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hbo's "newsroom"

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Last episode was the best yet in terms of the actual development of the show. As for the hard line liberal agenda...sure that is fair. But it's important to note..it's really focused on the radical elements...the tea party...the conspiracy theories and stuff...it hasn't necessarily been "anti-conservative." As the main character says over and over "I'm a registered Republican." Now take it for what it's worth...very little...but the premise is really more anti-radical GOP as opposed to anti-GOP generally speaking.

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Last episode was the best yet in terms of the actual development of the show. As for the hard line liberal agenda...sure that is fair. But it's important to note..it's really focused on the radical elements...the tea party...the conspiracy theories and stuff...it hasn't necessarily been "anti-conservative." As the main character says over and over "I'm a registered Republican." Now take it for what it's worth...very little...but the premise is really more anti-radical GOP as opposed to anti-GOP generally speaking.


Right but when he praises a single GOP idea or criticizes one democratic action that argument will hold an ounce of water. Right now it's "the GOP is so bad that even republicans can't stomach them" and "the only successful GOP members are the ones that worked with democrats."


he's got to be one of the most liberal characters on TV at this point, claiming to be a registered republican doesn't change that. In fact it makes it worse. Even if I relate to a lot of his sentiments about "our party" those same sentiments cut both ways. Lies and extremism are on both sides of the aisle.


The recap of the precious year being the India story and gun story really rubbed me wrong as it was a perfect chance to be even handed, even if just for show. It didn't even have to mesh with a timeline.


I don't need my sitcom to be fair and balanced news, but to even pretend to be considering it would feel less like an attempt to brainwash via hbo.

Edited by NoSaint
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Right but when he praises a single GOP idea or criticizes one democratic action that argument will hold an ounce of water. Right now it's "the GOP is so bad that even republicans can't stomach them" and "the only successful GOP members are the ones that worked with democrats."


he's got to be one of the most liberal characters on TV at this point, claiming to be a registered republican doesn't change that. In fact it makes it worse. Even if I relate to a lot of his sentiments about "our party" those same sentiments cut both ways. Lies and extremism are on both sides of the aisle.


The recap of the precious year being the India story and gun story really rubbed me wrong as it was a perfect chance to be even handed, even if just for show. It didn't even have to mesh with a timeline.


They basically get at political/media lies/ridiculousness. The democrats have the presidency and for that year had both house and senate. If nothing else that alone sort of calms their propensity for those sort of things in that time period...what even handed approach would you like the show to have taken? Over the past few year certain elements that line up on the right just leave way more on the table to call ridiculous behavior...and certainly in that year. Even the oft referenced Occupy movement wasn't going then...

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Only watched the one segment when they put 3 idiots on and claimed they were leaders in the Arizona "revolt". It was such a hack job I haven't watched it since.

No, those were claimed to be hack jobs because their good guest cancelled minutes before the show and the bookers were scared to be fired for bringing them in.


They basically get at political/media lies/ridiculousness. The democrats have the presidency and for that year had both house and senate. If nothing else that alone sort of calms their propensity for those sort of things in that time period...what even handed approach would you like the show to have taken? Over the past few year certain elements that line up on the right just leave way more on the table to call ridiculous behavior...and certainly in that year. Even the oft referenced Occupy movement wasn't going then...


I understand, and have been one of the most patient but.... Do you really think that they couldn't have picked one story from the left? That the only absurdities in politics that year were Bachman and palin? The full year recap opened up the episode to not just the one week it was set in but the 52 previous. Not a single reference could've come up?

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ask yourself what successful players like the koch's are spending their money on.

Again, another example that proves you can't conceive of the TEA party properly. That you think the Koch brother's "run the TEA party" just shows how uninformed you really are. Keep watching MSNBC there birdog....more affirmation for you...and no information.


You have it exactly opposite of how it is. The Koch brother's saw a genuine online movement, that was looking for a way to define itself. A reporter from CNBC unintentionally provided a name for it. The motivation for this group of people came from them, not from Koch brother's money. All the Koch brother's did was get in line...and throw money at what was happening regardless of them.


