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California governor wants his high-speed rail so much...

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Here in CT it's a billion-dollar busway between Hartford and New Britain. Link.


Why is it that liberal govs have such a hard-on for public transportation? Like providing yet another means of getting from one poor urban area to another poor urban area 10 miles away is the silver :censored: ing bullet to solving actual problems that face the entire state. It's just throwing money down yet another bottomless pit with the initial cost, upkeep, staffing, etc. More gubmint Jobs For The Boys! An additional stink to this is that Gov. Uh-Uh-Uhmmm-Uhhhh Malloy said this was to create jobs in CT and then they hire a company in Massachusetts to build it. :wallbash: This comes not two years removed from being $3.5B in debt, then his $3B increase in spending over two years, and the largest tax increase in CT history on all those "rich" people who make over $50,000 a year.


This is the essential battle b/w Democrats and Republicans/Tea-Partiers: tax-and-spend-end-without-end-amen versus living within our means and keeping places affordable. As it stands, I don't think I can justify staying here for much longer.

Edited by UConn James
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Here in CT it's a billion-dollar busway between Hartford and New Britain. Link.


Why is it that liberal govs have such a hard-on for public transportation? Like providing yet another means of getting from one poor urban area to another poor urban area 10 miles away is the silver :censored: ing bullet to solving actual problems that face the entire state. It's just throwing money down yet another bottomless pit with the initial cost, upkeep, staffing, etc. More gubmint Jobs For The Boys! An additional stink to this is that Gov. Uh-Uh-Uhmmm-Uhhhh Malloy said this was to create jobs in CT and then they hire a company in Massachusetts to build it. :wallbash: This comes not two years removed from being $3.5B in debt, then his $3B increase in spending over two years, and the largest tax increase in CT history on all those "rich" people who make over $50,000 a year.


This is the essential battle b/w Democrats and Republicans/Tea-Partiers: tax-and-spend-end-without-end-amen versus living within our means and keeping places affordable. As it stands, I don't think I can justify staying here for much longer.


Meanwhile, tens of thousands of people in Fairfield County --- the ones who will be footing most of the state bill -- are still riding on crowded train cars from the 1950s.

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Here in CT it's a billion-dollar busway between Hartford and New Britain. Link.


Why is it that liberal govs have such a hard-on for public transportation? Like providing yet another means of getting from one poor urban area to another poor urban area 10 miles away is the silver :censored: ing bullet to solving actual problems that face the entire state. It's just throwing money down yet another bottomless pit with the initial cost, upkeep, staffing, etc. More gubmint Jobs For The Boys! An additional stink to this is that Gov. Uh-Uh-Uhmmm-Uhhhh Malloy said this was to create jobs in CT and then they hire a company in Massachusetts to build it. :wallbash: This comes not two years removed from being $3.5B in debt, then his $3B increase in spending over two years, and the largest tax increase in CT history on all those "rich" people who make over $50,000 a year.


This is the essential battle b/w Democrats and Republicans/Tea-Partiers: tax-and-spend-end-without-end-amen versus living within our means and keeping places affordable. As it stands, I don't think I can justify staying here for much longer.

I'm looking to leave. All to often, I see people from PR on Medicaid at my surgery center or having moved from a state in the Midwest, wondering "How the F did they end up here in CT?" The answer being, we're the most generous with entitlements. I'm looking to get out sooner rather than later.

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In downtown Oakland there is Jack London Square. They've done a decent job getting some nice restaurants and farmers markets there. It's on the other side of the Amtrak tracks so if you're there for an hour or so you see a couple of Amtrak trains go by. Double decker cars that are empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty. What on earth is going to change that now? I have the answer. Not a goddamn !@#$ing thing!

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Why is it that liberal govs have such a hard-on for public transportation? Like providing yet another means of getting from one poor urban area to another poor urban area 10 miles away is the silver :censored: ing bullet to solving actual problems that face the entire state. It's just throwing money down yet another bottomless pit with the initial cost, upkeep, staffing, etc.

Scott Walker caught a LOT of heat from the left in Wisconsin when he turned down federal funds for a train. "But they're giving us free money!" He (rightfully) pointed out that the state would have to pay for upkeep and couldn't afford it, but the media wasn't listening. They were having too much fun attacking Walker's policies. (the train would've gone from Milwaukee to Madison I believe).

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Officials admit they changed the bidding rules mid-stream so that a company that was lowest-rated (Tutor Perini) became the highest-rated. And, by magical coincidence, Tutor Perini is partially owned by Richard Blum (Diane Feinstein's husband):



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