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Brothers and Sisters, brothers and sisters PLEASE! Remember we are all Bills fans, no matter what else we may be. A shred of respect will go a long way...


Ahhhh fuggoff!!


You honestly don't believe there isn't a huge generation gap between people like yourself and people in their 20s?




What the hell does this mean? Are you saying that people in their 20's know what's going on in the world. That's the biggest think I hate about SF. A bunch of overpaid hipsters who think they know how the world works.


Obviously, vote the way you want, but IMO, both ways are dumb and not helping the country.

Besides killing OBL...name one thing that Obama has done that is a net + in terms of "helping the country".


Seriously. I can't. I have tried to come up with one thing that is a net + accomplishment that we can look at and at the very least say: "up to standard".

I'm not going to say Obama is the greatest President ever but seriously, what did people honestly expect?

Exactly what Barack Obama/MSM told us to expect. For example:

1. That the entire notion of war will fade away now that he was in office....and the media/liberal elites handed him the Nobel Prize to prove it

2. That there is such a thing as a reset button with Russia(of all countries :wacko:)....and that not only would pressing it be a good idea, it would actually...advance...us 40 years in diplomatic relations

3. That cash for clunkers would be an object lesson in how smart spending on various green initiatives can also serve as Keynesian multipliers.


Now...those are the 3 things out of the gate that we were told to expect, by either the MSM, or Obama himself.


Consider the hubris of those 3. The only thing that matches it is the sweeping ignorance that is necessary to believe that any one of them is a good idea. Consider...what you would have learned from these 3?.


Now, consider the MSM/Obama....did they learn anything?


Hindsight...my ASS! Many of us on this board KNEW these things were flawed immediately. I don't blame Obama for the Nobel. I do blame his "path preparers". I knew Cash for Clunkers was a stupid idea...in 1985, I just didn't know the name of it yet. The problem is: Obama didn't know that in 1985, 2005, or at any other time...until he was dopey enough to do it.


The other problem: he didn't learn from his mistakes...hence....Solyndra, Egypt, China...and now we're back to...Russia. :wallbash:


Not learning from things that don't work...requires that you know enough to tell the difference. If it was you, you'd know the difference. Right?

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