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Came into the thread to see someone call Zakaria a "lib".


You guys never let me down!

True. CNN doesn't only hire libs, and Forbes didn't name him one of the 25 most influential libs in the media back in 2009.

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I watch both stossel and zakaria, zakaria has good segments on foreign policy and stossel has excellent segments on burdensome regulations and exposes the corrupt nature of many public sector unions and points out the absurdity of certain regulations.


I believe them to be both good and serious people.


Oh and fared zakaria is a "lib", if you are a liberal, I don't understand why you would be offended by that. He is not a bombastic liberal but a serious thinking one who is very sensible, just like stossel, who simply put is a serious minded and sensible libertarian

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I record daily cable news shows b/c I need something to watch, but the truth is they're all trash. I do like the Meet the Press and a few other Sunday/weekly shows but in my opinion nothing beats GPS on CNN (Sundays).


If you have cable, you can watch Sunday. If you have a DVR you can watch whenever. If you have internet and $2 you can watch whenever via Itunes.


To me, this is arguably the most well balanced and intelligent "PPP" show on TV today. Maybe you'll disagree, if so feel free to recommend another show. Either way I think it would be fun to have a topic where the stage is set by a show with intelligent discussion about a variety of topics and then we chime in as opposed to our usual partisan hackery cherry picking source war (me included to be fair).


Anyway I'll avoid going through a summary of last weeks (which I just got around to watching) but it had a number of a good stories and guests including Simpson/Bowles themselves....and as always there are a good amount of global issues covered. I strongly encourage everyone here to at least check it out, and would like to discuss some things that I watch and think about with others who watched the same thing...no better place than to do so with others hostile to most of my view points than here.



No offense, but I can see why you want people here to watch this Obama-supporting intellectual on CNN…




After doing a little researching and reading up on him, It's a safe bet that he has never once criticized the "chosen one". If he has, it was probably done with kid gloves. Yet you have the nerve to say that it's arguably the most well balanced and intelligent "PPP" show on TV today? Really? Seriously? I bet he does all kind of linguistic twisting and turning as to why this country is so "blanked" so that he doesn't come close to offending his leader. Am I wrong? Does he call out Obama's failed presidency?


His resume includes Newsweek, Time, New York Times, The New Yorker and a wine columnist for Slate. I think America has had just about enough of these "intellectual" professors, they want to listen to people who will tell the the whole truth and not just tinker around the edges. This is why Fox News is trouncing CNN. They come the closest to telling the truth. They don't have to live under the NYC and DC "fear the leader" bubble. The rest of America not only hates the MSM, but they hate CNN and MSNBC too. It will be interesting to see what the Obama media does now that the cats truly out of the bag and they can no longer hide his ineptness anymore. The numbers don't lie.

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I watch both stossel and zakaria, zakaria has good segments on foreign policy and stossel has excellent segments on burdensome regulations and exposes the corrupt nature of many public sector unions and points out the absurdity of certain regulations.


I believe them to be both good and serious people.


Oh and fared zakaria is a "lib", if you are a liberal, I don't understand why you would be offended by that. He is not a bombastic liberal but a serious thinking one who is very sensible, just like stossel, who simply put is a serious minded and sensible libertarian

Because admitting FZ is a liberal (and he is) is admitting he's biased and not the "fair and balanced" reporter the simp OP claimed.

No offense, but I can see why you want people here to watch this Obama-supporting intellectual on CNN…




After doing a little researching and reading up on him, It's a safe bet that he has never once criticized the "chosen one". If he has, it was probably done with kid gloves. Yet you have the nerve to say that it's arguably the most well balanced and intelligent "PPP" show on TV today? Really? Seriously? I bet he does all kind of linguistic twisting and turning as to why this country is so "blanked" so that he doesn't come close to offending his leader. Am I wrong? Does he call out Obama's failed presidency?


His resume includes Newsweek, Time, New York Times, The New Yorker and a wine columnist for Slate. I think America has had just about enough of these "intellectual" professors, they want to listen to people who will tell the the whole truth and not just tinker around the edges. This is why Fox News is trouncing CNN. They come the closest to telling the truth. They don't have to live under the NYC and DC "fear the leader" bubble. The rest of America not only hates the MSM, but they hate CNN and MSNBC too. It will be interesting to see what the Obama media does now that the cats truly out of the bag and they can no longer hide his ineptness anymore. The numbers don't lie.

