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I got layed off yesterday...

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I'm just waiting for my Clearence to clear.  (I don't know what is taking so long... I had a TS/SCI/Poly clearence for 4 years...) 




I don't know why those TS/SCI/Poly take so long to clear. I bet mine took a good two years to go through, and that was with no tickets/arrests.

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I will be starting a new job in January.  I will be working for the Federal Govt.  I'm just waiting for my Clearence to clear.  (I don't know what is taking so long... I had a TS/SCI/Poly clearence for 4 years...) 


Oh Well,  The job I'm leaving now qualifies as a BAD job.  My manager was B word who liked to tell people she didn't know how she was going to make payrole this month!  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  She managed through terror and I believe that there is a special place in hell waiting for her


Wish me luck  :(



I hate working for women. One week a month is ALWAYS hell.

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Oh Well,  The job I'm leaving now qualifies as a BAD job.  My manager was B word who liked to tell people she didn't know how she was going to make payrole this month!  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: 



Maybe if your old boss had access to tax dollars to cover every deficit, like your new one, she wouldn't be going to hell. I've got a question for FAT, can we get a little perspective in this country?


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Oddly enough, we just hired our first employee yesterday. We're now a company of three. Talk about sweatin' it. Thanks for asking.


oh,oh! You just blew it bro. Having an employee will double your aggrivation. :devil:

Hell our business would be great if it wernt for having to deal with employees. I shoudnt be so negative. In reality 80 pct of our people are great. Its always 20pct of the schmucks that give you 80pct of your headaches. There is about 3 or 4 of our guys that I have a whole lot of respect for and would do most anything for them. Anyway LABillz. Good luck to you. I hope you got a good one. If you have any doubt at all about them blow them out the door. Dont let em get thier claws into you. Get a friggen drug test as well man! For the employee not you :( We are going though that BS now with one of our ex staffers. Just waiten to get sued for that one. ugh!

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oh,oh! You just blew it bro. Having an employee will double your aggrivation. :devil:

Hell our business would be great if it wernt for having to deal with employees. I shoudnt be so negative. In reality 80 pct of our people are great. Its always 20pct of the schmucks that give you  80pct of your headaches. There is about 3 or 4 of our guys that I have a whole lot of respect for and would do most anything for them. Anyway LABillz. Good luck to you. I hope you got a good one. If you have any doubt at all about them blow them out the door. Dont let em get thier claws into you. Get a friggen drug test as well man! For the employee not you  :( We are going though that BS now with one of our ex staffers. Just waiten to get sued for that one. ugh!


I appreciate the input, Dante. We're actually fortunate because we're hiring a guy who used to work for my partner and me at our last place of employment for five years, so we know what we're getting right out of the gate. Bottom line is, we can't expand our output (and therefore our sales) without another guy writing code for us. Pretty exciting...but freakin' scary as well.


Fuggit. Time to jump into the deep end of the pool.

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I appreciate the input, Dante. We're actually fortunate because we're hiring a guy who used to work for my partner and me at our last place of employment for five years, so we know what we're getting right out of the gate. Bottom line is, we can't expand our output (and therefore our sales) without another guy writing code for us. Pretty exciting...but freakin' scary as well.


Fuggit. Time to jump into the deep end of the pool.


yeah Im just venting a bit but chances MUST be taken and its nice that people like you take them. Sounds like your pretty safe though. I try to hire known quantities as well. Chances of a good employee are much better. What is your business if you dont mind me asking?

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yeah Im just venting a bit but chances MUST be taken and its nice that people like you take them. Sounds like your pretty safe though. I try to hire known quantities as well. Chances of a good employee are much better. What is your business if you dont mind me asking?


Custom software for automation systems that control corporate audio-visual equipment either by touchscreen interfaces or via PC/PDA/ over the corporate network. Very niche.

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Wish me luck  :(



Hell, luck? You're lucky. You get a vacation while your new job starts. Now *THAT'S* luck. The worst part about not having a job is not knowing when you have a next one. Take it from me. I know first hand.


Sounds like a Garbage Plate is in order. I'm buying. Just tell me when.



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Wait until she reaches menopause. You have been warned.  :(



That's what I don't understand. Women get to have sex without the risk of pregnancy and they don't like it? Confusing for us simple men.

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Custom software for automation systems that control corporate audio-visual equipment either by touchscreen interfaces or via PC/PDA/ over the corporate network. Very niche.


duh....We print(and embroider) tee shirts. I feel so small now compared to that! :(

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Just another reason why I shound not have posted today... (damn, I feel like sh--...) How is the new business going?




Speaking as someone who also went through the hell that is updating a TS SCI at a new location.....I say dont worry about it.....if they want you they will grease you through....


Congrats on the new job

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I wouldn't feel so small if I were you. If you made ANY money this year, you made more than me. After eight months, I'm about to go on payroll. Freaky. Very freaky.


Well dont really feel small but what we do certainly isnt hi tech. Not really sure if we made money but everyone got paychecks every week and the bills got paid. What your doing sounds very ambitious. Making your own software and having to support it seems very daunting to me. I couldnt handle it. Really hope it all works out for you.

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Well, since you are going to be working for the government, you should have plenty of time for FAT and for posting on the board.  :pirate:




You have no idea what you are talking about. Sure there are some stereotypical gov't employees out there, especially in the lower levels of gov't (I'm not even going to mention City or County employees) but overall it's a lot different than you think at the Federal level. My agency is run like a business and I'm constantly being measured against business production benchmarks.


Oh, and with the war & resulting budget cuts, the idea of a gov't job lasting forever is a fallacy also.


That said, congrats Nick - I'm happy for you.

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