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Alight, Let's hear the reasons

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My guess is the Bills keep 5 WRs Johnson, Jones, Nelson, Easley, Graham (if the Bills go with 6 then the last WR will most probably be a special teams ace like Martin) - with Brad Smith, Dorin Dickerson, Onobun, and Spiller being able to fill the WR role if injury were to strike- So how does a Plax who is in the twilight of his career fit here- only as a stop gap measure if some type of disaster took place in the WRs and he'd be behind whoever was on the practice squad and probably a few other free agents.

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Old, slow, poor attitude, locker room cancer, poor fit for the scheme.... Want more?

:thumbsup: Wow ... I was about to write the identical post ...


And, someone else already noted that not a single NFL team has grabbed this incredibly wonderful wasted talent for their teams. Not a single general manager has felt that signing him was worth the risk of screwing with their team chemistry and not a single coach has sat down with their GM and pleaded PLAXO will jump high in the sky in the end zone we must have him.


Time to let the preseason begin ... check out our wide out's and see who will step up to join Stevie and Nelson and Chandler as part of what should be a rather potent offense.


Time for PLAXO to sit back and watch his highlight reels ...

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First hand experience.



Put more succinctly, this guy has been a major league jerk his entire life.


Now that he's gotten a wakeup call (hard time in prison) and is at the twilight of his career, he deserves another chance?

Plax crapped in his bed and now he has to sleep in it.

I am surprised to see you post this. you usually are the voice of reason. Now i am not argueing for Plax to be a Bill. I personally think the Bills have so much competition at WR right now, if they bring anyone else in they will need to higher another coach.


But you do seem to me like a wise man. One who has heard the saying ' he won't change, until he has hit bottom'.

Maybe Plax hit bottom. prison, i am sure, can humble the strongest person. maybe prison did what it was designed to do, for Plax. Who knows, time will tell. But i want to believe people can change for the better. I think we all do, right?

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I am surprised to see you post this. you usually are the voice of reason. Now i am not argueing for Plax to be a Bill. I personally think the Bills have so much competition at WR right now, if they bring anyone else in they will need to higher another coach.


But you do seem to me like a wise man. One who has heard the saying ' he won't change, until he has hit bottom'.

Maybe Plax hit bottom. prison, i am sure, can humble the strongest person. maybe prison did what it was designed to do, for Plax. Who knows, time will tell. But i want to believe people can change for the better. I think we all do, right?

First of all thanks for the compliment.


A lot of entitled, spoiled, me-first athletes age into grace… without having a gun held to their head… or in this case, their leg.



In other words, Plax didn't change of his own volition.


He was forced to change and it's hard for me to not be cynical about the reasons why.


IMO, he's "changed" simply because he wants to extend his career (earnings).


I've accepted the evolution of character in many athletes who I didn't like as younger men. But not Plax. He's spent an entire career being a complete jerk and I'm not buying that he's a changed man.


I have a lot more compassion for Terrell Owens who in spite of being a deadbeat dad, is on balance, a much better person than Plax, IMO.







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First of all thanks for the compliment.


A lot of entitled, spoiled, me-first athletes age into grace… without having a gun held to their head… or in this case, their leg.



In other words, Plax didn't change of his own volition.


He was forced to change and it's hard for me to not be cynical about the reasons why.


IMO, he's "changed" simply because he wants to extend his career (earnings).


I've accepted the evolution of character in many athletes who I didn't like as younger men. But not Plax. He's spent an entire career being a complete jerk and I'm not buying that he's a changed man.


I have a lot more compassion for Terrell Owens who in spite of being a deadbeat dad, is on balance, a much better person than Plax, IMO.


Who said plax has even changed?



And I think we are seeing the same mental ailments from TO from his earlier career, just manifesting in different ways. Ultimately, I suspect TO is legitimately pretty sick from a mental health standpoint, and that is sad. He's had a couple scares already and referenced suicide several times in various interviews over the years. I hate to say it but I suspect one day we look back and say "why the hell did no one pick up the clues and get this man real help?" kind of like seau and his car crash, and how tied to football his entire life was and.... TO certainly is a worrisome case.


I think plax just is lazy, and self centered.

Edited by NoSaint
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He's old, he sucks, he's bad for chemistry. Oh, and he's an idiot.


I disagree with this point. That old idiot had 5 for 79 the first game against the Bills and 4 for 54 1TD in the second including a pretty impressive one hander that kept the Jets in the game.


I won't argue about the idiot part, but he's got good red-zone value, something an inaccurate QB like Fitz could benefit from.

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First of all thanks for the compliment.


A lot of entitled, spoiled, me-first athletes age into grace… without having a gun held to their head… or in this case, their leg.



In other words, Plax didn't change of his own volition.


He was forced to change and it's hard for me to not be cynical about the reasons why.


IMO, he's "changed" simply because he wants to extend his career (earnings).


I've accepted the evolution of character in many athletes who I didn't like as younger men. But not Plax. He's spent an entire career being a complete jerk and I'm not buying that he's a changed man.


I have a lot more compassion for Terrell Owens who in spite of being a deadbeat dad, is on balance, a much better person than Plax, IMO.



Who said plax has even changed?



And I think we are seeing the same mental ailments from TO from his earlier career, just manifesting in different ways. Ultimately, I suspect TO is legitimately pretty sick from a mental health standpoint, and that is sad. He's had a couple scares already and referenced suicide several times in various interviews over the years. I hate to say it but I suspect one day we look back and say "why the hell did no one pick up the clues and get this man real help?" kind of like seau and his car crash, and how tied to football his entire life was and.... TO certainly is a worrisome case.


