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Andrea Mitchell Selectively Editing Romney Comments

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I was (almost) hoping that no one would post about the Left's WaWa moment.


Its such a blatant attempt to try a create a story to fit the Obama campaign's "Romney is out of touch" meme,


that its really not worth the effort commenting on.


They edit the video to get what they need.



Of course, it worked for the FAKE President H.W. Bush "scanner" story that was invented by a NYT "reporter", but there's a new media in town.................and falsehoods will be exposed.



Edited by B-Man
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uh huh, you'd never see something like that happen at Fox.

Do you liberals ever tire of justifying stupidity with stupidity? Are you really okay with stupidity as long as it's bipartisan? Is it any wonder you guys can't govern for more than 20 minutes at a time.


They all do it 3rd.

This one is pretty embarrassing.

Edited by LABillzFan
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Do you ever have a real point to make, or an original thought? Or do you just leap from faux outrage to faux outrage as directed by the Not-MSM talking heads?


So, it's not a real point that the media is totally fabricating a story line to make Romney look bad and out of touch? The story was attached to something else I was reading and I took the time to view both videos to make up my own mind about the printed story. So, that's "faux" outrage?

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So, it's not a real point that the media is totally fabricating a story line to make Romney look bad and out of touch? The story was attached to something else I was reading and I took the time to view both videos to make up my own mind about the printed story. So, that's "faux" outrage?


No, it's faux outrage because you would be among the first to defend a right wing non-MSM hack for doing the same thing that you're attacking the left wing MSM hack for doing.


Difficult Concept, isn't it?


Now where's that link, 3rd? Cuz we all know you'd never distort something another poster said, right?


Because that would make you look really silly right now, considering your indignant stance here, wouldn't it?

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No, it's faux outrage because you would be among the first to defend a right wing non-MSM hack for doing the same thing that you're attacking the left wing MSM hack for doing.


Difficult Concept, isn't it?


Now where's that link, 3rd? Cuz we all know you'd never distort something another poster said, right?


Because that would make you look really silly right now, considering your indignant stance here, wouldn't it?



One more time. I started a thread about the MSM not really covering the egregious security leaks and you kept saying they were no more serious than the Valerie Plame deal. I explained to your sorry ass that the leaks were coming from high up in the administration and were obviously for political reasons. The Plame leak was from Richard Armitage in the State Dept. who didn't agree with Bush's foreign policy. No harm was actually done to Plame. The latest leaks here could harm many people including you or me. You kept telling me that my motives were strictly partisan. When I posted an article about Barbara Feinstein's indigation over the leaks to point out that I wasn't being partisan you tried to twist it all around. The leaks are very serious and the MSM lack of reporting and disinterest in holding this administration's feet to the fire is deplorable.

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One more time. I started a thread about the MSM not really covering the egregious security leaks and you kept saying they were no more serious than the Valerie Plame deal. I explained to your sorry ass that the leaks were coming from high up in the administration and were obviously for political reasons. The Plame leak was from Richard Armitage in the State Dept. who didn't agree with Bush's foreign policy. No harm was actually done to Plame. The latest leaks here could harm many people including you or me. You kept telling me that my motives were strictly partisan. When I posted an article about Barbara Feinstein's indigation over the leaks to point out that I wasn't being partisan you tried to twist it all around. The leaks are very serious and the MSM lack of reporting and disinterest in holding this administration's feet to the fire is deplorable.


3rd....and I am asking this in a respectful way...what do you consider the MSM? I have seen plenty abou the leaks, and I agree, it is a serious issue. But, I am not sure where you, and so many others, always get this idea that nobody is covering anything except bloggers that you choose to go to, or, FOX.


Also, as for the Mithcell/Romney thing...I watched both videos...and I know where you are coming from. The video is edited to give one impression. But honestly, the Romney in the longer form video is the one that scares me more than the goofy one that Mitchell's work of art portrays. The long-form Romney is letting us know that we can all be replaced by machines...


I will admitt, I get a fair amount of my political news from Huffington Post. It is known to be liberal leaning, but it doesn't exclude negative news about the current president. For three days, in fact (granted it was over a weekend), there was an article front and center about a leak where Obama admitts to intentions to break a campaign promise, concerning how the US would deal with international business agreements. Also, they have conservative bloggers...hell even Gretta Van Sustran writes for them...


