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Buffalo resident says "the unthinkable"

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Probably because you go to such lengths to keep the darkies out of the neighborhood...



Now that is racist! You need to keep the darkies out of the neighborhood to keep the home prices up? You need to move to South Buffalo so you can be closer to your kind.

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Heard this AM that this guy had a house destroyed by arson. Twice.


Id probably be good for a few angry rants if I was him, too.


And I know Ive told this story before.....when wifey and I were house hunting we looked in a few mixed neighborhoods, one even mostly black. The realtor...also black...said right to our faces....you dont want this house you wouldnt be welcome here.


Keep beleiving racism and what that guy was thinking about "other people" moving in to communities is a one way street.

Edited by RkFast
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Why is that unthinkable? I had kids on hockey teams growing up from South Buffalo who were openly racist, and so were their parents. To hear some of those people are still racist is not a suprise at all.


To suggest Skin Color along brings down property values is baseless. To say that people of poor socio economic means who do not value their property nor anothers', then you have a valid point. But poor white people can screw up a house just as bad as the black ones.... just look at my neighbors house.... it looked back when it was in foreclosure, he made it look worse outside....


I'm guessing that having people running around who will burn down a house simply because the owners are black doesn't exactly help neighborhood house values either. So you have to love the arsonist's logic.

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I'm guessing that having people running around who will burn down a house simply because the owners are black doesn't exactly help neighborhood house values either. So you have to love the arsonist's logic.



Cutting of the nose to spite the Face?

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Heard this AM that this guy had a house destroyed by arson. Twice.


Id probably be good for a few angry rants if I was him, too.


And I know Ive told this story before.....when wifey and I were house hunting we looked in a few mixed neighborhoods, one even mostly black. The realtor...also black...said right to our faces....you dont want this house you wouldnt be welcome here.


Keep beleiving racism and what that guy was thinking about "other people" moving in to communities is a one way street.

Holy jump to conclusions, Batman. No one has implied it doesn't swing both ways. But making a post celebrating the racist rantings of an angry, hateful person does nothing to solve the problem. All it does is expose DaveinElma for the racist fu*ktard that he actually is.

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Holy jump to conclusions, Batman. No one has implied it doesn't swing both ways. But making a post celebrating the racist rantings of an angry, hateful person does nothing to solve the problem. All it does is expose DaveinElma for the racist fu*ktard that he actually is.


I have no comment on Dave's motives. I really dont care what they are.


My sole point is what this guy is saying is no different than what every other ethic group says when "those people" move into their neighborhoods. Whether thats right or wrong, I dont know. Fortunately, I never had to deal with my own neighborhood going through radical changes, having my house torched (twice!) and I wont cast judgement on others dealing with **** I never had to. But I DO know is that if anyone except a white man said those words, it would be a non-story. The Reverend in that news clip understood that. Why cant you?

Edited by RkFast
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I have no comment on Dave's motives. I really dont care what they are.


My sole point is what this guy is saying is no different than what every other ethic group says when "those people" move into their neighborhoods. Whether thats right or wrong, I dont know. Fortunately, I never had to deal with my own neighborhood going through radical changes, having my house torched (twice!) and I wont cast judgement on others dealing with **** I never had to. But I DO know is that if anyone except a white man said those words, it would be a non-story. The Reverend in that news clip understood that. Why cant you?


I must live in some fairy tale world but all I've ever lived in middle class neighborhoods that were racially mix. I guess that's why opinions are very different from a lot of people here. In a way, I feel sorry for those who have such a narrowed point of view. There are great people of all races, just like there are idiots in every race. And without a doubt, there are many shades of beautiful women.


Also, it's funny how poor people love to blame other poor people for their problems. Maybe if you worked out and got better jobs, you won't live in such crappy neighborhoods in the first place. Again, there are plenty of minorities in Amherst and Williamsville and they seem to be doing fine.

Edited by C.Biscuit97
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I must live in some fairy tale world but all I've ever lived in middle class neighborhoods that were racially mix. I guess that's why opinions are very different from a lot of people here. In a way, I feel sorry for those who have such a narrowed point of view. There are great people of all races, just like there are idiots in every race. And without a doubt, there are many shades of beautiful women.

I don't know, the middle class neighborhood I grew up in was all white. The closest we got to "colored" were the Catholics down the street.

Edited by LeviF91
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I don't know, the middle class neighborhood I grew up in was all white. The closest we got to "colored" were the Catholics down the street.


Haha. I grew up in the north Buffalo near UB South Campus in the 90s. Obviously, it wasn't directly split but it was a good mix of races. I also attended the Olmstead and City Honors schools. I guess I must be closed minded but race was never really an issue and I had an amazing childhood and adolescence.


And I heard that areas like Lovejoy are racists but considering Lovejoy is a piece of crap, I don't get what they're so prideful of. And it goes both ways. A bit of generalization, but it seems like poorer areas like Lovejoy or the East side, don't take pride in their neighborhoods. I've had piece of crap cars but I've kept the interior clean.

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Haha. I grew up in the north Buffalo near UB South Campus in the 90s. Obviously, it wasn't directly split but it was a good mix of races. I also attended the Olmstead and City Honors schools. I guess I must be closed minded but race was never really an issue and I had an amazing childhood and adolescence.


And I heard that areas like Lovejoy are racists but considering Lovejoy is a piece of crap, I don't get what they're so prideful of. And it goes both ways. A bit of generalization, but it seems like poorer areas like Lovejoy or the East side, don't take pride in their neighborhoods. I've had piece of crap cars but I've kept the interior clean.

