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EDIT: eh forget it just let it fall not worth a topic

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Meh...surprising to hear but not topic worthy just let it fall...


(for the record original topic below just b/c I can't delete topic or don't realize I can)



title: What a facepalm worthy O'Reilly Factor moment today


subtitle: Politics aside wow...they need to have better people on air


I rewound it on my DVR to type out the quote...this is basically the word for word quote save a minor transcription error that probably exists since I typed it myself:


"The irony...the irony in all this is that today he put the blame on Europe, on European economies and they're doing really bad because they were using stimulus and keynesian policies to try and pump money and save the economy. That's why they're in a bad situation. Those are the same policies that Obama wants Republicans to pass in Congress I mean it's completely ironic." -direct quote from woman on O'Reilly factor today


...by no means if Fox News always this bad but if you invite someone on your show just to talk loud and look hot (which she was) they should at least be held to a slightly higher standard than this. To his credit O'Reilly himself was not hosting today and if he was (or even Jaun) I'm sure this wouldn't have gone uncorrected (as it was...save for the Democratic counter-guest who instantly pointed out that was the exact opposite but was talked over/discounted).


No political agenda behind this post as any intelligent conservative knows this is not true...just saying wow at what I see on "the nations #1 cable television news program."

Edited by TheNewBills
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