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When children are put up for adoption who gets all of the fees? The reason in asking is because I got to thinking maybe she was just trying to cut out the realtor. You know for sale by owner instead of adoption agency.


This post is madely firmly tongue in cheek but I think it is an interesting discussion none the less. Any legal experts willing to weigh in and explain the differences? I would imagine agencies do back ground checks on potential adopters but what is to stop a mother from doing the same thing with the same steps taken? Is it an accreditation issue? Is there any way a mother could do this legally?


Fwiw I don't agree with this mothers actions but just got to thinking about these questions.


Then there were the days when you could put them on a train and send them to Father Baker's. From all over the nation children would come... Given up by desparate parents seeking a better life for the child. The nuns would make weely trips to the train station to pick up the orphans. Times have surely changed.


What is throwing the mother in custody gonna do?

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