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Pat Tillman Disrespected With Words Put In His Mouth

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It would be nice to be able to read the link that you guys are referencing, but from what I know of the Tillman story, it seems like you, and others here, are basically jumping all over a MSN media source (whatever that means anymore) because it is is not in line with your wishes, while ignoring the actual story that inspired all of these things. If anyone is guilty of besmirching, you would have to accuse Tillman's family. You really want to got there?


The whole bit about a "liberal not being able to comprehend giving up millions to serve their country" is just a further insight into your partisanship on this particular topic. Most can't comprehend it, which is why he was revered as such a hero, and symbol of the greatness of the American spirit. It is not like there have been thousands, or even dozens, who made the kind of personal sacrifice that Tillman made, to serve their country. If there were, we likely wouldn't even be talking about Pat Tillman all these years later. His sacrifice is part of what made him such a great symbol.

So....now that you know WTF is really going on...we can say that the above is complete crap, right Buftex?


Moreover, what I said:

Toure went right up to line, realized he was being a douchebag, and then played it off by talking about "other people taking it in the wrong direction".

is exactly right, isn't it Buftex?


Finally, given this, Toure is not only a douchebag, he's a candy ass douchebag. Rather than just coming out and saying what he thinks, he's dancing around. And, he's knows nothing about the US Army. The Army wouldn't kill any single soldier over anything. It's not in their mentality. Even if Tillman went full Jane Fonda, they would consider spending any time on him dishonoring themselves, and the uniform, and the Army as a whole.


They'd just send the guy packing. That would be the end of it.


Toure and MDP: 2 people casting wild aspersions...about and in a field they know nothing about.

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So....now that you know WTF is really going on...we can say that the above is complete crap, right Buftex?


Moreover, what I said:

Toure went right up to line, realized he was being a douchebag, and then played it off by talking about "other people taking it in the wrong direction".

is exactly right, isn't it Buftex?


Finally, given this, Toure is not only a douchebag, he's a candy ass douchebag. Rather than just coming out and saying what he thinks, he's dancing around. And, he's knows nothing about the US Army. The Army wouldn't kill any single soldier over anything. It's not in their mentality. Even if Tillman went full Jane Fonda, they would consider spending any time on him dishonoring themselves, and the uniform, and the Army as a whole.


They'd just send the guy packing. That would be the end of it.


Toure and MDP: 2 people casting wild aspersions...about and in a field they know nothing about.


were you in the military?

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I'm not engaging you in this mindless little crusade of yours on this topic, !@#$wit, so I don't give a **** what you think. That post literally had everything to do with the comment I responded to.




No, you bragged about being in the military.

You SAID you were in the Coast Guard, and said you drove a desk for two years.
That's why I'm, with complete justification, mocking you.


And I know people in the military, too. Guess I'm just as expert as you are.




I "allow" someone to lie about Pat Tillman? What?


At least I'm not "allowing" you to lie about being in the military, you overblown piece of ****.



why do you care so much about my coast guard career? i was in the military, i felt the need to speak up. do you even know what the cg does?


you are acting borderline unstable and creepy...

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why do you care so much about my coast guard career? i was in the military, i felt the need to speak up. do you even know what the cg does?


you are acting borderline unstable and creepy...

In your estimation, is repeating the same nonsensical accusation ad nauseam the hallmark of stability?

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In your estimation, is repeating the same nonsensical accusation ad nauseam the hallmark of stability?


Did you see what he tried to do to me in the Shoutbox last night? He kept repeating over and over and over that I was a liar and disrespected Tillman.

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3rd comes on here , says he read " reviews of letters " and them summarizes that toure is off in saying pat tillman was against the war on terror and against the bush doctrine... which are undisputed facts.


the guy scheduled a meeting with noam chomsky, and was an avid reader of noam...


and then some douche says liberals cant imagine giving up their life for their country and leaving millions behind. another sick/delusional comment...


3rd just couldnt stand that such a humble hero was a " left winger " and that toure talked about Tillman's misgivings relating to this whole stupid reaction towards 9-11.


ill say it again, this is an appalling thread. its very sick, and disturbing to try and distort what pat really felt in order to play partisan politics on a !@#$ing message board...


In your estimation, is repeating the same nonsensical accusation ad nauseam the hallmark of stability?



so Pat Tillman didnt have qualms about the bush doctrine, the war on terror or our whole foreign policy dealing with the middle east? Noam Chomsky wasnt one of his favorite authors?


