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And the big middle finger goes to...


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...web sites that incorporate auto-play video advertisements that don't allow you to stop, pause, or mute. Damn, I hate that.


I've learned there's almost nothing on the web I want to see badly enough to subject myself to that nonsense.

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...web sites that incorporate auto-play video advertisements that don't allow you to stop, pause, or mute. Damn, I hate that.



How about DVDs that don't let you skip the trailers in the beginning?



I've learned there's almost nothing on the web I want to see badly enough to subject myself to that nonsense.


First world problems.

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And I'm dealing with third world problems here! Damn weevils in my rice.



I'm sorry to hear that, please pardon our insensitivity. If it's any consolation, the Bills might have a top ten fantasy defense this season.

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You can sure be thick. Would I be wasting my time getting all my protein from lentils if I didn't have a weevil allergy?




But I'm only saying that because I don't think much of your mental acuity.

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