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The Value of Racial Hyper-Sensitivity

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Just what the !@#$ is your problem with Mormons? Got a problem with any other religious group? There are lots to choose from. Or is it only because Romney's got a good shot of becoming your President? Something about them makes your skin crawl in a weird way. Most of them that I ever met with pretty decent people.


Actually it would be pretty cool to have a Mormon president... We could all learn about the religion. Maybe in 2016 a DC-8 could deliver us a Sicentologist prez!


Quite the trifecta... AA Prez, Mormon, and then Scientologist.


Like Chris Rock joked... We go from a AA prez to a Mormon prez... Didn't the Mormons believe black people were the devil until 1978? Why not complete the wackiness and throw the alien twist into the mix for 2016.


Come on... If any liberal was a Mormon running for Prez... All you guys would be ripping his religion too... Just like the cons ripped Obama's brand of Christianity in 2008... Heck... Some even called him a Muslim and ripped him for that.


Turn around is fair play knowing how Americans have dealt with Mormonism through our history!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Just what the !@#$ is your problem with Mormons? Got a problem with any other religious group? There are lots to choose from. Or is it only because Romney's got a good shot of becoming your President? Something about them makes your skin crawl in a weird way. Most of them that I ever met with pretty decent people.


He only has a problem with republican Mormons. Democrats that are Mormons are great, especially if they do crooked land deals:




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Actually it would be pretty cool to have a Mormon president... We could all learn about the religion. Maybe in 2016 a DC-8 could deliver us a Sicentologist prez!


Quite the trifecta... AA Prez, Mormon, and then Scientologist.


Like Chris Rock joked... We go from a AA prez to a Mormon prez... Didn't the Mormons believe black people were the devil until 1978? Why not complete the wackiness and throw the alien twist into the mix for 2016.


Come on... If any liberal was a Mormon running for Prez... All you guys would be ripping his religion too... Just like the cons ripped Obama's brand of Christianity in 2008... Heck... Some even called him a Muslim and ripped him for that.


Turn around is fair play knowing how Americans have dealt with Mormonism through our history!

You are getting even weirder then usual with this Mormon thing. And that is saying a LOT.

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He only has a problem with republican Mormons. Democrats that are Mormons are great, especially if they do crooked land deals:





No, Harry Reid is a nut too. Why do you keep on saying this. When have I supported Reid... Go search.


You are getting even weirder then usual with this Mormon thing. And that is saying a LOT.


Face it. You would be all over him about being a Mormon if Reid was running for Prez... So would I!


See... I told you... The PC police are riding to Romney's rescue. You guys are unbelievable. Like the OP said... Can't even joke or be critical of sensitive stuff like race... And now religion.


Who is zoomin' who with this PC crap?

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Actually it would be pretty cool to have a Mormon president... We could all learn about the religion. Maybe in 2016 a DC-8 could deliver us a Sicentologist prez!


Quite the trifecta... AA Prez, Mormon, and then Scientologist.


Like Chris Rock joked... We go from a AA prez to a Mormon prez... Didn't the Mormons believe black people were the devil until 1978? Why not complete the wackiness and throw the alien twist into the mix for 2016.


Come on... If any liberal was a Mormon running for Prez... All you guys would be ripping his religion too... Just like the cons ripped Obama's brand of Christianity in 2008... Heck... Some even called him a Muslim and ripped him for that.


Turn around is fair play knowing how Americans have dealt with Mormonism through our history!

Funny how you selectively view it through that prism. Looking to the other side of that coin, doesn't Obama's church STILL believe the white man is the devil? Is it alright for Jack but not Jim here in the good old US of KKKA?


And is the outrage put on hold because Obama is black or do we save the outrage for someone from a different political party?

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No, Harry Reid is a nut too. Why do you keep on saying this. When have I supported Reid... Go search.




Face it. You would be all over him about being a Mormon if Reid was running for Prez... So would I!


See... I told you... The PC police are riding to Romney's rescue. You guys are unbelievable. Like the OP said... Can't even joke or be critical of sensitive stuff like race... And now religion.


Who is zoomin' who with this PC crap?


No, what you're saying is that if they don't hold your political views then their religion is fair game to make fun of them. If they hold your political views then you'll just keep your trap shut about them. Jim is right, you just keep getting weirder and weirder.

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No, Harry Reid is a nut too. Why do you keep on saying this. When have I supported Reid... Go search.




Face it. You would be all over him about being a Mormon if Reid was running for Prez... So would I!


See... I told you... The PC police are riding to Romney's rescue. You guys are unbelievable. Like the OP said... Can't even joke or be critical of sensitive stuff like race... And now religion.


Who is zoomin' who with this PC crap?

You really don't sound like you're joking. You seem to be, in your dim witted way, trying to make a case a Mormon should never be president.

Edited by Jim in Anchorage
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Like Chris Rock joked... We go from a AA prez to a Mormon prez... Didn't the Mormons believe black people were the devil until 1978? Why not complete the wackiness and throw the alien twist into the mix for 2016.

