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It's So hot....

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I can't imagine getting used to it. Maybe it's because I'm a Buffalo boy, but I'm never going to be able to live anywhere where temps get like this on a regular basis - I can't deal with it at all. I'll shovel my driveway for the rest of my life - at least I can put on some warm boots and a sweater, but I refuse to stew in my own juices while doing nothing more than sitting down and tring to breathe air that feels as heavy as molassas....


I am EXACTLY the same way. I have spent weeks in Florida in the summer, in different places and what Insight is saying is so true. I could not put up with it..........When you get out of the airport terminal, it really feels like you are getting into a sauna.


I really am built for four seasons, and great summers like we have here.


Which begs the question - how hot is it?

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