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Why don't you back up that claim. If the US isn't the best, and hasn't been for quite some time, then which nation has held that distinction and since when?

Does it really matter? If you love the country- great. If you don't, get out there, vote, and try to change it. What does the distinction of saying "We're the best" do for you anyways?

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Does it really matter? If you love the country- great. If you don't, get out there, vote, and try to change it. What does the distinction of saying "We're the best" do for you anyways?

How do you propose changing anything unless you know where you stand? Using your logic, what does any distinction do for you, what does anything matter? The above statement is entirely lacking of value. A piss poor effort, even for you.

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I guess I started a debate hat I shouldn't have. I love this country but I don't agree its the best. We can agree to disagree.

There is no debate as you haven't put forth any argument to the contrary. You don't agree the US is best but you can't offer an opinion as to which is. So how have exactly have you ruled out this nation for that distinction? In order to disagree, you'll have to make a case and provide some reasoning. Right now, all we can agree on is that you made an off the cuff remark which you have yet to substantiate.

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There is no debate as you haven't put forth any argument to the contrary. You don't agree the US is best but you can't offer an opinion as to which is. So how have exactly have you ruled out this nation for that distinction? In order to disagree, you'll have to make a case and provide some reasoning. Right now, all we can agree on is that you made an off the cuff remark which you have yet to substantiate.


it seems that his gut tells him given those rankings, which arent all that good, theres a degree of "there must be something better" even if he doesnt know each individual country inside and out. its not that crazy of a situation. i tend to fall on the same thoughts as he but i likewise didnt have a thesis ready for any individual country.

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it seems that his gut tells him given those rankings, which arent all that good, theres a degree of "there must be something better" even if he doesnt know each individual country inside and out. its not that crazy of a situation. i tend to fall on the same thoughts as he but i likewise didnt have a thesis ready for any individual country.

Without a doubt I'm being a bit of prick, but Hazed was perfectly comfortable making a very strong statement. When you assert that US is not the best and hasn't been for quite some time, which is the part I found to be most thin, you should be prepared to back it up with something. Anything. I don't think its unreasonable to expect something more than "agree to disagree" at the first sign of resistance. Especially after I gave him all the answers.

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How do you propose changing anything unless you know where you stand? Using your logic, what does any distinction do for you, what does anything matter? The above statement is entirely lacking of value. A piss poor effort, even for you.

Here's where we stand on these issues:


In education Avg at best

In healthcare Horrible

Infant mortaliy 180th


Crime Yay! We win

Incarcerations We win again


You wouldn't agree that the "best" country in the world would be better at these key categories?

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Here's where we stand on these issues:


In education Avg at best

In healthcare Horrible

Infant mortaliy 180th


Crime Yay! We win

Incarcerations We win again


You wouldn't agree that the "best" country in the world would be better at these key categories?


So it should be easy for you to use your statistics in the categories you feel are key and come up with the "best" country.


I'll wait...

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Without a doubt I'm being a bit of prick, but Hazed was perfectly comfortable making a very strong statement. When you assert that US is not the best and hasn't been for quite some time, which is the part I found to be most thin, you should be prepared to back it up with something. Anything. I don't think its unreasonable to expect something more than "agree to disagree" at the first sign of resistance. Especially after I gave him all the answers.

You gave no answers, only your opinions. Which were well thought out I admit. I gave my opinion and don't have any other data then the ranking I posted. You won't agree with my point and I won't agree with yours, fighting on an internet message board is not my thing. I have an opinion and I stated it. I don't feel the need to satisfy your requirements for a debate, therefore, I agree to disagree with you and you can do whatever you want.

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Good list, and good points. Outside of the US, I'd agree with Sweden/Finland/Norway as being possible front runners.


But you're right, it basically comes down to "Pobody's Nerfect"

NEW ZEALAND. hands down. They have great soil, climate, and are ideal for anything.

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So it should be easy for you to use your statistics in the categories you feel are key and come up with the "best" country.

I'll wait...

