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President obama once joined a leftist third party...

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I'm not surprised by this.


Minutes of the meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party's Chicago chapter read as follows:


Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party "Candidate Contract" and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party



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So, in 1996, while Mitt Romney was running Bain Capital, Candidate Obama joined a leftist third party controlled by ACORN and dedicated to turning the United States into a massive, European-style welfare state. Seems to me like another episode of him saying, and doing, whatever to get elected.


If Romney’s background at Bain is a fit topic for discussion, so is Obama’s New Party tie. It is now proven that, despite his campaign’s vehement denials in 2008, President Obama gave his allegiance to a party standing far toward the left of the American political spectrum.


That is news, so will the press report it?





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Big deal. Did you hear that Ann Romney bought and wore a $700 silk blouse and she's into dressage! I though only Dems were kinky. Dressage indeed. Sounds like something a cross-dressing drag queen would be into.

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So, in 1996, while Mitt Romney was running Bain Capital, Candidate Obama joined a leftist third party controlled by ACORN and dedicated to turning the United States into a massive, European-style welfare state. Seems to me like another episode of him saying, and doing, whatever to get elected.


If Romney's background at Bain is a fit topic for discussion, so is Obama's New Party tie. It is now proven that, despite his campaign's vehement denials in 2008, President Obama gave his allegiance to a party standing far toward the left of the American political spectrum.


That is news, so will the press report it?








I doubt the lamestream media will make any mention of this. I'd suspect Mitt could say something about it though, then there might be a little play on it. Still I'm not surprised by this news and anybody thats been following this empty suit through these last 3 1/2 years wont be either.


The writer makes mention in the article that he brought it up in the past and was shot down. Now with documentation of it who knows.

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It's perfectly legitimate for Mitt Romney to call out Obama to respond to this story as to whether it is fact or fiction. David Axelrod doesn't miss an opportunity to tell a national audience that Mitt Romney is an extremist. This is a good test for Romney and whether he's in it to win it or if he doesn't have the balls. The MSM will have to cover this story if Romney decides to make this an issue about his opponent's (and current president) possibly real extremist intentions. You have to force Obama respond to this.

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I doubt the lamestream media will make any mention of this. I'd suspect Mitt could say something about it though, then there might be a little play on it. Still I'm not surprised by this news and anybody thats been following this empty suit through these last 3 1/2 years wont be either.


The writer makes mention in the article that he brought it up in the past and was shot down. Now with documentation of it who knows.


Of course not. See my post directly above yours. THAT's what will get more air time than this revelation.


I love it. The MSM castigated itself for "swallowing Bush's lies about WMD in Iraq" and for not digging into the facts and doing deep background checks before buying into what the administration tells them. Guess that all went for naught when BO came swinging his dick down Pennsylvania Avenue. Michael Beschloss anointed him "Probably the smartest guy ever to become President" shortly after he took the oath of office. I heard him actually say that. Linky thingy.

I think he's stunningly stupid in many respects - BO, not Beschloss. Well, Beschloss with respect to his assessment of BO was stupid.

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Of course not. See my post directly above yours. THAT's what will get more air time than this revelation.


I love it. The MSM castigated itself for "swallowing Bush's lies about WMD in Iraq" and for not digging into the facts and doing deep background checks before buying into what the administration tells them. Guess that all went for naught when BO came swinging his dick down Pennsylvania Avenue. Michael Beschloss anointed him "Probably the smartest guy ever to become President" shortly after he took the oath of office. I heard him actually say that. Linky thingy.

I think he's stunningly stupid in many respects - BO, not Beschloss. Well, Beschloss with respect to his assessment of BO was stupid.



Too funny.


Its getting some play at some blogs and second and third tier news agency's.


Funny part is number two on the first page is this thread.





Oh, looks like Rush is on it too



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Obama could grow a 2 foot beard and declare jihad on the US and the mainstream media would run a story on how Michele likes his new look.


I watched the first half of Clinton on PBS last night. I had forgotten how ruthlessly the media raked him over the coals again and again during his first term. GW Bush and Reagan were likewise constant targets for the media (not so much GHWB, but he presided over a popular war). And yet for some reason there is absolutely never even the mildest criticism of this particular President from those same outlets.

Edited by KD in CT
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Obama could grow a 2 foot beard and declare jihad on the US and the mainstream media would run a story on how Michele likes his new look.


I watched the first half of Clinton on PBS last night. I had forgotten how ruthlessly the media raked him over the coals again and again during his first term. GW Bush and Reagan were likewise constant targets for the media (not so much GHWB, but he presided over a popular war). And yet for some reason there is absolutely never even the mildest criticism of this particular President from those same outlets.

I believe Obama gets a pass because the media KNOWS it worked so hard to ensure it was covering the election of the first black president, that it simply can not now openly admit it went easy on the vetting process.