See...TEA party people don't need to be bussed in, and paid, by their union masters....to get behind a set of values that they live, never mind share. Paying them would be offensive. This is why things like ACORN die...and why the TEA party will never die.


That's why this is so foreign to you, isn't it? You keep looking for the bad guy leader whose character you can assassinate in the hopes that the drones will die off if their queen is dead, or the honey/money stops flowing. But you will only find a bunch of loosely affiliated people whose only common trait is: they hate the policies that you support, because they know they will ruin our country.


They accurately understand these policies and their effects, due to their considerable education, which truthfully, despite all the wishful reporting to the contrary, is at a level that "progressives" only dream of. They are private people, and they won't make themselves public people, just to dignify your nonsense. Instead, they will privately drive to the meeting, or voting booth...and put a beat down on you.


That is why they are effective...because they aren't reliant upon a bunch of idiot drones...the way you are. They don't need "community organizers" :rolleyes: Instead, they use their considerable ability to organize and prepare, and when they go....well, you saw what happened in 2010, didn't you?


But go ahead, keep re-cycling what you hear on MSNBC here and elsewhere. :rolleyes: The TEA party couldn't care less what is said on a news channel that only the irrelevant and/or problem children attends. Victory is all they care about, because that means killing off the stupid ideology once and for all. I thought that the end of the Soviets and Bill Clinton's success was enough to prove that socialism = idiocy. Apparently we still have a ways to go. But understand, the TEA party is willing, and more importantly...able...to see this to its necessary conclusion. You should ask yourself: how long can you rely on your people, given their obvious weakness? What happens when George Soros, or the government itself, doesn't pay?

5th grade reading level? Come on, I'm all for reaching for the stars but stick with what you know. 3rd grade reading level is your ceiling. Let's not fool ourselves.

Whatever, toy. Keep telling yourself how good you are at interpreting subtext, and I will keep using you as a source of personal amusement. :lol:

I probably won't have the time, focus, or frankly desire to address this in the way I'm sure you will demand within your time frame. Truly, it's a ridiculous reply to someone asking you to point them to some strong tea party materials/members. The fact that it's met with a stonewall and so much hemming and hawing a big part of why the group does nothing for me. If its your thing - cool. The general attitude around it doesn't really appeal to me. No harm no foul. Go ahead and tell me I'm brainwashed and a child again.

No, I just wonder if you have the ability to understand. If you don't, and that makes you a child, or an unmitigated moron, it doesn't concern me.


The answers to all of the above questions I posed....is false. The TEA party's existence proves that. That's why they are so confounding to the MSNBC lapdogs like birdog. His "progressive" glasses make perceiving the TEA party properly all but impossible. Taking those glasses off, just for a day, or for a single thread, doesn't appear to be a choice birdog is able to make.


Instead, bridog assumes that the TEA party operates the same way his big city Democratic machines do. When reality proves that assumption to be false, over and over, he comes here and tries to tell us that Koch money has something to do with a bunch of websites, email chains, google groups, chat rooms, and message boards that all existed before anybody knew who the F the Koch brothers even were. :lol:


That's why this is so absurd, and insulting: as if these online groups/people wouldn't exist and get things done..if it wasn't for the Koch brother's telling them to. :rolleyes: No. Sorry, birdog, they don't have to be told what to do and think by their "dear leaders"....in fact, they don't even need leaders, which, ultimately, is the reason why there aren't any.


Why would a bunch of people, who by definition are self-reliant, educated, positive, and successful...need somebody else to do anything for them, or tell them what to think, or how to achieve their goals? These people achieve goals every day as a matter of course. That's why they will always beat those who are dependent, ignorant, unaccountable, and reliant on handouts/government jobs/reimbursement. Winners win....and losers? Well? See 2010...and this year.


See, the best part is that the left has no idea what is about to hit them. Hell, from what I understand, nobody knows the full extent of what the various TEA "parties" has planned. Who knows if it will all be effective? But, I bet a lot will. And, when it's over, what will "progressives" do?