Did you see what he tried to do to me in the Shoutbox last night? He kept repeating over and over and over that I was a liar and disrespected Tillman.


so Tillman wasnt against the war on terror? chomsky wasnt his favorite author? he wasnt against bush?


you used Tillman to play politics on ppp. youre a sick !@#$ and need to get a life.

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This guy is a troll and a crusader. I was in the Shoutbox last night trying to fix it because it was screwed up with another video and he kept posting over and over in the Shoutbox that I was a liar and was disrespecting Pat Tillman.


I truly would like to have it pointed out where, exactly, you lied about and disrespected Pat Tillman.


I'm still unsure if MDP is a troll or just a fricken moron. I'm beginning to lean towards the latter with his penchant for misrepresenting positions for people so that he can go on his idiotic little crusades.

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Buftex, don't confuse Iraq with Afghanistan. Pat Tillman said that he thought the war in Iraq was wrong. He didn't say that about Afghanistan. That fool, MDP, cherry picked the wiki article. I'd have nailed him about it but I just took a shower and didn't want to waste the time to take another shower. Anyway, look it up and you'll find out whatever truth wiki provides. The MSNBC segment tried to make it look as if Pat's wife thought Pat was going to come out against the war and was killed for it.


The MSNBC guy intimated that Pat Tillman was killed by the U.S. military because he was against the war in (sounded like Afghanistan) and the military was afraid of the complications.



You do realize the military lied. you do realize Pat was against the war on terror.




I truly would like to have it pointed out where, exactly, you lied about and disrespected Pat Tillman.


I'm still unsure if MDP is a troll or just a fricken moron. I'm beginning to lean towards the latter with his penchant for misrepresenting positions for people so that he can go on his idiotic little crusades.


he implied that pat was for the war on terror, when he clearly was not. for christs sake, his family has only said it about a million times.

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he implied that pat was for the war on terror, when he clearly was not. for christs sake, his family has only said it about a million times.


Oh so now he's gone from lying and disrespecting Tillman to "implying". I see.

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"[Pat] Tillman has become such a complicated symbol of sort of Rorschached that you can almost take anything you want in this great American who turns down of millions of dollars to go fight for his country and then he's like, 'Wait a minute. I don't like Afghanistan. I don't believe in the mission we're fighting for. But wait a minute, I'm going to continue to fight just the same as if I did believe in the mission,'" MSNBC's cultural critic Toure said on the network today.


"You know, I mean, for the Army to have the most high-profiled soldier come out of the Army and perhaps criticize the mission would have been devastating for the military. So it's not quite clear what happened, actually, in Afghanistan. I mean, just a very complicated situation. I can see how many people could try to take it in the wrong direction," Toure surmised on the new MSNBC program "The Cycle."


I read a few reviews of his wife's book "Letters" just to see if she mentioned anything like this in the book. Nada.


So we have a liberal who can't comprehend walking away from millions of $ to serve the country....

....making thousands of $ by besmirching it, and the guy, and the Army, based on nothing other than conjecture?

Love how this idiot gets right up to the line, and then realizes he's being a fool, and then plays it off by talking about "other people" taking it in the wrong direction.


What a moron.


the family has said over and over, pat was against bush, and against the war on terror.... not only that, but like the right wing on this board, the army lied and created a cover-up. even going as far to say he died for nothing because Pat and his family were secular...


basically, because Pat and his family were on the left, they lied and created a propaganda story. they didnt want an anti-war soldier demonizing the war on terror, both iraq and afghanistan... whether he was murdered. idk, but it's very shady...



go to 48 sec

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Oh so now he's gone from lying and disrespecting Tillman to "implying". I see.


He's a troll that I believe has been banned before. His "tells" are very similiar to another poster that was banned a couple of times. He's already got a new username or two registered, and has posted a few times under those names in expectation of getting banned again.

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why do you care so much about my coast guard career? i was in the military, i felt the need to speak up. do you even know what the cg does?


you are acting borderline unstable and creepy...


I don't. I do care that you're lying about being in the military. You weren't. You were in the Coast Guard.


And you have the temerity to B word at others for disrespecting soldiers. You're the worst kind of hypocrite.

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I don't. I do care that you're lying about being in the military. You weren't. You were in the Coast Guard.


And you have the temerity to B word at others for disrespecting soldiers. You're the worst kind of hypocrite.


obviously you do...


this is creepy and your ignorance is showing...


and yes, 3rd did disrespect Pat by trying to distort his views ....

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were you in the military?

