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Keynes wasn't even a Keynesian, goddammit! :wallbash:

Well, if we consider that his ideas and name have been invoked for things that are either partially, or completely, contradictions of his theories...to the point that he has been redefined by these people, then yeah.


One trouble with being a liberal is: other liberals can get away with revising your history, and there's nobody to care, or stop them, or even point it out. :D


For example, check this out:

Completely edited history of Obama Vs. Hillary...embedded in "Bill Clinton is nuts(cause he just blew up Barry's campaign strategy)


Now, I don't remember Bill Clinton bringing up race in South Carolina...until an Obama surrogate did.


But, now, since it helps Obama to turn Clinton into a nut, because Clinton is, wisely, doing whatever he can to ensure that Democrats don't lose for the next 20 years?


Out comes the historical revision. :rolleyes: It's so pathetic.

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Well, he definitely hasn't been a Kenynesian by any stretch. The only thing close was the stimulus package.


The economy is going the way Republicans wanted it. Private sector growing, public sector shrinking. Spending was reigned in and taxes have remained low. And now we see the results in the slowing recovery.




Quiet down now that doesn't mesh with his extreme socialist domineering reputation that he clearly deserves.

Edited by TheNewBills
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Quiet down now that doesn't mesh with his extreme socialist domineering reputation that he clearly deserves.

I wouldn't say he's been mislabeled. Econ dude characterizes the stimulus as a minor nothing. As far as the socialist domineering, let's not forget he passed Obamacare which is only a step and a half away from nationally socialized medicine, and the signature legislation he's pushing right now is the "Buffet" rule tax hikes (which, interestingly enough, wouldn't apply to Buffet) which serve only as a political wedge to play on class warfare (a lynchpin of socialist theory).


While has hasn't pushed or passed as much of a socialist agenda as I had assumed, from what I see he's pushed as much as he thinks he can while staying politically viable.

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Well, he definitely hasn't been a Kenynesian by any stretch. The only thing close was the stimulus package.


The economy is going the way Republicans wanted it. Private sector growing, public sector shrinking. Spending was reigned in and taxes have remained low. And now we see the results in the slowing recovery.

The recovery was already slow, the slowest in this nation's history. Spending wasn't reigned in, just not increased as much. The public sector is shrinking because it is unsustainable, not due to some partisan treachery. The recovery has grinded to a halt from its previous snail's pace as the effects of QE wear off.


Blame it on the Republicans if you wish, but how did Jobs Bills 1 through 87 work out? Whats the status of those Green Shovel Ready jobs? Cash for clunkers was surely an economic windfall, right? Did Barney Frank go Republican, because I don't recall the Frank-Dodd act and specifically the Volcker rule to have been too popular with Republicans?


How anyone can view the last few years of economic policy as a Republican failure is beyond all comprehension.

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Update on the Zakaria suspension, he's been reinstated after review of the situation and his past and pending work. The paragraph in question (basically factual history) cited the wrong person (guy who generated the stats) cited by the woman who wrote the plagiarized paragraph both of which Fareed used in research and that was plagiarism plain and simple as admitted by Fareed himself...there's a research assistant that has been mentioned in some articles citing his heavy work schedule Fareed makes no mention of that person or their role in this at all....this is something Fareed says he take full responsibility etc etc...thank God for newsbusters combating liberal bias otherwise this might have gone unnoticed.

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