What else: they will howl about Sarah Palin and the terrible things she did to them. :lol:

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Again, another example that proves you can't conceive of the TEA party properly. That you think the Koch brother's "run the TEA party" just shows how uninformed you really are. Keep watching MSNBC there birdog....more affirmation for you...and no information.


You have it exactly opposite of how it is. The Koch brother's saw a genuine online movement, that was looking for a way to define itself. A reporter from CNBC unintentionally provided a name for it. The motivation for this group of people came from them, not from Koch brother's money. All the Koch brother's did was get in line...and throw money at what was happening regardless of them.


See...TEA party people don't need to be bussed in, and paid, by their union masters....to get behind a set of values that they live, never mind share. Paying them would be offensive. This is why things like ACORN die...and why the TEA party will never die.


That's why this is so foreign to you, isn't it? You keep looking for the bad guy leader whose character you can assassinate in the hopes that the drones will die off if their queen is dead, or the honey/money stops flowing. But you will only find a bunch of loosely affiliated people whose only common trait is: they hate the policies that you support, because they know they will ruin our country.


They accurately understand these policies and their effects, due to their considerable education, which truthfully, despite all the wishful reporting to the contrary, is at a level that "progressives" only dream of. They are private people, and they won't make themselves public people, just to dignify your nonsense. Instead, they will privately drive to the meeting, or voting booth...and put a beat down on you.


That is why they are effective...because they aren't reliant upon a bunch of idiot drones...the way you are. They don't need "community organizers" :rolleyes: Instead, they use their considerable ability to organize and prepare, and when they go....well, you saw what happened in 2010, didn't you?


But go ahead, keep re-cycling what you hear on MSNBC here and elsewhere. :rolleyes: The TEA party couldn't care less what is said on a news channel that only the irrelevant and/or problem children attends. Victory is all they care about, because that means killing off the stupid ideology once and for all. I thought that the end of the Soviets and Bill Clinton's success was enough to prove that socialism = idiocy. Apparently we still have a ways to go. But understand, the TEA party is willing, and more importantly...able...to see this to its necessary conclusion. You should ask yourself: how long can you rely on your people, given their obvious weakness? What happens when George Soros, or the government itself, doesn't pay?


Whatever, toy. Keep telling yourself how good you are at interpreting subtext, and I will keep using you as a source of personal amusement. :lol:


No, I just wonder if you have the ability to understand. If you don't, and that makes you a child, or an unmitigated moron, it doesn't concern me.


The answers to all of the above questions I posed....is false. The TEA party's existence proves that. That's why they are so confounding to the MSNBC lapdogs like birdog. His "progressive" glasses make perceiving the TEA party properly all but impossible. Taking those glasses off, just for a day, or for a single thread, doesn't appear to be a choice birdog is able to make.


Instead, bridog assumes that the TEA party operates the same way his big city Democratic machines do. When reality proves that assumption to be false, over and over, he comes here and tries to tell us that Koch money has something to do with a bunch of websites, email chains, google groups, chat rooms, and message boards that all existed before anybody knew who the F the Koch brothers even were. :lol:


That's why this is so absurd, and insulting: as if these online groups/people wouldn't exist and get things done..if it wasn't for the Koch brother's telling them to. :rolleyes: No. Sorry, birdog, they don't have to be told what to do and think by their "dear leaders"....in fact, they don't even need leaders, which, ultimately, is the reason why there aren't any.


Why would a bunch of people, who by definition are self-reliant, educated, positive, and successful...need somebody else to do anything for them, or tell them what to think, or how to achieve their goals? These people achieve goals every day as a matter of course. That's why they will always beat those who are dependent, ignorant, unaccountable, and reliant on handouts/government jobs/reimbursement. Winners win....and losers? Well? See 2010...and this year.


See, the best part is that the left has no idea what is about to hit them. Hell, from what I understand, nobody knows the full extent of what the various TEA "parties" has planned. Who knows if it will all be effective? But, I bet a lot will. And, when it's over, what will "progressives" do?


What else: they will howl about Sarah Palin and the terrible things she did to them. :lol:



Very good post explaining the essence of the Tea Party(s). I was going to correct you for just calling it the "Tea Party" when it is really a bunch of Tea Parties" spread across the nation, but I see you mentioned that near the end of you post.

