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46% of Americans believe in creation

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Yeah doc, once we "thin the herd" of people of faith, we can become the country of acceptance, diversity, respect, and most importantly, freedom. We need more compassionate people like you in this country.



I agree! i will bring it up at the next bible burning get together.

Man, :lol: you just get so friggin' butthurt over someone questioning the potency of your little third rail.

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You're pipe smoking coffee house intellectual personality is lame and boring. Do you ever present a factual argument?

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Great thread, Sage. You got them all riled up!

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I still give up :P


Say what you want about Jim in Anchorage, but threads are always more entertaining when he's chiming in :D

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More importantly, we can scrap the racist Engish language and adopt Latin! A true melting pot!

Isn't the English language a linguistic evolution such that King Alfred the Great & Queen Elizabeth II wouldn't understand each other & linguistically being a language that absorbs & changes with the influences it has encountered, largely through conquest, in itself can not be a racist language as there's no linguistic superiority undertaken ...tangent coming!

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I still give up :P


Say what you want about Jim in Anchorage, but threads are always more entertaining when he's chiming in :D

I just want to know how he figured out that I smoke a pipe ;)

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I never understood why people hate on other people that believe in the Judeo-Christian story of creation. Why does it bother some people so much?


I'm a staunch believer in the Theory of Evolution and have been since I was a kid. I know Christians and Jews that believe in the Biblical Creation story. Oops, I'm sorry I forgot it's only cool to bash them if they're Christian so forget I mentioned the Jews. Anyways, I've discussed this several times with believers in Biblical Creation. They're not mouthbreathing hillbilly rednecks. They're normal people that understand the science behind it. I know a chick that believes in Creationism and has pointed out flaws in the theory of Evolution. Neither belief is 100% accurate


I try to keep an open mind about just about anything. I believe the climate is changing. I don't believe in Manbearpig's Powerpoint®. I believe you should have the right to smoke pot. I also believe drugs are bad, mmmkay. I believe you should have the right to shove a d*ck up your *ss. I also believe you should not simulate that act in front of a church.


I believe in the theory of Evolution. I also believe in God. They're not mutually exclusive.

My own personal theory is of Eric Cartman as God. And on the 7th day he said...

Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home

That's exactly right. Why does it have to be all or nothing?

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What IS the real issue here? You have added little but some mocking remarks on Christens. What am I running from? I posted the title of [recommended, actually] a very good book arguing the case for evolution. You're post's consist of smugly making fun of people of faith.

Christians. Not Christens.

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Isn't the English language a linguistic evolution such that King Alfred the Great & Queen Elizabeth II wouldn't understand each other & linguistically being a language that absorbs & changes with the influences it has encountered, largely through conquest, in itself can not be a racist language as there's no linguistic superiority undertaken ...tangent coming!


No. The English language was created in it's present form sometime in the last 10,000 years. Somewhere around the time King James wrote the Bible, before he left Cleveland, IIRC. Then again the dinosaurs in The Land Before Time spoke English. Now I'm confused. When did the


Christians. Not Christens.


Yeah, who in their right mind would mock her? Kinda NSFW

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Isn't the English language a linguistic evolution such that King Alfred the Great & Queen Elizabeth II wouldn't understand each other & linguistically being a language that absorbs & changes with the influences it has encountered, largely through conquest, in itself can not be a racist language as there's no linguistic superiority undertaken ...tangent coming!


Anyone who's ever tried to read Chaucer can attest to that.


Side note: Arabic, however, is the complete opposite. Since, as the language of the Koran, it's divine, hence perfect, hence immutable. Which probably has something to do with both why the early Islamic dynasties were so dynamic, and so much of the current Islamic world is so reactionary.

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That's exactly right. Why does it have to be all or nothing?

You can pose this question to all sorts of !@#$s.


Christian !@#$s will respond with, "because evolution is an atheistic worldview that true Christians do not hold."

Atheist !@#$s will respond with, "because creationism is stupid/illogical/irrational/whathaveyou, thus religion is stupid, and the theory of evolution proves it."

Muslim !@#$s will respond with, "derka derka mohammed jihad!"

Jewish !@#$s will respond with, "oy vey! Saying the Tanakh is fallible? It's shoah all over again!"


Scientologist !@#$s will...well you get the point.

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You can pose this question to all sorts of !@#$s.


Christian !@#$s will respond with, "because evolution is an atheistic worldview that true Christians do not hold."

Atheist !@#$s will respond with, "because creationism is stupid/illogical/irrational/whathaveyou, thus religion is stupid, and the theory of evolution proves it."

Muslim !@#$s will respond with, "derka derka mohammed jihad!"

Jewish !@#$s will respond with, "oy vey! Saying the Tanakh is fallible? It's shoah all over again!"


Scientologist !@#$s will...well you get the point.

What about wildcards like me that believe God created the universe just to see what happpened? We may or may not be the end game. Maybe it's whales that go to the promised land. I Dunno, nor does anyone else. But I refuse to mock the faithful to appear to be on a higher intellectual ground.

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Anyone who's ever tried to read Chaucer can attest to that.


Side note: Arabic, however, is the complete opposite. Since, as the language of the Koran, it's divine, hence perfect, hence immutable. Which probably has something to do with both why the early Islamic dynasties were so dynamic, and so much of the current Islamic world is so reactionary.


Seriously, this is a great point. One I've got to research a bit more.

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