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Posted (edited)

So many long years

Shedding Buffalo Bills tears

Turning Point is here


A Haiku that rhymes

Not seen a whole lot of times

Like sounds out of mimes


Don't want to be terse

So adding another verse

I will make it worse


You ask what's the use

Of Haiku that sounds like Seuss

Or like Mother Goose


But I say screw it

Just go ahead and do it

They won't review it


Kill my landlord.



Edited by K-9

Just like every year

We now resort to writing

Offseason Haikus


Just like every post

I resort to telling you

You're an idiot.





I think I'm going to write all my frivolous insults in haiku from now on. :w00t:


Just like every post

I resort to telling you

You're an idiot.





I think I'm going to write all my frivolous insults in haiku from now on. :w00t:


Buck shot litany

A vitriolic chorus

Nothing personal


I think someone skipped that day in school.


Nah, it's just the earlier form of 6-8-7 Haiku.




The first thread I read on TSW was about you guys making up haikus for the Week 1 season opener against the Chiefs last year (yeah, I guess I lurked for a while :blush: ). Thought it was a fun topic and it would be a good way to lighten up the mood.


Rules: 3 lines; 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllable in the second, another 5 in the third. This format doesn't have to be followed but the poem usually has to end in 17 syllables. It can be about anything that happened during the off-season. You can post multiple haikus.


Here's mine:


Bills made some head-way

Nix showed us the baby

Getting Williams and Mark


Bills signed some big names

Nix showed us the gestation

Baby not yet shown

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