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Again, another example that proves you can't conceive of the TEA party properly. That you think the Koch brother's "run the TEA party" just shows how uninformed you really are. Keep watching MSNBC there birdog....more affirmation for you...and no information.


You have it exactly opposite of how it is. The Koch brother's saw a genuine online movement, that was looking for a way to define itself. A reporter from CNBC unintentionally provided a name for it. The motivation for this group of people came from them, not from Koch brother's money. All the Koch brother's did was get in line...and throw money at what was happening regardless of them.


See...TEA party people don't need to be bussed in, and paid, by their union masters....to get behind a set of values that they live, never mind share. Paying them would be offensive. This is why things like ACORN die...and why the TEA party will never die.


That's why this is so foreign to you, isn't it? You keep looking for the bad guy leader whose character you can assassinate in the hopes that the drones will die off if their queen is dead, or the honey/money stops flowing. But you will only find a bunch of loosely affiliated people whose only common trait is: they hate the policies that you support, because they know they will ruin our country.


They accurately understand these policies and their effects, due to their considerable education, which truthfully, despite all the wishful reporting to the contrary, is at a level that "progressives" only dream of. They are private people, and they won't make themselves public people, just to dignify your nonsense. Instead, they will privately drive to the meeting, or voting booth...and put a beat down on you.


That is why they are effective...because they aren't reliant upon a bunch of idiot drones...the way you are. They don't need "community organizers" :rolleyes: Instead, they use their considerable ability to organize and prepare, and when they go....well, you saw what happened in 2010, didn't you?


But go ahead, keep re-cycling what you hear on MSNBC here and elsewhere. :rolleyes: The TEA party couldn't care less what is said on a news channel that only the irrelevant and/or problem children attends. Victory is all they care about, because that means killing off the stupid ideology once and for all. I thought that the end of the Soviets and Bill Clinton's success was enough to prove that socialism = idiocy. Apparently we still have a ways to go. But understand, the TEA party is willing, and more importantly...able...to see this to its necessary conclusion. You should ask yourself: how long can you rely on your people, given their obvious weakness? What happens when George Soros, or the government itself, doesn't pay?


Whatever, toy. Keep telling yourself how good you are at interpreting subtext, and I will keep using you as a source of personal amusement. :lol:


No, I just wonder if you have the ability to understand. If you don't, and that makes you a child, or an unmitigated moron, it doesn't concern me.


The answers to all of the above questions I posed....is false. The TEA party's existence proves that. That's why they are so confounding to the MSNBC lapdogs like birdog. His "progressive" glasses make perceiving the TEA party properly all but impossible. Taking those glasses off, just for a day, or for a single thread, doesn't appear to be a choice birdog is able to make.


Instead, bridog assumes that the TEA party operates the same way his big city Democratic machines do. When reality proves that assumption to be false, over and over, he comes here and tries to tell us that Koch money has something to do with a bunch of websites, email chains, google groups, chat rooms, and message boards that all existed before anybody knew who the F the Koch brothers even were. :lol:


That's why this is so absurd, and insulting: as if these online groups/people wouldn't exist and get things done..if it wasn't for the Koch brother's telling them to. :rolleyes: No. Sorry, birdog, they don't have to be told what to do and think by their "dear leaders"....in fact, they don't even need leaders, which, ultimately, is the reason why there aren't any.


Why would a bunch of people, who by definition are self-reliant, educated, positive, and successful...need somebody else to do anything for them, or tell them what to think, or how to achieve their goals? These people achieve goals every day as a matter of course. That's why they will always beat those who are dependent, ignorant, unaccountable, and reliant on handouts/government jobs/reimbursement. Winners win....and losers? Well? See 2010...and this year.


See, the best part is that the left has no idea what is about to hit them. Hell, from what I understand, nobody knows the full extent of what the various TEA "parties" has planned. Who knows if it will all be effective? But, I bet a lot will. And, when it's over, what will "progressives" do?


