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46% of Americans believe in creation

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It's not even fair. At least if theists are correct they (at least some of them) get the pleasure of observing that fact. If atheists are correct, nobody will ever know!





Serves them right for being such smug know it alls on the Internet. They'll never get to make me eat crow. Hahaha

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South Korea surrenders to creationist demands

Publishers set to remove examples of evolution from high-school textbooks.




Anyone for creationism and against evolution should then be perfectly happy with receiving antibiotics that were in use 20-30 years ago. Ya know, since there's no evolution, there's no way bacteria could have evolved to become antibiotic resistant.

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For the 2nd time I never said any such thing. It was the smug superior remark of your's that by being brown their religion is automaticly dismissed by whom? The West? Christens? Not sure really what you where getting at. Just seemed like a cheap way to throw racism into a discussion to make some sort of point.

It was sarcasm. I know reading is hard but you gotta at least put some effort in!



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Anyone for creationism and against evolution should then be perfectly happy with receiving antibiotics that were in use 20-30 years ago. Ya know, since there's no evolution, there's no way bacteria could have evolved to become antibiotic resistant.


I actually knew someone once who honestly believed that antibiotic resistance was a conspiracy by the drug companies, because evolution wasn't true. :wacko:

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Wait - they put the official motto of the United States on the county building! Shocking!


The UN-Constitutional motto that has been "official" for not even a quarter of our country's existence. Glad you brought it up. Time to get that changed back to the good one, "E Pluribus Unum". Maybe get this country back in the right direction of acceptance, diversity, respect, and most importantly, freedom.

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The UN-Constitutional motto that has been "official" for not even a quarter of our country's existence. Glad you brought it up. Time to get that changed back to the good one, "E Pluribus Unum". Maybe get this country back in the right direction of acceptance, diversity, respect, and most importantly, freedom.

...but what about one nation under god? Hahahhaaha!

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And you continue to cut and run from the real issue. But that's okay. It's easier that way.

What IS the real issue here? You have added little but some mocking remarks on Christens. What am I running from? I posted the title of [recommended, actually] a very good book arguing the case for evolution. You're post's consist of smugly making fun of people of faith.

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I guess I've just never had any religious person be aggressive with me. Personally, a supernatural overlord doesn't make sense to me. So I don't believe in it. I do think that having a moral code to live by, no matter it be from a religious belief or otherwise, is a good thing. I know there are kooky religions out there that plant bombs on planes, blow up boats and buildings and such, but as far as I know, Christianity in this country has never carried out acts like this. Because of this I have nothing against them and they don't bother me and they can do what they do. If it makes them happy and their life is better because of it, more power to 'em. So to speak.


Just gonna leave this here...


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The UN-Constitutional motto that has been "official" for not even a quarter of our country's existence. Glad you brought it up. Time to get that changed back to the good one, "E Pluribus Unum". Maybe get this country back in the right direction of acceptance, diversity, respect, and most importantly, freedom.

Yeah doc, once we "thin the herd" of people of faith, we can become the country of acceptance, diversity, respect, and most importantly, freedom. We need more compassionate people like you in this country.

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Yeah doc, once we "thin the herd" of people of faith, we can become the country of acceptance, diversity, respect, and most importantly, freedom. We need more compassionate people like you in this country.

More importantly, we can scrap the racist Engish language and adopt Latin! A true melting pot!

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Are the 46% of Americans that believe in creationism the same 46% that don't pay any Federal income tax?


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Man, did anything good come out of the baby-boomer generation?


Do you think boomers were changing mottoes etc. when they were still babies?


The UN-Constitutional motto that has been "official" for not even a quarter of our country's existence. Glad you brought it up. Time to get that changed back to the good one, "E Pluribus Unum". Maybe get this country back in the right direction of acceptance, diversity, respect, and most importantly, freedom.


Yeah, we've really gone down the tubes since that motto went into place.


Do you seriously think that it's shocking, as boys tries to makes it sound, that the official motto is on the county courthouse or whatever. It's on our money, isn't it?

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