I think plax just is lazy, and self centered.

SJF- i think NoSaint hit the nail on the head about TO. I hope he gets serious help. I am afraid he has cried for help at least once maybe twice with attempted suicide. Anyone going through that needs help and prayers.

Plax reminds me of Vick. He made a mistake, was punished, and now is trying to move forward. I get what you are saying SJF about having to change. And as NoSaint points out maybe he has not. Depending on our ages(SJF) you seem like a guy over 30. Nosaint you do to, we have all had some one in our life we hope 'gets it'. Why? Because we love them and know their is good in them. I know Plax has good in him, he did some stupid things. You hope for his sake and his families he finally 'gets it'. He may be getting older as a pro athlete, but he is a very young man.

If he could turn his life around and career, he would be an example for others.

Either way enjoy the conversation with you guys.

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SJF- i think NoSaint hit the nail on the head about TO. I hope he gets serious help. I am afraid he has cried for help at least once maybe twice with attempted suicide. Anyone going through that needs help and prayers.

Plax reminds me of Vick. He made a mistake, was punished, and now is trying to move forward. I get what you are saying SJF about having to change. And as NoSaint points out maybe he has not. Depending on our ages(SJF) you seem like a guy over 30. Nosaint you do to, we have all had some one in our life we hope 'gets it'. Why? Because we love them and know their is good in them. I know Plax has good in him, he did some stupid things. You hope for his sake and his families he finally 'gets it'. He may be getting older as a pro athlete, but he is a very young man.

If he could turn his life around and career, he would be an example for others.

Either way enjoy the conversation with you guys.


I get what your saying and I don't think plax is a a terrible guy with no hope. I'd love to see the switch come on for any of these guys. I just don't know that I want to subscribe to the "he was a mess but jail probably fixed him" theory of picking up players. It can work in some instances, but systematically I think more or less excluding them from your lists of FAs is a good approach. Honestly a guy like Doug Whaley probably says steer clear based on his pburgh time with this one. Plus he doesn't really fit the system.

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Who said plax has even changed?



And I think we are seeing the same mental ailments from TO from his earlier career, just manifesting in different ways. Ultimately, I suspect TO is legitimately pretty sick from a mental health standpoint, and that is sad. He's had a couple scares already and referenced suicide several times in various interviews over the years. I hate to say it but I suspect one day we look back and say "why the hell did no one pick up the clues and get this man real help?" kind of like seau and his car crash, and how tied to football his entire life was and.... TO certainly is a worrisome case.


I think plax just is lazy, and self centered.


TO is not mentally ill. At most he has a narcissistic personality disorder (i.e., he's an a**hole). I suspect he is nothing like Seau, who's existence seemed truly linked to football. TO's existence is linked only to being TO. He would be delighted to make money in any entertainment field as long as he was on TV and the press was talking about him. All evidence points only to this. TO would never kill TO, lame/phony previous suicidal ideation notwithstanding. Too much self love.


TO spend his time in the NFL repeatedly shooting his career in the foot, being let go by 5 different teams despite being a future first ballot HOFer all along the way. And 31 teams passed on him after the Cowboys let him go....

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Here is why.



nice chuckle!!

To the Op. Nix has said he wants to develop young players.

We only grab top notch character players. I mean the background of the last two years are like getting all Eagle

Scouts. Oh wait we actually have those on out Team.

we already have some red zone threats in Chandler and Nelson. We have young speed/

Actually we already have every type of receiver in our line up and cut time is going to be tough this year.

We are young and developing a team for the long haul. Think playoffs the next four years ina a row.

And Plax is an idiot.

Not to be harsh Bro but everything you wish for is already practicing on our team this year.

just take a closer look :thumbsup:

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I get what your saying and I don't think plax is a a terrible guy with no hope. I'd love to see the switch come on for any of these guys. I just don't know that I want to subscribe to the "he was a mess but jail probably fixed him" theory of picking up players. It can work in some instances, but systematically I think more or less excluding them from your lists of FAs is a good approach. Honestly a guy like Doug Whaley probably says steer clear based on his pburgh time with this one. Plus he doesn't really fit the system.

No, i do not want Plax or any other wr at this point. Think Gailey has taken the approach that he will find/coach his #2 wr from the group he has. At least for this season. Plax will be on some team this year. No doubt.

Good point about Whaley, i didn't think about that connection.

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TO is not mentally ill. At most he has a narcissistic personality disorder (i.e., he's an a**hole). I suspect he is nothing like Seau, who's existence seemed truly linked to football. TO's existence is linked only to being TO. He would be delighted to make money in any entertainment field as long as he was on TV and the press was talking about him. All evidence points only to this. TO would never kill TO, lame/phony previous suicidal ideation notwithstanding. Too much self love.


TO spend his time in the NFL repeatedly shooting his career in the foot, being let go by 5 different teams despite being a future first ballot HOFer all along the way. And 31 teams passed on him after the Cowboys let him go....


Realistically, I don't know that Terrell has any idea how to function in the world without being TO. When the lights go down, the cameras turn off, reporters stop jumping on his every confession (this last two months had him being broke, contemplating suicide and now blackmailed) things could get very ugly. He's grasping at straws for attention right now, probably realizing his career is really done (who else airs all that laundry in just a couple weeks while trying to prove they don't have baggage). TO the entertainer and center of attention IS about to die, and it will either (hopefully) save Terrell by forcing him to figure out who he really is, or the death of his alter ego will take him with it. His last big headline, if you will.

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