On a side note, and I am not asking this in a partisan way (I don't think)...when was the last time that any president who ran on a platform of downsizing government actually downsized government?

Edited by Buftex
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One more time. I started a thread about the MSM not really covering the egregious security leaks and you kept saying they were no more serious than the Valerie Plame deal. I explained to your sorry ass that the leaks were coming from high up in the administration and were obviously for political reasons. The Plame leak was from Richard Armitage in the State Dept. who didn't agree with Bush's foreign policy. No harm was actually done to Plame. The latest leaks here could harm many people including you or me. You kept telling me that my motives were strictly partisan. When I posted an article about Barbara Feinstein's indigation over the leaks to point out that I wasn't being partisan you tried to twist it all around. The leaks are very serious and the MSM lack of reporting and disinterest in holding this administration's feet to the fire is deplorable.



Can you imagine the schitstorm if Bush had openly targeted terrorists with drones and released the kind of classified info that this administration has? I haven't heard much about the Patriot Act or Gitmo in the last 3 1/2 years. I started a thread about the MSM not covering the leaks and I get crap here that the Valerie Plame deal was much worse. Certain posters here think it's ok to throw the people that helped us under the bus, but for someone in the State Dept. that disagreed with the Administration's foreign policy, to out someone that wasn't even undercover was worse than getting the good doc who helped us get OBL and the guy who infiltrated Al Qaeda and saved a terrorist attack into deep schit.



Either provide the link to where I said any of the things you're claiming I said or STFU.

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3rd....and I am asking this in a respectful way...what do you consider the MSM? I have seen plenty abou the leaks, and I agree, it is a serious issue. But, I am not sure where you, and so many others, always get this idea that nobody is covering anything except bloggers that you choose to go to, or, FOX.


Also, as for the Mithcell/Romney thing...I watched both videos...and I know where you are coming from. The video is edited to give one impression. But honestly, the Romney in the longer form video is the one that scares me more than the goofy one that Mitchell's work of art portrays. The long-form Romney is letting us know that we can all be replaced by machines...


I will admitt, I get a fair amount of my political news from Huffington Post. It is known to be liberal leaning, but it doesn't exclude negative news about the current president. For three days, in fact (granted it was over a weekend), there was an article front and center about a leak where Obama admitts to intentions to break a campaign promise, concerning how the US would deal with international business agreements. Also, they have conservative bloggers...hell even Gretta Van Sustran writes for them...


On a side note, and I am not asking this in a partisan way (I don't think)...when was the last time that any president who ran on a platform of downsizing government actually downsized government?



I consider the MSM to be ABC, CBS, NBC, the major newspapers, etc. Too many people get their only news from them. NBC didn't even report on the Fast and Furious case until a week or so ago. They need to be holding the administrations feet to the fire and insisting on answers. Why isn't tthe MSM questioning the WH about a special prosecutor? They certainly did in the Plame case.


I don't know how you get that Romney believes that we can be replaced by machines. He was commenting on how private business needs to be competitive to survive while the federal government feels no need to do that. (33 page change of address vs. a touch screen for ordering a sub)



I'll get back to you on the downsizing of government question.

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Do you liberals ever tire of justifying stupidity with stupidity? Are you really okay with stupidity as long as it's bipartisan? Is it any wonder you guys can't govern for more than 20 minutes at a time.



This one is pretty embarrassing.

But the neocons do it too..... :devil:


But, but, the liberals do it too....... :oops:

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Also, as for the Mithcell/Romney thing...I watched both videos...and I know where you are coming from. The video is edited to give one impression. But honestly, the Romney in the longer form video is the one that scares me more than the goofy one that Mitchell's work of art portrays. The long-form Romney is letting us know that we can all be replaced by machines...


Which is fair if that's what you believe. There is nothing wrong with you coming to that opinion based on the full and actual video rather than a selective one meant to make it look like he is a retard who just stepped out of a time machine.


That being said, people should be replaced with more efficient technology if it is cost effective.

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