Yeah because a Chris Rock comedy bit is a valid basis from which to form an opinion

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Actually it would be pretty cool to have a Mormon president... We could all learn about the religion. Maybe in 2016 a DC-8 could deliver us a Sicentologist prez!


Quite the trifecta... AA Prez, Mormon, and then Scientologist.


Like Chris Rock joked... We go from a AA prez to a Mormon prez... Didn't the Mormons believe black people were the devil until 1978? Why not complete the wackiness and throw the alien twist into the mix for 2016.


Come on... If any liberal was a Mormon running for Prez... All you guys would be ripping his religion too... Just like the cons ripped Obama's brand of Christianity in 2008... Heck... Some even called him a Muslim and ripped him for that.


Turn around is fair play knowing how Americans have dealt with Mormonism through our history!


We got him in 2008.

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I view it as a dialectic, in other words a pendulum swinging back and forth through long stretches of time, but gradually slowing. Hyper-sensitivity among the collective consciousness is a response to the Hypo-sensitivity that preceded it.


In time, maybe a few decades, the distaste for political correctness will probably lead to a society that's more tolerant of racially motivated ire, but to a lesser extent than the pre-Civil Rights America. And then a few decades from there, the pendulum will swing again to a lesser extreme than we see today.


Theoretically, it would all reach a happy medium, but odds are that some terrible crisis will through a wrench into the machine before that can happen.

Good Lord, many people call racism because they have no real argument of fact but that has something to do with some pendulum in society? I see you had a fine education at Cornell.

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Yeah because a Chris Rock comedy bit is a valid basis from which to form an opinion

Let's not forget Professor Rock's eye opening analysis of insurance, or "in case ****" as he calls it. I mean really, when you pay into a risk pool to share your collective risk thus mitigating your own, and **** doesn't happen, shouldn't you get some of that money back? (followed by wild applause)


Makes you understand how something like Obamacare can get passed in this country.

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Good Lord, many people call racism because they have no real argument of fact but that has something to do with some pendulum in society? I see you had a fine education at Cornell.


I see even the level-headed posts here are subject to ad hominem. :)


Yeah, I think the hyper-sensitivity the OP asked about is the result of people being overly apologetic (and for their ancestors, no less, which is illogical). You don't agree that there's a social reasoning to all this?

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I see even the level-headed posts here are subject to ad hominem. :)


Yeah, I think the hyper-sensitivity the OP asked about is the result of people being overly apologetic (and for their ancestors, no less, which is illogical). You don't agree that there's a social reasoning to all this?

No. you over analyze things. I grew up Polish near Buffalo and heard all the pollock light bulb joke's. And my grandparents's living in Buffalo at the turn of the century and well beyond suffered real hardship and hate because they where Polish. Do I think about it, fuss over it? No. That was then, this is now.

Edited by Jim in Anchorage
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No see, actually we do. Or at least the federal government does; we have an entire federal institution whose role is to categorize and segregate people among racial and ethical lines and then pass certain judgements on people based on those categorizations. It's called the EEOC.




That's reasonable, other than the idea that we have another "few decades" of becoming even more hyper-sensitive on this first pendulum swing -- but you're probably right. I guess by then we'll be putting people like Meathead in jail for perceived racial slights.

Thats right. Some people are more equal than others. Distinctions can be made across racial lines unless these distinctions are in some way disparaging to minority groups or women (except for Asians, who are not covered at this time).


As for the incarcerations, they have already started in some developed nations. Tolerance to the point of extreme intolerance. Forced tolerance.




Or in video if you prefer.



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No. you over analyze things. I grew up Polish near Buffalo and heard all the pollock light bulb joke's. And my grandparents's living in Buffalo suffered real hardship and hate because they where Polish. Do I think about it, fuss over it? No. That was then, this is now.


"That was then, this is now." is a pretty good motto to live by, in my opinion. But that doesn't mean that most people actually live by it.


I'm trying to proffer an explanation, not an opinion on how people should behave, which I think we quite agree on. Progress (neither personal or on a large scale) isn't made by dwelling on the past. But we humans are sure talented at dwelling. :lol:

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Actually it would be pretty cool to have a Mormon president... We could all learn about the religion. Maybe in 2016 a DC-8 could deliver us a Sicentologist prez!


Quite the trifecta... AA Prez, Mormon, and then Scientologist.


Like Chris Rock joked... We go from a AA prez to a Mormon prez... Didn't the Mormons believe black people were the devil until 1978? Why not complete the wackiness and throw the alien twist into the mix for 2016.


Come on... If any liberal was a Mormon running for Prez... All you guys would be ripping his religion too... Just like the cons ripped Obama's brand of Christianity in 2008... Heck... Some even called him a Muslim and ripped him for that.


Turn around is fair play knowing how Americans have dealt with Mormonism through our history!



Do you see a difference between Christians, Mormons, and Scientologists besides time of inception? I mean, there are story differences, but they are all religions of one sort or another. If you're fine with Obama's religion, why not be fine with any of the others?

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