Yes. I didn't sit behind a desk though...much. :lol: Sometimes you have to, like it or not. So, while I do have your experience, you do not have mine. Don't misunderstand: I respect your service. The whole thing is specialized and now fully mission oriented. We need everybody doing their mission, properly, for the thing to work at all. We all depend on each other. (Standard Issue Officer Response #90400-2100 :lol:)


However, I have also run across far too many 4-star corporals in my time who delude themselves into believing that they know a lot because they completely understand and are fully trained on a little. You, for example: with your "delusional economics". Not micro, not macro, not even Keynesian. No. It's a new school, that not only sheds basic economic principals, it requires its accounting done by magic elves. :lol:


You have a lot to learn, corporal. A good place to start: how would one do PROPER cost accounting...in your fairy land? How could we run a business based on non-defined money, and impossible-to-define costs? Does Noam Chomsky have the answer to magical cost accounting in MDP fairly land? Well, I'm sure there's something on wiki you can cut and paste, right?


But this is about Tillman, right? Well, let's see what other magical powers are required for us to accept your interpretations, shall we?

3rd comes on here , says he read " reviews of letters " and them summarizes that toure is off in saying pat tillman was against the war on terror and against the bush doctrine... which are undisputed facts.

Knowing what's really in the mind of a dead man, or a live one....are facts now? When did mind reading become an MOS for the coast guard? :lol: Or, are there now coast guard mind reading devices? Do they issue them with those cool orange life vests? Another example, corporal.

the guy scheduled a meeting with noam chomsky, and was an avid reader of noam...

At one point, I, yes I, was an avid reader of Noam. Does that make me Jane Fonda? I was also an avid reader of Milton Friedman, and Tom Clancy....so based on that, am I ready for toppling South American governments and replacing them with supply side policies? Yeah, that was me in Chile. :lol: Another example, corporal. Hey, I read the Koran too...what does that make me? What magical process exists that allows you to paste an absolute definition on me...for reading books?

and then some douche says liberals cant imagine giving up their life for their country and leaving millions behind. another sick/delusional comment...

Show me a liberal who is. Just one, who is willing to leave behind millions and fight. Show me one who actually has. You can't. Not for all your magical ability.


But I can.


And, that's the point corporal. I can because I know more than what's in a few books. I have educated myself with books, yes, but also with life experience. You are content with other people's ideas, at face value, without question, and certainly not with any attempts at trying to confirm those ideas intellectually, or God forbid, live those ideas personally or see how they play out in the real world. That's not only piss poor, it's just sad.


Hopefully you will grow out of it.

3rd just couldnt stand that such a humble hero was a " left winger " and that toure talked about Tillman's misgivings relating to this whole stupid reaction towards 9-11.

This would be fine...if this is what Toure actually did. But that's not what he said. Go back, and read what he said. Words mean things. If he didn't mean what he said, he should have used different words. So, he is either a douchebag, or a poor communicator...who gets paid to communicate for a living. :wacko: Take your pick.

ill say it again, this is an appalling thread. its very sick, and disturbing to try and distort what pat really felt in order to play partisan politics on a !@#$ing message board...

Toure chose his words poorly, and we called him out on it. Surely you, of all people, know how we handle people who choose their words poorly, and then try to backpedal out of it once they realize they are about to cross the stupidity line.


That's precisely what Toure did here. If it isn't, then perhaps you would care to explain exactly who the "others that may take this in the wrong direction" are...exactly?

so Pat Tillman didnt have qualms about the bush doctrine, the war on terror or our whole foreign policy dealing with the middle east? Noam Chomsky wasnt one of his favorite authors?


so Tillman wasnt against the war on terror? chomsky wasnt his favorite author? he wasnt against bush?

Nobody knows, because you can't ask him now, and you couldn't ask him then. Unless of course, you had your trusty CG mind reader handy, right? :wacko: Oh, I forgot, everything I have ever said, wrote and thought is all known to all people for all time, and I was never angry, tired, drunk, getting shot at, losing friends, or generally disagreeable when I wrote it. And of course...I never change my mind about anything. :lol:


These are just more examples, corporal.

you used Tillman to play politics on ppp. youre a sick !@#$ and need to get a life.

And, you haven't used Tillman to prove that Noam Chomsky is legitimate? :lol:


Holy bull **** Hypocrisy, Batman! Could you be more tiresomely phony?


Noam Chomsky is your personal "gay marriage" issue, isn't it? Perfectly designed to make you feel superior...and anything...no matter how much of ridiculous stretch...is worth saying provided you can somehow bend it to suit that purpose.


I was gonna ignore this entire post, but, when I see hypocrisy and phoniness like this on this board? Well, you can ask anybody here: it's always your ass.