What else: they will howl about Sarah Palin and the terrible things she did to them. :lol:

so the koch's are selflessly funding the tea party out of patriotism and the good feeling this "grassroots" organization brings them? no quid pro quo? nothing expected as roi? historically, they've always acted so selflessly. this would be right in character. whatever helps you sleep at night...

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so the koch's are selflessly funding the tea party out of patriotism and the good feeling this "grassroots" organization brings them? no quid pro quo? nothing expected as roi? historically, they've always acted so selflessly. this would be right in character. whatever helps you sleep at night...

Do you whine this much about George Soros?

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see my earlier response to this same point. i'm under no illusions about soros. the difference is that his goals and beliefs and mine coincide mostly. i'd be willing to bet that the koch's and many tea party members don't.

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see my earlier response to this same point. i'm under no illusions about soros. the difference is that his goals and beliefs and mine coincide mostly. i'd be willing to bet that the koch's and many tea party members don't.

Well, at least your honest, however the hypocrisy of your point is highlighted.

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see my earlier response to this same point. i'm under no illusions about soros. the difference is that his goals and beliefs and mine coincide mostly. i'd be willing to bet that the koch's and many tea party members don't.

George Soros wants the same thing the Kochs want -- access to the country's purse strings -- and anyone suggesting there is any difference between these two is absolutely, positively out of their mind. The only reason Soros lets you think you share goals and beliefs is so you'll follow him and his publications to hell and back while he collects his taxpayer dollars and hands them over to get people elected who plan to hand him more. Open your eyes.

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Well, at least your honest, however the hypocrisy of your point is highlighted.

he stands for the core principles of the left. he supports those principles with his money. his money affords him access and influence, same as any big donor (and worse since the citizen's united scotus ruling). these are facts of life in our current political system. no way around it.


in contrast, i don't believe the koch's want a bunch of grassroots, loosely connected, unbeholden everymen running the country. it doesn't serve their interests. there money is there to buy influence in a party that supposedly openly rejects such arrangements.

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he stands for the core principles of the left. he supports those principles with his money. his money affords him access and influence, same as any big donor (and worse since the citizen's united scotus ruling). these are facts of life in our current political system. no way around it.


in contrast, i don't believe the koch's want a bunch of grassroots, loosely connected, unbeholden everymen running the country. it doesn't serve their interests. there money is there to buy influence in a party that supposedly openly rejects such arrangements.

yep, we get it, your cause is the one filled with virtue, the other side's intentions are nefarious

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see my earlier response to this same point. i'm under no illusions about soros. the difference is that his goals and beliefs and mine coincide mostly. i'd be willing to bet that the koch's and many tea party members don't.


:lol: Your opinion would certainly change if you'd meet the leftiest in the UK who hate the !@#$er and think he's the spawn of Satan :lol:


You are so full of **** it is almost entertaining.

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:lol: Your opinion would certainly change if you'd meet the leftiest in the UK who hate the !@#$er and think he's the spawn of Satan :lol:


You are so full of **** it is almost entertaining.

What's deliciously ironic is that Soros was a big reason for Black Wednesdays horrific decimation of the British Pound, in which he pocketed or dare I say PROFITED (such a dirty word for liberals) over a billion dollars in the deal.


Instead of steadily building up a position in September of 1992, Soros told his lieutenants to "go for the jugular."


As a result of his well-intended virtuous action of shorting the pound and profiting over a billion dollars was the forced action of the British to raise interest rates to save their currency, in which it led to higher interest rates for loans for cars, homes etc. for middle class people all across the nation.


He is such a good guy



Edited by WorldTraveller
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What's deliciously ironic is that Soros was a big reason for Black Wednesdays horrific decimation of the British Pound, in which he pocketed or dare I say PROFITED (such a dirty word for liberals) over a billion dollars in the deal.


Doesn't matter, his values coincide with mine



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Good God! I caught a glimpse of this show & I'm stunned. I expected it to be an election year campaign vehicle for Obama but I thought they'd be at leat a little bit subtle about it. Apparently the writers trained at the Randy Marsh school of subtext. This is like watching Keith Olberman's daydreams on TV.

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