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Thats not good, has anyone heard this or are they specualting?



On the bright side...the colts defense sucks anyway!!! :(

.......and Mike will spend the next three days eating pizza, bacon, ice cream, hotdogs, donuts and chocolate bars.




and setting it off by drinking a Diet Cola....LoL

If thats the case, then we will not make the playoffs.


I gurantee the Jets beat the Rams, Rams are a mess and, the Jets are clearly the better team talent wise.




No way are the Jests better offensively than the rams. Besides the frustration is showing with Paul Hacketts play calling.

The Rams have the chance to win the NFC WEST.


Jests suspect secondary will get lit up like a Christmas tree curtousy of Issac Bruce, Tory Holt, Marshall Faulk & Steven Jackson. Remember the rams best game is there passing.

Face it, Denver WILL beat Indy if by 4:00 they still have something to play for.   


You guys need to become big St. Louis Rams fans.


Finally, something that makes sense from a Pats Fan :-)

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