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I'm kind of over Pat Tillman. Sure, you have to admire a man who gave up an opportunity millions dream of so that he could serve a greater cause, but I think we somewhat minimize others who sacrificed their lives just like he did. Is the sacrifice an unknown 20 year old with his whole life in front of him somehow less because didn't leave an NFL contract on the table? And as admirable as Pat Tillman's decision was, does it somehow make his political opinions somehow more valid or enlightened than any other soldier?


IMO, the real tragedy of his legacy is that rather than letting it be what it is, a sad but nice story of personal sacrifice, it's become a political football over the guy's politics. It's a pointless debate also; I mean, who the !@#$ is changing their view on the issue on account of what Pat Tillman's dying wishes might well have been?

Edited by Rob's House
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Simple question - if the Army truly wanted Tillman dead, wouldn't they have sent him into a real ambush? It's not like there's a shortage of people looking to shoot Americans in Afghanistan.


But, yes conspiracy theories are so much more fun.

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Yes. I didn't sit behind a desk though...much. :lol: Sometimes you have to, like it or not. So, while I do have your experience, you do not have mine. Don't misunderstand: I respect your service. The whole thing is specialized and now fully mission oriented. We need everybody doing their mission, properly, for the thing to work at all. We all depend on each other. (Standard Issue Officer Response #90400-2100 :lol:)


However, I have also run across far too many 4-star corporals in my time who delude themselves into believing that they know a lot because they completely understand and are fully trained on a little. You, for example: with your "delusional economics". Not micro, not macro, not even Keynesian. No. It's a new school, that not only sheds basic economic principals, it requires its accounting done by magic elves. :lol:


You have a lot to learn, corporal. A good place to start: how would one do PROPER cost accounting...in your fairy land? How could we run a business based on non-defined money, and impossible-to-define costs? Does Noam Chomsky have the answer to magical cost accounting in MDP fairly land? Well, I'm sure there's something on wiki you can cut and paste, right?


But this is about Tillman, right? Well, let's see what other magical powers are required for us to accept your interpretations, shall we?


Knowing what's really in the mind of a dead man, or a live one....are facts now? When did mind reading become an MOS for the coast guard? :lol: Or, are there now coast guard mind reading devices? Do they issue them with those cool orange life vests? Another example, corporal.


At one point, I, yes I, was an avid reader of Noam. Does that make me Jane Fonda? I was also an avid reader of Milton Friedman, and Tom Clancy....so based on that, am I ready for toppling South American governments and replacing them with supply side policies? Yeah, that was me in Chile. :lol: Another example, corporal. Hey, I read the Koran too...what does that make me? What magical process exists that allows you to paste an absolute definition on me...for reading books?


Show me a liberal who is. Just one, who is willing to leave behind millions and fight. Show me one who actually has. You can't. Not for all your magical ability.


But I can.


And, that's the point corporal. I can because I know more than what's in a few books. I have educated myself with books, yes, but also with life experience. You are content with other people's ideas, at face value, without question, and certainly not with any attempts at trying to confirm those ideas intellectually, or God forbid, live those ideas personally or see how they play out in the real world. That's not only piss poor, it's just sad.

Hopefully you will grow out of it.


This would be fine...if this is what Toure actually did. But that's not what he said. Go back, and read what he said. Words mean things. If he didn't mean what he said, he should have used different words. So, he is either a douchebag, or a poor communicator...who gets paid to communicate for a living. :wacko: Take your pick.


Toure chose his words poorly, and we called him out on it. Surely you, of all people, know how we handle people who choose their words poorly, and then try to backpedal out of it once they realize they are about to cross the stupidity line.


That's precisely what Toure did here. If it isn't, then perhaps you would care to explain exactly who the "others that may take this in the wrong direction" are...exactly?


Nobody knows, because you can't ask him now, and you couldn't ask him then. Unless of course, you had your trusty CG mind reader handy, right? :wacko: Oh, I forgot, everything I have ever said, wrote and thought is all known to all people for all time, and I was never angry, tired, drunk, getting shot at, losing friends, or generally disagreeable when I wrote it. And of course...I never change my mind about anything. :lol:


These are just more examples, corporal.


And, you haven't used Tillman to prove that Noam Chomsky is legitimate? :lol:


Holy bull **** Hypocrisy, Batman! Could you be more tiresomely phony?


Noam Chomsky is your personal "gay marriage" issue, isn't it? Perfectly designed to make you feel superior...and anything...no matter how much of ridiculous stretch...is worth saying provided you can somehow bend it to suit that purpose.


I was gonna ignore this entire post, but, when I see hypocrisy and phoniness like this on this board? Well, you can ask anybody here: it's always your ass.



That sounds like a speech Sean gives Will in "Good Will Hunting". :thumbsup:

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