You can keep waiting. What is everyone's preoccupation with the "best"? Some are better than others and some are worse. There may be no best and I never claimed there was. Its a cockeyed view of the world to suggest there has to be a "best".

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Here's where we stand on these issues:


In education Avg at best

In healthcare Horrible

Infant mortaliy 180th


Crime Yay! We win

Incarcerations We win again


You wouldn't agree that the "best" country in the world would be better at these key categories?

Did you even read any of those articles?


OECD ranks US 14th in the world. Thats only out of the 57 most developed nations. Since when is that average?


Healthcare "Dead Last", out of six. Not in the world, out of six other developed nations. Thats horrible, in your estimation?


CIA factbook organizes their mortality stats from 1st is worst to last is best. U.S. ranks 174 out of 222, with some nations so small that its really an apples to oranges comparison. Comparing Monaco to the U.S.? You cannot be serious.


I'm sure Colombia, South Africa, and Yemen, which enjoy much lower rates of incarceration must be a more peaceful societies, right? Laughable.


So nice links, try figuring out what they actually mean. Take a look at any standard of living or human development index for the big picture.

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Did you even read any of those articles?


OECD ranks US 14th in the world. Thats only out of the 57 most developed nations. Since when is that average?


Healthcare "Dead Last", out of six. Not in the world, out of six other developed nations. Thats horrible, in your estimation?


CIA factbook organizes their mortality stats from 1st is worst to last is best. U.S. ranks 174 out of 222, with some nations so small that its really an apples to oranges comparison. Comparing Monaco to the U.S.? You cannot be serious.


I'm sure Colombia, South Africa, and Yemen, which enjoy much lower rates of incarceration must be a more peaceful societies, right? Laughable.


So nice links, try figuring out what they actually mean. Take a look at any standard of living or human development index for the big picture.

Okay give me some stats that show America is the "best" in standard of living then. I'll put the onus on you to prove that America is the best.

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Okay give me some stats that show America is the "best" in standard of living then. I'll put the onus on you to prove that America is the best.



Cliffs Notes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index


Combine that ranking with my prior justification. A little more comprehensive than your smattering of articles which you clearly linked before reading, wouldn't you say?

Edited by Jauronimo
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I'm free to walk out my door and do pretty much whatever I want, to a point of reason. That applies to plenty of other countries too, of course, but it's good enough for me.


Plus, we have baseball and Kate Upton. What does "best" even matter? The world's not perfect but life is generally good, wouldn't you say?

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Cliffs Notes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index


Combine that ranking with my prior justification. A little more comprehensive than your smattering of NewsWeek articles which you clearly linked before reading, wouldn't you say?

Oh so you read all of that. Cool, you're a fast reader. Still however it seems to rank America 4th. Now mind you I didn't read the whole thing as I'm obviously not nearly as smart as you and can't read as fast but 4th is the best by your standards?

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Oh so you read all of that. Cool, you're a fast reader. Still however it seems to rank America 4th. Now mind you I didn't read the whole thing as I'm obviously not nearly as smart as you and can't read as fast but 4th is the best by your standards?

Factor the stats I've provided in with the fact that the U.S. effectively provides national defense for most of the top 20, thus facilitating their lifestyles, and the fact that the U.S. remains the land of opportunity for a majority of immigrants in any given year, per Gallup results, and I feel I've more than justified my position.


Now you can take a shot at arguing which nation is best and has been for quite some time or you can come back with more 3rd grade analysis and reiterate that 4th is not 1st, while pretending that the HDI tells the whole story.

Edited by Jauronimo
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How do you propose changing anything unless you know where you stand? Using your logic, what does any distinction do for you, what does anything matter? The above statement is entirely lacking of value. A piss poor effort, even for you.

That's quite nice, Sunshine. America is the best for me, that's all I really care about. Does saying that we are the best eliminate the deficit? Does it end the threat of terrorism? No, it doesn't do any of that, Sunshine. That is mere semantics, a waste of time and energy. Now go back to watching Star Wars for the 1,000,000th time.......

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