Please note, I am not trying to make the typical conservative case that the liberal media wanted to help elect a liberal president. It had less to do with him being a liberal and more with him representing what truly would be one of the most historic moments in American history. Imagine being able to write a book or tell your grandchildren that you were there, front and center, covering the election of the first black American president. It truly IS historic.


Unfortunately, they were so busy making history, it never dawned on them that in addition to being the first black president, maybe, just maybe, Barack Obama was also spineless idiot with the leadership skills of a mop.

Edited by LABillzFan
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I believe Obama gets a pass because the media KNOWS it worked so hard to ensure it was covering the election of the first black president, that it simply can not now openly admit it went easy on the vetting process.


Please note, I am not trying to make the typical conservative case that the liberal media wanted to help elect a liberal president. It had less to do with him being a liberal and more with him representing what truly would be one of the most historic moments in American history. Imagine being able to write a book or tell your grandchildren that you were there, front and center, covering the election of the first black American president. It truly IS historic.


Unfortunately, they were so busy making history, it never dawned on them that in addition to being the first black president, maybe, just maybe, Barack Obama was also spineless idiot with the leadership skills of a mop.



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I have spent significantly more time in the past three years getting directly involved with a conservative, tea party movement than I've ever done anything politically in my life. I have met with hundreds, gathered with thousands and listened to countless speakers. They say we can't afford another four years of Obama's policies. They say we can't afford another four years of his leaderless skillset. They say he's a progressive, a liberal, a socialist, and even a Marxist. Never once did I ever hear anyone EVER even remotely insinuate that we need to get rid of Obama so we could say "Well, we tried a black guy and it didn't work."


And that is why people like Bill Maher, Ed Shultz, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi et al are about to lose their ass in November. They so desperately want this to be about race that they simply can not understand it being anything else. And if you don't truly know what your problem is, you will never, ever fix it.

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I have spent significantly more time in the past three years getting directly involved with a conservative, tea party movement than I've ever done anything politically in my life. I have met with hundreds, gathered with thousands and listened to countless speakers. They say we can't afford another four years of Obama's policies. They say we can't afford another four years of his leaderless skillset. They say he's a progressive, a liberal, a socialist, and even a Marxist. Never once did I ever hear anyone EVER even remotely insinuate that we need to get rid of Obama so we could say "Well, we tried a black guy and it didn't work."


And that is why people like Bill Maher, Ed Shultz, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi et al are about to lose their ass in November. They so desperately want this to be about race that they simply can not understand it being anything else. And if you don't truly know what your problem is, you will never, ever fix it.


I'm quite certain that there might be some who have a bias strictly because of his race but I don't think it's the underlying reason either. Obviously even if they did, they wouldn't announce it in public?

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"That is why, I think, he is so conservative in the first term." :o


If this is true, he gets re-elected, and he stops being "conservative" in the 2nd term, we are so !@#$ed.


And it's not so much "we tried the black guy, it didn't work" as it is "we tried the inexperienced, unprepared, narrow-minded rock star pol, and it didn't work."

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I have spent significantly more time in the past three years getting directly involved with a conservative, tea party movement than I've ever done anything politically in my life. I have met with hundreds, gathered with thousands and listened to countless speakers. They say we can't afford another four years of Obama's policies. They say we can't afford another four years of his leaderless skillset. They say he's a progressive, a liberal, a socialist, and even a Marxist. Never once did I ever hear anyone EVER even remotely insinuate that we need to get rid of Obama so we could say "Well, we tried a black guy and it didn't work."


And that is why people like Bill Maher, Ed Shultz, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi et al are about to lose their ass in November. They so desperately want this to be about race that they simply can not understand it being anything else. And if you don't truly know what your problem is, you will never, ever fix it.



Maher and Schultz are literally a couple of brainwashed idiots.


Obama and Pelosi on the other hand, understand the political "game" all too well. They know the liberal "trick" playbook and the old "trick" plays are no longer working because the game has changed. Due in no small part to the MSM's lack of credibility and the growing emergence and importance of the new media.

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I believe Obama gets a pass because the media KNOWS it worked so hard to ensure it was covering the election of the first black president, that it simply can not now openly admit it went easy on the vetting process.


Please note, I am not trying to make the typical conservative case that the liberal media wanted to help elect a liberal president. It had less to do with him being a liberal and more with him representing what truly would be one of the most historic moments in American history. Imagine being able to write a book or tell your grandchildren that you were there, front and center, covering the election of the first black American president. It truly IS historic.


Unfortunately, they were so busy making history, it never dawned on them that in addition to being the first black president, maybe, just maybe, Barack Obama was also spineless idiot with the leadership skills of a mop.

Oh but admire Clarence Thomas. Oh figures you like a uncle Tom. The only "real" blacks must think like they do.

Edited by Jim in Anchorage
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