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Intelligent article/clip/show discussion

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Let's try and discuss ideas in here. Whatever it may be post links to a clip/article you think is intelligent (even if you don't agree or others may not agree) and let us all discuss the ideas. Hopefully this can be a thread where everything is not about users and who is the source. It isn't meant to be non-political...but it is meant to be impersonal.




Original Post:


I record daily cable news shows b/c I need something to watch, but the truth is they're all trash. I do like the Meet the Press and a few other Sunday/weekly shows but in my opinion nothing beats GPS on CNN (Sundays).


If you have cable, you can watch Sunday. If you have a DVR you can watch whenever. If you have internet and $2 you can watch whenever via Itunes.


To me, this is arguably the most well balanced and intelligent "PPP" show on TV today. Maybe you'll disagree, if so feel free to recommend another show. Either way I think it would be fun to have a topic where the stage is set by a show with intelligent discussion about a variety of topics and then we chime in as opposed to our usual partisan hackery cherry picking source war (me included to be fair).


Anyway I'll avoid going through a summary of last weeks (which I just got around to watching) but it had a number of a good stories and guests including Simpson/Bowles themselves....and as always there are a good amount of global issues covered. I strongly encourage everyone here to at least check it out, and would like to discuss some things that I watch and think about with others who watched the same thing...no better place than to do so with others hostile to most of my view points than here.

Edited by TheNewBills
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Will you give GPS a shot by either watching some recent episodes or starting w/ next Sunday?



yeah, ive watched him a few times. hes not bad. ill do it. will you start the thread sunday afternoon?


cnn is a little boring sometimes... just sayin :beer:


nothing was better than meet the press with tim russert! :thumbsup:

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Well I don't care who starts the thread but watch and lets discuss. Also...it's well known what reputation the both of us have on this board (which would be funny if those who knew me in real life found out about since an Obama worshiper is not what I actually am)...so it would be nice if some of the "idiots" joined. :)


And I really did think last week was a great one so check it out if you can spare the 2 bucks.


And as for boring...I think what you mean (at least when it comes to Fareed) is intelligent. :)

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LOL comparing Zakaria to Stossel. Say what you want...and you don't have to agree w/ everything he says btw (I noticed people on here call everyone idiots if they say one thing they don't agree w/)...but Zakaria is almost universally respected.


Zakaria's another lib MSM'er. His worthless analysis of healthcare in America last week pretty much proves that.



I don't know what you are talking about I don't recall a section on Healthcare on his show last week. Anyway if you fundamentally oppose healthcare reform he's probably not for you given he's smart and realizes it's a huge problem. He also tends to look at issues from a global perspective so I can only imagine he look around and sees places doing better than our joke of a system where we approach 20% of GDP in healthcare costs (by far the highest) while being no where near the top in terms of quality...and then he supports reform (which is probably a rational thing to support but that's just me). Anyway...like I said I didn't see what he said last week on the show if he did and if he wrote an article I haven't found a recent one.


Either way I don't want to get into a healthcare debate in here there are several topics for that. Point being..."I don't agree w/ one thing he said so he's a liberal idiot" makes you an ass.





EDIT: Just found the article lol I'll read it when I get a chance.





Different strokes for different folks. I have no doubt you can cherry pick some small section of that article and find a way to disagree Doc...but as a whole that's what is called a "good" article in my book. Not surprising coming from Fareed. To call that a worthless article is purely contrarian and you sir are "an idiot."

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LOL comparing Zakaria to Stossel. Say what you want...and you don't have to agree w/ everything he says btw (I noticed people on here call everyone idiots if they say one thing they don't agree w/)...but Zakaria is almost universally respected.





I don't know what you are talking about I don't recall a section on Healthcare on his show last week. Anyway if you fundamentally oppose healthcare reform he's probably not for you given he's smart and realizes it's a huge problem. He also tends to look at issues from a global perspective so I can only imagine he look around and sees places doing better than our joke of a system where we approach 20% of GDP in healthcare costs (by far the highest) while being no where near the top in terms of quality...and then he supports reform (which is probably a rational thing to support but that's just me). Anyway...like I said I didn't see what he said last week on the show if he did and if he wrote an article I haven't found a recent one.


Either way I don't want to get into a healthcare debate in here there are several topics for that. Point being..."I don't agree w/ one thing he said so he's a liberal idiot" makes you an ass.





EDIT: Just found the article lol I'll read it when I get a chance.





Different strokes for different folks. I have no doubt you can cherry pick some small section of that article and find a way to disagree Doc...but as a whole that's what is called a "good" article in my book. Not surprising coming from Fareed. To call that a worthless article is purely contrarian and you sir are "an idiot."

He's a simp, like you, who read "The Complete Liberal's Guide To Liberalism" and has made a living off of it. It's no wonder you idleize him.

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By who? Other members of the Journalist clique?


By them, by readers/watchers, by reasonable people in both parties and by leaders all over the world (just look at the guests he brings on). He's pretty rational on domestic issues which is refreshing and he's incredibly knowledgeable about world issues which lends perspective to domestic issues other journalists do not have. And watching his how/reading his columns you'll get significant world stories you won't find elsewhere and on a much "deeper" level. He doesn't stand on his head though...it's not an entertainment show.

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Saw you were the last person to post and came to see a useless post


You never let us down!



Didn't he start the Trayvon thread and disappear as soon as it wasn't a slam dunk racist murder? Don't know the guy much and I guess don't plan to.

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Saw you were the last person to post and came to see a useless post


You never let us down!


You recommended John Stossel! Come on bro!


Didn't he start the Trayvon thread and disappear as soon as it wasn't a slam dunk racist murder? Don't know the guy much and I guess don't plan to.


I did start the Trayvon thread. Obviously, the case was VERY distorted at the time (Thank you Media!). I got sick of arguing about that. Only thing that bothers me is that people are now praising Zimmerman like he was the victim.

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You recommended John Stossel! Come on bro!

I stated that I was not a fan of FZ but did find Stossel interesting

Granted it's been a few months since I've seen Zakaria. So when is the last time you watched an episode of Stossel?

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I stated that I was not a fan of FZ but did find Stossel interesting

Granted it's been a few months since I've seen Zakaria. So when is the last time you watched an episode of Stossel?


It's been a long time. Can't stand him.

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