But he's not a liberal. :rolleyes:

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Ok well look the bottom line is you can leave the topic. If you discount opinions that you don't think in advance will reinforce whatever your natural inclination is and think that Fareed is a "lib" (used pejoratively) and thus full of **** then I guess that's fine. Go watch nothing but Fox News. I watch some Fox News....and some stuff on there I watch I really disagree with (not all). But that's besides the point, the point is...if you don't want to talk about articles Fareed writes or segments on his show then you probably shouldn't be in the topic. Those "conservatives" on the board that would like to do so can join or else I'll just sit here and talk to myself and perhaps MCD lol...I do like discussing things with people of different view points but it has to be a discussion. The guy is a smart and knowledgeable journalist and if you watch him/read him you know he's not rooting for a team and his analysis is not designed to further a domestic party's success regardless of the fact that he is an AMerican who does vote...IMO he's among the best...whether you agree with him or not. If you can't read/listen to him without prejudging everything then you can't discuss things that he talks about and you can't really participate in this topic...and once again that is OK.


I would ordinarily hesitate to discuss this one first but it's basically the only full interview I can find for free on youtube. Interesting interview whether you agree with the commission or not. Personally I'm inclined to...




A lot of what is said in this interview are views that I have more or less adopted for right or for wrong (and have echoed in other threads). Thoughts? I can only hope that some form of compromise is possible in the lame duck session as Bowles seems to think.

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Also two articles about what is clearly the most dicey international situation at the moment:







As far as troops on the ground go...ugh...reading about what seems to be the MOST divided and uncertain opposition movement of the that region's current events (and THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING) ... I wouldn't commit a single US life to this...and that goes w/ a heavy heart given the massacre recently and potential future blood bath....compared to Egypt it's a mess and Egypt is having a run-off now between the Muslim Brotherhood and a Mubarak holdover...the payoff politically seems about 0.


I would have to say I lean towards continued economic pressure only and just appealing to Russia regardless of how long that takes. Most agree China will come around...maybe the sooner they do the more leverage we have w/ Russia as they become increasingly isolated.

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anybody left of george wallace is a liberal to most posters here....and besides that, he's an intellectual. the shame! the reason most fox viewers wouldn't watch him is that he often uses words with 2 or more syllables.

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anybody left of george wallace is a liberal to most posters here....and besides that, he's an intellectual. the shame! the reason most fox viewers wouldn't watch him is that he often uses words with 2 or more syllables.




...let us move away from this and just have the topic discuss his work for the work it is or otherwise just have nobody post at all...

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anybody left of george wallace is a liberal to most posters here....and besides that, he's an intellectual. the shame! the reason most fox viewers wouldn't watch him is that he often uses words with 2 or more syllables.

Does he often use Alaska rape statistics to make a point? I find that a mark of a razor sharp intellectual.

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anybody left of george wallace is a liberal to most posters here....and besides that, he's an intellectual. the shame! the reason most fox viewers wouldn't watch him is that he often uses words with 2 or more syllables.


Out to destroy NewBills thread with your vitriol, eh? You classifying the majority of this board as non intellectual and not able to understand words with 2 or more syllables is typical of your attacks. You have nothing to contribute other than to try to debase others that don't conform to your opinions.

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Out to destroy NewBills thread with your vitriol, eh? You classifying the majority of this board as non intellectual and not able to understand words with 2 or more syllables is typical of your attacks. You have nothing to contribute other than to try to debase others that don't conform to your opinions.

so sorry. did i interrupt your conservative knitting circle? i would just point out again that the audience demographics for someone like stossel versus someone like zakaria speak for themselves...and they don't shine a good light on the fox guy. and i didn't conjure up the anti-intellectual sentiment for much of this board. there are plenty of examples to be found on many threads here. it seems to some intellectual= liberal=bad.

Edited by birdog1960
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so sorry. did i interrupt your conservative knitting circle? i would just point out again that the audience demographics for someone like stossel versus someone like zakaria speak for themselves...and they don't shine a good light on the fox guy. and i didn't conjure up the anti-intellectual sentiment for much of this board. there are plenty of examples to be found on many threads here. it seems to some intellectual= liberal=bad.



You didn't interrupt anything, you simply added a typically (for you) vacuous statement that is all bluster and cliched thinking.






Fareed Zakaria Asks Manny Pacquiao: Is it Wrong to Make Millions While People Are Starving in Your Country?

By Noel Sheppard | June 02, 2012


Boxer Manny Pacquiao is one of the most beloved figures in his native country the Philippines.


During an interview to be aired on CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS Sunday, the host asked him if "there is something wrong with somebody in the Philippines" making as much money as he does "when people are starving" in his country


As an anchor for CNN, Zakaria likely makes far more money than most Americans. He's quite likely part of the "one percent" so to speak.


Since people are also starving here, doesn't that make him wrong for earning so much?


Rich liberals never seem to grasp that hypocrisy when they point fingers at others that are financially successful.


Fortunately, Pacquiao had a marvelous response:


MANNY PACQUIAO: It’s hard to judge, but in the Philippines it’s very, you know, it’s poor country, and the problem is, the major problem is the corruption. And we’re fighting for that and to give, to show, to show the people that I’m the one, I’m one of the honest public servant in the Philippines.


