent family guy too? i could be remembering that wrong but i think he did

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