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Smerlas is one of those legends that won't die. Third and short any quarterback in the league could draw him off-sides. He admitted in his book that he laid down to get Hank Bullough fired. I still remember the radio show he and Haslet did during their playing days-totally arrogant jerks.


Yeah, I was too young for Smerlas but I heard him on the radio with Howard Simon a few years ago. He came across as the biggest d bag on the planet. He was a like a Pats pawn and talked down to Simon and his co host. He seemed very bitter towards the Bills.

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Somebody needs to bring it up. Ralph is Cheap! There, I said it. <_<



I know "Ralph is cheap" is a bit of a cliche, but to deny that financial considerations haven't played a substantial role in the product the Bills have put on the field over the years, is to live in a bubble. Of course, Mr Wilson is spending money this year, and has had the occaisional stimulus package over the years...to say he is cheap may not be accurate, but to say he has been "penny wise and pound foolish" may be more accurate.


2 other guys who are revered in Bills lore should probably go on this list as well, given the untimeliness of their departures and the debacle that followed. Both guys were instrumental parts of multiple playoff teams and both crushed us by bolting for greener pastures.


Lou Saban and Chuck Knox.


Smerlas is one of those legends that won't die. Third and short any quarterback in the league could draw him off-sides. He admitted in his book that he laid down to get Hank Bullough fired. I still remember the radio show he and Haslet did during their playing days-totally arrogant jerks.


I remember that show too. I used to listen every Monday night...as the losses piled up, they got nastier and nastier toward callers...it was a really contentious show...as I recall, they ended up cancelling it mid-season, as nearly every show would have Smerlas calling a caller some name, and telling them he would be happy to meet them in a parking lot somewhere, to "discuss" their differences.


I also recall, when they were in the midst of a good season (I think it was 1980, maybe 1981) Smerlas and Haslett got into a fight in a parking lot with teammate Isiah Robertson...one of the older vets that Chuck Knox brang with him from the Rams, to be an steadying influence on the defense. There were lots of rumors of racial discord in the locker room during those years, either Smerlas or Haslett was normally at the center of things.


All that said, I will say, Smerlas' book "By A Nose" is one of the better Buffalo Bills books I have ever read...it is full of anecdotes, many of them on the tawdry side, the kind you don't normally hear about the Buffalo Bills. One of the few real "juicy" Bills books that I have ever come across.


Leon Seals... too easy.


MINNEAPOLIS — For whatever it's worth, Buffalo defensive end Bruce Smith, who turned Super Bowl week into a soap opera when he suggested that he might want to be traded because of some racial hate mail, says he now wants to stay with the team. Meanwhile, Leon Seals, the Bills' other defensive end, says he wants to be traded.


Winners smile.


Losers go nuclear.


"I want the hell out of Buffalo," Seals said, after the Bills' 37-24 loss to the Washington Redskins in Super Bowl XXVI. "I don't care where they send me. I'd go to the (USFL's New Jersey) Generals if they were still around. It's not the city. It's the organization, the Buffalo Bills' organization . . . I want out. Case closed."





Dusty Ziegler gets the big #2 vote in my book when he said he's resign with the Bills and then backed out for peanuts. F that guy...


Billy Joe Hobert, absolutely as well.. you DON'T KNOW THE PLAYBOOK?!??!?!?!?!


Leon Seals... too easy.







Dusty Ziegler gets the big #2 vote in my book when he said he's resign with the Bills and then backed out for peanuts. F that guy...


Billy Joe Hobert, absolutely as well.. you DON'T KNOW THE PLAYBOOK?!??!?!?!?!


I don't remember the Seals thing at all. And the article does little to explain. What was he pissed at the organization for?


I don't remember the Seals thing at all. And the article does little to explain. What was he pissed at the organization for?

I’m with you on this. I didn’t even know that we traded him to the Eagles. I guess I just figured he lost his job to Hansen and faded into oblivion.


I’m curious…what’s the deal with Brad Lamb? What did he ever do beside fumble to opening kickoff in one of the Super Bowls?


I don't remember the Seals thing at all. And the article does little to explain. What was he pissed at the organization for?



I don't recall that either. I ran into him at a 1998 Bills game in New Orleans...they still had a smoking lounge in the dome...he was huffing and puffing on cigerrettes (my buddy smokes, I do not), he and his son were both decked out in Bills gear. He was super cool, and as I recall, loved Buffalo. Honeslty, I think, more than anything, he was thrilled to be recognized, especially in front of his son. He baught me and my friend each a beer. Hate to say it, I was so hung over from the night before the game, I only took a few sips... :P


Of course, this was after he was done playing, so maybe his stance softened some. Those were pre-internet days, so perhaps I missed this back then...


