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Would you kill a critter


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About a week and a half ago I turned around in the shower, only to come eyeball to eyeball with a cockroach about an inch and a half long, perched on my razor that's suction-cupped to the tile.


I ran out of the bathroom screaming, naked as can be, with the water still running.


If I ever came across a five-foot snake, I'd probably go into cardiac arrest.



"The Big Cat" is the puuuuurfect name for you.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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My wife is so scared of spiders she can't help herself from screaming, loudly, everytime she see's one. That includes pictures of spiders if they pop up unexpectedly. If they're on TV for any extended period of time, she has to leave the room.


Oddly enough, she would have no problem at all with that snake...either letting it live or killing it herself.

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So i have known that a black rat snake has been living underneath my woodpile for a good two years now. See him every once in a while, but he didn't bother me and i didn't bother him. However, the snake got dumb today and came up on our back covered porch and wifey poo saw him. We have a stone fireplace out there, and above the mantle we have a dead stick type wreath that some birds nest in every year. Wife looked out the door about 3 today..and thsat snake was up there with nothing but one of the birds tailfeathers visable out of his mouth..and this was a good size bird. Damn good lunch if you ask me.


That was all she wrote..she insisted i kill the snake..i pressed..saying when is the last time you saw a mouse around this house???? But she was so scared she would be sitting next to the fireplace and look up and see this snake again she could never be comfortable on the porch again.


Damn, that snake had to a little over 5 foot ..i had no idea he was that big.Still feel bad about killing him..I am not opposed to killing animals as long as you be eating what you kill..but I am not eating this snake.


What would you have done?


Trapped it and relocated to a new wood pile.

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About a week and a half ago I turned around in the shower, only to come eyeball to eyeball with a cockroach about an inch and a half long, perched on my razor that's suction-cupped to the tile.


I ran out of the bathroom screaming, naked as can be, with the water still running.


If I ever came across a five-foot snake, I'd probably go into cardiac arrest.

Take some tips from two people that are a little more masculine than you:



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Take some tips from two people that are a little more masculine than you:




I should say that the story has an epilogue:


A few days later, the Mrs. went into hysterics after visitor number 2 found their way into our bathroom (we suspect they were coming in through the bath tub drain).


I corralled the son-of-a-B word into the corner of our bedroom and whacked him with a magazine, picked up the splattered parts and flushed him down the toilet.


But that wasn't enough for the Mrs. who was now inflicted with a near-fatal dose of the heeby jeebies. It took about 45 minutes for her to calm down. And at last she was ready to crawl into bed, when ANOTHER scream came from the bedroom.


I rushed in, and sure enough, when I thought that the bastard's splattered remains didn't seem to add up, I was right. Evidently, once I smacked him, I popped the little !@#$er's head off and sent it flying across the room next to my lady's side of the bed...where it sat, antennae still flicking around, waiting for her to wind down and go to sleep.


Thank god we haven't found another one since...

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I should say that the story has an epilogue:


A few days later, the Mrs. went into hysterics after visitor number 2 found their way into our bathroom (we suspect they were coming in through the bath tub drain).


I corralled the son-of-a-B word into the corner of our bedroom and whacked him with a magazine, picked up the splattered parts and flushed him down the toilet.


But that wasn't enough for the Mrs. who was now inflicted with a near-fatal dose of the heeby jeebies. It took about 45 minutes for her to calm down. And at last she was ready to crawl into bed, when ANOTHER scream came from the bedroom.


I rushed in, and sure enough, when I thought that the bastard's splattered remains didn't seem to add up, I was right. Evidently, once I smacked him, I popped the little !@#$er's head off and sent it flying across the room next to my lady's side of the bed...where it sat, antennae still flicking around, waiting for her to wind down and go to sleep.


Thank god we haven't found another one since...

Next time call in the pros. Track them down from the video I posted.

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This ^^^^^^^^


..............and if you see one you can bet your ass there's plenty more lurking around. Get you house sprayed big cat.


Oh, believe me, I contacted our building manager pronto. And we've since been sprayed, etc.


City living has its downsides...

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