Nicely said.




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so sorry. did i interrupt your conservative knitting circle? i would just point out again that the audience demographics for someone like stossel versus someone like zakaria speak for themselves...and they don't shine a good light on the fox guy. and i didn't conjure up the anti-intellectual sentiment for much of this board. there are plenty of examples to be found on many threads here. it seems to some intellectual= liberal=bad.

You couldn't be more far off, I think this just displays your level of ignorance. I happen to enjoy watching both of these men, the fact tha sto sell stands for everything you hate, which is freedom is an indictment of how flawed of a human being you are.


Good luck with your narrowness

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No offense, but I can see why you want people here to watch this Obama-supporting intellectual on CNN…




After doing a little researching and reading up on him, It's a safe bet that he has never once criticized the "chosen one". If he has, it was probably done with kid gloves. Yet you have the nerve to say that it's arguably the most well balanced and intelligent "PPP" show on TV today? Really? Seriously? I bet he does all kind of linguistic twisting and turning as to why this country is so "blanked" so that he doesn't come close to offending his leader. Am I wrong? Does he call out Obama's failed presidency?


His resume includes Newsweek, Time, New York Times, The New Yorker and a wine columnist for Slate. I think America has had just about enough of these "intellectual" professors, they want to listen to people who will tell the the whole truth and not just tinker around the edges. This is why Fox News is trouncing CNN. They come the closest to telling the truth. They don't have to live under the NYC and DC "fear the leader" bubble. The rest of America not only hates the MSM, but they hate CNN and MSNBC too. It will be interesting to see what the Obama media does now that the cats truly out of the bag and they can no longer hide his ineptness anymore. The numbers don't lie.

is it vacuous to respond to comments such as these? it appeared no one else was going to challenge them. and who are the americans who have had just about enough and are pushing fox"s ratings? is he speaking about me? omg, he was a wine columnist...that alone disqualifies him from any reasonable analysis!

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Blah blah for real it really gets old making everything personal. Personal attacks against each other. Personal attacks against sources. Just drop it, be it Zakaria or Stossel or someone else just post interesting articles that you hopefully acknowledge are intelligent and then attack or support or discuss the IDEAS.


IDEAS NOT PEOPLE. Separate the ideas from the people in this thread. If that means the thread is boring and infrequently posted in...then so be it.


There a million threads to troll and rail against each other on this board. Take this **** over to those threads.

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is it vacuous to respond to comments such as these? it appeared no one else was going to challenge them. and who are the americans who have had just about enough and are pushing fox"s ratings? is he speaking about me? omg, he was a wine columnist...that alone disqualifies him from any reasonable analysis!



I guess that I will have to explain,


it is not vacuous TO respond, it is the content of your replies, that are the standard playbook cliches that show little to no insight which are the problem, as below



anybody left of george wallace is a liberal to most posters here....and besides that, he's an intellectual. the shame! the reason most fox viewers wouldn't watch him is that he often uses words with 2 or more syllables.





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Knock it off



Quite right NB.


I don't really watch any of the shows on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and the like, but when I was making my morning rounds of the news sites, I came across the CNN host's name there on Newsbusters. So I thought that I would add it to the thread (see post #32) regarding Mr. Zakaria's rather unfortunate question to the boxer (MANNY PACQUIAO).


Imagine, this poor guy has fought his way up from nothing, and he is asked a typical "guilt" question by this particular commentator.


I don't watch him, but I hope that he shows a higher level in his other interviews.




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Quite right NB.


I don't really watch any of the shows on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and the like, but when I was making my morning rounds of the news sites, I came across the CNN host's name there on Newsbusters. So I thought that I would add it to the thread (see post #32) regarding Mr. Zakaria's rather unfortunate question to the boxer (MANNY PACQUIAO).


Imagine, this poor guy has fought his way up from nothing, and he is asked a typical "guilt" question by this particular commentator.


I don't watch him, but I hope that he shows a higher level in his other interviews.





Well you can take it as you will. But journalists ask questions. Having watched Fareed for a while...I can assure you that it is foolish to assume he believes the answer is "yes" (or "no") just because he asks the questions. Or to assume he even has made up his mind or thinks there is an actual definitive answer. In fact most questions Fareed asks are to facilitate good discussion and given that you think Manny's response was a good one I would say that is a good question. Just my opinion.



And to assume he's anti-capitalism, anti-free market, anti-wealth...I wouldn't do that. B/c he's not.




EDIT: And not honestly IMO there may be some legitimate aspects to the whole "exposing liberal media bias" movement but for the most part it seems to be to just be a way to discredit non-conservative media bias (at least in how/what it used for)....otherwise it would be "exposing balanced good media work" and would just highlight that (as short as the list may be)...the mission of exposing media liberal biased is pro-conservative otherwise it would expose all media bias and/or highlight fairly balanced reporting.

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