The one guy who I couldn't stand as a person was Bruce Smith. He was a hell of a player; we all know that but the guy in my book was a complete jerk. He cried about money continuously and he milked injuries to stay off the practice field. Also, how many times did he get a DWI. He was all about himself and that's why he hung around the NFL so long to pick up the sack record. My biggest gripe on him though was the night I went to Jim Kelly's bar downtown and I saw him standing by himself near the stairway. After several minutes of trying to build the courage to say hello I finally went up to him explaining that I was a big Bills fan and that I wish him and the team a lot of luck for the upcoming season. He looked down at me without saying a word and while my hand was out trying to make a kind gesture to shake his hand he looked away without saying one word to me. I put my hand down, feeling like an idiot and I walked away that night saying that I wil never root for that $%#^& again...


Sorry that happened to you.


I've had the opportunity to speak with Bruce numerous times and each of my experiences couldn't have been more different than yours. He was patient and friendly when he attended bowl-a-thons one of my former employers participated in here in Va Beach that raised money for one of Bruce's pet projects, Junior Achievement. He was all smiles when our local Bills Backers club helped with his golf tournament, and he freely gave people his attention while watching his son play high school football - except when his son was on the field, then he kind of trailed off and concentrated on the game, which one would think would be undertsandable for any father watching his son play. Bruce also volunteered his time after school to work with his son's team.


I now live in a neighborhood adjacent to Bruce's and have seen him around from time to time. The fact that his son made it known to Bruce that I was one of his favorite teachers probably doesn't hurt, but Bruce is has never been anything but a class act in all of my experiences with him....


Will "Illegal Use Of Hands" Grant :thumbdown:

I always believed Willgrant was his last name. I found "Holdingon" to be a strange first name, but what did I know, I was a kid.


Since we've already busted on a couple of our HOFers, joe D left us high and dry for the best part of his hOF career in Cleveland.

Polian knew how Wolfords' contract was structured and used it to screw us out of another great OL.


Ronnie Harmon


Since we've already busted on a couple of our HOFers, joe D left us high and dry for the best part of his hOF career in Cleveland.

Polian knew how Wolfords' contract was structured and used it to screw us out of another great OL.


How did he leave us high and dry? Knox traded him while he had good value. How was that Joe D's fault? While he was great in Cleveland, he had his best years in Buffalo.


Am I forgetting something about that time period?




No doubt that Joe D has been a MAJOR creep of late. :thumbdown:


O.K. he may not have been the savior that every one thought he would be but he did nothing to flat out screw the team !! He played well as a Bill , finished his contract , didn't bad mouth the team when he left !!


So please explain why he is a creep besides your apparent dislike of him , maybe b/c he was a Patriot ??

Are you serious bro?:blink:


He screwed TD, the Bills' organization, and each & every Bills fan... if you need an example, look at his defiant behavior the last game of the 2004 season.


define "creep" ??


i bet that word means something different to alot of people....




1. to move slowly with the body close to the ground, as a reptile or an insect, or a person on hands and knees.


2. to approach slowly, imperceptibly, or stealthily (often followed by up ): We crept up and peeked over the wall.


3. to move or advance slowly or gradually: The automobile crept up the hill. Time just seems to creep along on these hot summer days.


4. to sneak up behind someone or without someone's knowledge (usually followed by up on ): The prisoners crept up on the guard and knocked him out.


5. to enter or become evident inconspicuously, gradually, or insidiously (often followed by in or into: ) The writer's personal bias occasionally creeps into the account.


6. In materials science, creep is the tendency of a solid material to move slowly or deform permanently under the influence of stresses.


7. Slang. An annoyingly unpleasant or repulsive person.





1. creep: 1950's word used by women to decribe an undesirable man.


"He is such a creep. Who would want to go out with him?"




2. creep: Drive or move slowly on foot, on the way to do an illegal job.


"Let's creep on this guy."

"Let's creep around to the back entry."




3. creep: a dude that trys way to hard with chicks, usually younger chicks. Also usually waits till the chicks are !@#$ed up to take advantage of them


Yo what the heck ebert is such a creep




I'M GOING TO ASSUME YOU ARE USING IT AS SLANG "An annoyingly unpleasant or repulsive person"


#1- O. J. Simpson

#2- Jim Kelly

#3- Marshawn Lynch

#4- Willis McGahee

#5- Travis Henry

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