The high school I attended (public) was about 70% white, 25% black, and 5% other. There were a lot more crime and behavior issues in my school than in my neighborhood, mostly with the black kids. But, with few exceptions, the black kids all came from poor families and a very poor section of my fairly large hometown.


We had our share of racists in the school, who doesn't? But, mostly, the behavior issues at my school were summed up like this: "!@#$ing poor people." It all comes down to what you see as the impetus behind crime when crime and race and crime and socioeconomic situation are both relationships that are highly correlated. It could be that neither of them are causal, but if you had to pick one that was far less retarded, it would be crime and socioeconomic situation.

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I have no comment on Dave's motives. I really dont care what they are.


My sole point is what this guy is saying is no different than what every other ethic group says when "those people" move into their neighborhoods. Whether thats right or wrong, I dont know. Fortunately, I never had to deal with my own neighborhood going through radical changes, having my house torched (twice!) and I wont cast judgement on others dealing with **** I never had to. But I DO know is that if anyone except a white man said those words, it would be a non-story. The Reverend in that news clip understood that. Why cant you?

I never said I disagree with that point. Once again you are putting words into my mouth because you are either unable or unwilling to comprehend my point ... Or you are looking to argue with anyone that even appears to be liberal.


What is alarming to me isn't that the guy said that on the news -- there are idiots all over of all races. But what is alarming and offensive to me as a human being is that DaveinElma made a post CELEBRATING the unbelievably racist rant. Defending racism is just as bad, if not worse, than being openly racist. The guy on the news is an ass clown. He has every right to say what he wants, but any decent human would call him out for being an ass clown and not rush online to make a post about how he's being smeared by the media. In reality all DaveinElma did was (finally) expose himself for the racist asshat that many on here suspected long ago.


At the very least the guy on the news is open about it, but DaveinElma denies his own racism by saying "Fred Jackson is my favorite Bill" ... Which is the PPP equivalent to a white guy saying "I am not a racist because I have one black friend". Anytime someone feels the need to justify their racism by pointing to their one friend of color is always a cop out. I would respect Dave if he had the balls to stand by his convictions, but he doesn't. He is a eunuch with hatred in his heart and undeniably backwards mentality that has no place in civilized society.

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Heard this AM that this guy had a house destroyed by arson. Twice.


Id probably be good for a few angry rants if I was him, too.


And I know Ive told this story before.....when wifey and I were house hunting we looked in a few mixed neighborhoods, one even mostly black. The realtor...also black...said right to our faces....you dont want this house you wouldnt be welcome here.


Keep beleiving racism and what that guy was thinking about "other people" moving in to communities is a one way street.


But I would hope your rant would be against...ya know...arsonists.

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I never said I disagree with that point. Once again you are putting words into my mouth because you are either unable or unwilling to comprehend my point ... Or you are looking to argue with anyone that even appears to be liberal.


What is alarming to me isn't that the guy said that on the news -- there are idiots all over of all races. But what is alarming and offensive to me as a human being is that DaveinElma made a post CELEBRATING the unbelievably racist rant. Defending racism is just as bad, if not worse, than being openly racist. The guy on the news is an ass clown. He has every right to say what he wants, but any decent human would call him out for being an ass clown and not rush online to make a post about how he's being smeared by the media. In reality all DaveinElma did was (finally) expose himself for the racist asshat that many on here suspected long ago.


At the very least the guy on the news is open about it, but DaveinElma denies his own racism by saying "Fred Jackson is my favorite Bill" ... Which is the PPP equivalent to a white guy saying "I am not a racist because I have one black friend". Anytime someone feels the need to justify their racism by pointing to their one friend of color is always a cop out. I would respect Dave if he had the balls to stand by his convictions, but he doesn't. He is a eunuch with hatred in his heart and undeniably backwards mentality that has no place in civilized society.

Dave has hired more minorities than you, currently employs more minorities than you, and he can fit at least twice as many minorities in his house as you can in yours. Just ask him.

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I never said I disagree with that point. Once again you are putting words into my mouth because you are either unable or unwilling to comprehend my point ... Or you are looking to argue with anyone that even appears to be liberal.


What is alarming to me isn't that the guy said that on the news -- there are idiots all over of all races. But what is alarming and offensive to me as a human being is that DaveinElma made a post CELEBRATING the unbelievably racist rant. Defending racism is just as bad, if not worse, than being openly racist. The guy on the news is an ass clown. He has every right to say what he wants, but any decent human would call him out for being an ass clown and not rush online to make a post about how he's being smeared by the media. In reality all DaveinElma did was (finally) expose himself for the racist asshat that many on here suspected long ago.


At the very least the guy on the news is open about it, but DaveinElma denies his own racism by saying "Fred Jackson is my favorite Bill" ... Which is the PPP equivalent to a white guy saying "I am not a racist because I have one black friend". Anytime someone feels the need to justify their racism by pointing to their one friend of color is always a cop out. I would respect Dave if he had the balls to stand by his convictions, but he doesn't. He is a eunuch with hatred in his heart and undeniably backwards mentality that has no place in civilized society.



I wasn't celebrating anything-just pointing out how the liberals were sure to use this and say "See I told you white people are bad and are the sole reason for your situation in life". Never mind that this guy is a nobody who has no power himself.

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