Southern McButterpants. Posted June 12, 2012 Posted June 12, 2012 Of course I am and that's b/c unions are not necessary in modern times in most industries...however they still function in some. As for the rest of your comments about gov't workers...that is your would have no mechanism by which they can engage in a dialogue as a group beyond the political be it...the way I see it they should rely primarily on the political process but also have some limited internal mechanism that is protected from mere political whims. I'm sure the situation can vary from state to state/profession to profession but where I live if your profession is "teacher" or "fireman" or "policeman" ... you don't exactly have the traditional options of going to find another job/company anywhere/anytime you want... Where do you live? North Korea? I have friends who are cops and teachers and a few of them have moved around in order to obtain promotions, etc.
uncle flap Posted June 12, 2012 Posted June 12, 2012 You're right, I did make a real smart career choice when I quit working there over 12 years ago. Thanks for asking! Do you really think that unions have any control over funding to services? That's even sillier than your doom and gloom stupidity. I'm sure that you feel a 54% graduation rate resulting from these poor, overworked underappreciated slave-driven union teachers is a tremendous accomplishment deserving of raises all around too, eh? Success for the stupid... yay? But hey, at least the union took a stand for the kids and resoundingly defeated every plan that the Buffalo school district and New York State tried to implement in order to better the education of the kids. I mean hell, who needs to jettison dead weight when the poor underworked teachers are underperforming 'for the kids'? Certainly longevity and experience of lazy goldbricks is far more valuable to a child's education than people who are actually motivated to do their jobs and not just collect a paycheck. Oh right, teachers will somehow magically receive minimum wage if the corrupt unions go away. I mean that's how it turned out in Wisconsin, after all. Clearly your doom and gloom scenario isn't concocted by some jackass who is more worried about keeping his job than actually doing his job. I'm not sure where to start. Yes, I do think unions lobby for funding of their services. Actually, I know they do; what makes you think they don't? I doubt you have any idea what the population of Buffalo Public Schools is like, or else you wouldn't have brought that up. The graduation rate is a manifestation of a number of factors. Read the article you linked. Let's not forget about the drop outs. Hard to graduate students that don't show up. Is that the teacher's fault too? The performance review standoff was not to "take a stand for the kids" as you sarcastically imply. You're right, it was to protect teachers... from being having their performance judged by students who don't fulfill their part of the bargain. That goes on the parents; I won't blame a child, they don't know any better. New York State's top priority is not improving the education of the kids. They are interested in generating data driven statistics to justify policy. NEWS FLASH: Public education is not a profit driven corporation and the politicians need to stop treating it as such. Schools are in trouble so they deserve LESS $? GTFOH! Your lack of respect for the institution of teaching and education speaks volumes. Why would your kid listen to some selfish goldbrick? Read this with an open mind and tell me what you think:No Dentist Left Behind
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