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Andrea Mitchell Selectively Editing Romney Comments

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Do you liberals ever tire of justifying stupidity with stupidity? Are you really okay with stupidity as long as it's bipartisan? Is it any wonder you guys can't govern for more than 20 minutes at a time.


What do you expect when America has bred a culture of victimization and identity politics for decades?

Somebody does something objectionable. So when somebody else does something similar, they point to the others and say but they do it too!


2 wrongs don't make a right but they are used to justify one another

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Somebody does something objectionable. So when somebody else does something similar, they point to the others and say but they do it too!


2 wrongs don't make a right but they are used to justify one another

sounds a lot like the argument cheney made to justify torturing prisoners.

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Fact Check Fox---paid for by the "Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee"

does that necessarily make it incorrect? ya think someone might be watching to make sure they get the facts right?



"sounds a lot like" is pretty subjective...doubt i'm gonna find a link that validates that opinion to your satisfaction. you win

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Which is fair if that's what you believe. There is nothing wrong with you coming to that opinion based on the full and actual video rather than a selective one meant to make it look like he is a retard who just stepped out of a time machine.


That being said, people should be replaced with more efficient technology if it is cost effective.



That replacing people line is actually a falsehood. I live in NJ and Wawas are filled to the brim with employees. Romney was right, they are a real private sector success story.


msubc, makin' s@#! up broadcasting company. Someone should interview Tom Brokaw and ask him what he thinks about this. It's seriously shameful stuff.


It seems that every day there's a new story about the new media trouncing the old media.

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Do you liberals ever tire of justifying stupidity with stupidity? Are you really okay with stupidity as long as it's bipartisan? Is it any wonder you guys can't govern for more than 20 minutes at a time.



This one is pretty embarrassing.




Yeah. I was thinking about this a little bit more. I can understand where in the news you may only have a few minutes for each segment, I get it. But that was a campainge stop. So I'd suspect he spoke for more than that 3 minutes or so that was on the first video. But for them to cut it down to less than 40 seconds, AND spliced the shiit out of it was pretty lame.

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I never heard that argument. :unsure:

Maybe not, but some people just feel good when they get to randomly use the words "Cheney" and "torture" in a discussion about that has absolutely nothing to do with "Cheney" and "torture."


Yeah. I was thinking about this a little bit more. I can understand where in the news you may only have a few minutes for each segment, I get it. But that was a campainge stop. So I'd suspect he spoke for more than that 3 minutes or so that was on the first video. But for them to cut it down to less than 40 seconds, AND spliced the shiit out of it was pretty lame.

And it's not like NBC did something similar with the Zimmerman 911 call when they edited it to make him sound racist.


Oh, wait.

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does that necessarily make it incorrect? ya think someone might be watching to make sure they get the facts right?


"sounds a lot like" is pretty subjective...doubt i'm gonna find a link that validates that opinion to your satisfaction. you win



One of the statements made on Fox had Glenn Beck saying that The Recovery Act did not create any jobs. In rebuttal Fact Check quoted the CBO as stating that it created 2.1 million jobs. I googled it and found one site that compared 9 different studies (including the CBO's). I could show you a study that that says the RA created 450,000 government jobs and lost 1.5 million private sector jobs. I guess they "fact checked" it with whatever suited their purpose.


Tell you what, if you want to say that Fox News completely twists things like Andrea Mitchell did then you show some specific examples. Don't use the talk show hosts. Use a reporter or an anchor.

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One of the statements made on Fox had Glenn Beck saying that The Recovery Act did not create any jobs. In rebuttal Fact Check quoted the CBO as stating that it created 2.1 million jobs. I googled it and found one site that compared 9 different studies (including the CBO's). I could show you a study that that says the RA created 450,000 government jobs and lost 1.5 million private sector jobs. I guess they "fact checked" it with whatever suited their purpose.


Tell you what, if you want to say that Fox News completely twists things like Andrea Mitchell did then you show some specific examples. Don't use the talk show hosts. Use a reporter or an anchor.


They're out of bullets. Anyone who doesn't either follow Fox News or the new media is just willfully blinding themselves to what's going on in this country. They live in a delusional world. One where Obama is doing a good job and the only blame for things not being better is because of George Bush.


Anyone making fun of Fox News these days are making themselves look foolish. Fox News isn't perfect, but without them this country would be completely "bleeped" right about now.

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One of the statements made on Fox had Glenn Beck saying that The Recovery Act did not create any jobs. In rebuttal Fact Check quoted the CBO as stating that it created 2.1 million jobs. I googled it and found one site that compared 9 different studies (including the CBO's). I could show you a study that that says the RA created 450,000 government jobs and lost 1.5 million private sector jobs. I guess they "fact checked" it with whatever suited their purpose.


Tell you what, if you want to say that Fox News completely twists things like Andrea Mitchell did then you show some specific examples. Don't use the talk show hosts. Use a reporter or an anchor.



Oddly, FOX News seems light on either. :P

Their progamming is about 95% idiot talk show hosts...I guess that is how FOX NEWS gets around slamming the media all the time...and at the same time boasting that they are Americas #1 source for news. Even they can't make the distinction.

Edited by Buftex
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Oddly, FOX News seems light on either. :P

Their progamming is about 95% idiot talk show hosts...I guess that is how FOX NEWS gets around slamming the media all the time...and at the same time boasting that they are Americas #1 source for news. Even they can't make the distinction.



They have news shows on all day long. I'm saying to him that he should provide a link to a lie by a news reporter. Andrea Mitchell is supposed to be a reporter. I don't want stuff from Sean Hannity or Ed Schultz that tend to use hyperbole.

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And again this is relevant to the original issue how?


The But the other guys are worse argument doesn't accomplish anything


Because for everyone's favorite TBD doctor, it's "us vs them" rather than actually being objective.

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Because for everyone's favorite TBD doctor, it's "us vs them" rather than actually being objective.



Keep in mind it's rarely even "us v. them" re: substantive policy.... It's "us v. them" re: retarded culture war and mainly (as here) "us v. them" re: media coverage of fluff non-informative pandering. It's basically an MTV reality show...Team Werewolf or Team Vampire...etc..

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