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People don't kill people

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Guns don't kill people either. Ammunition does.



And one of the people who died yesterday was shot in a carjacking. I have yet to see someone get shot in a carjacking incident that didn't involve an automobile. If you really wanted to reduce the firearms death rate, you'd ban cars.

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Guns don't kill people either. Ammunition does.



And one of the people who died yesterday was shot in a carjacking. I have yet to see someone get shot in a carjacking incident that didn't involve an automobile. If you really wanted to reduce the firearms death rate, you'd ban cars.


Did the carjacker have any skittles?

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I was just thiking about this issue yesterday when I was researching a new 9MM to purchase. I was reading some comments from a Reviewer on the one website who described his frustration of not being able to re-load fast enough because he had a revolver... his desire was capacity....


I start to think you the Jared Loughner's of the world, and how do you keep the ability to unload alot of ammunition quickly, down. Do civilians needs a 32 round clip on a Tec9 for any reason?


While I don't disagree the conversation about control of assault tyoe weapons should be ongoing, I am beginning to wonder if stricter, more punitive measures of criminal punishment would provide better measure....

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I was just thiking about this issue yesterday when I was researching a new 9MM to purchase. I was reading some comments from a Reviewer on the one website who described his frustration of not being able to re-load fast enough because he had a revolver... his desire was capacity....


I start to think you the Jared Loughner's of the world, and how do you keep the ability to unload alot of ammunition quickly, down. Do civilians needs a 32 round clip on a Tec9 for any reason?


While I don't disagree the conversation about control of assault tyoe weapons should be ongoing, I am beginning to wonder if stricter, more punitive measures of criminal punishment would provide better measure....


The death penalty is bad, but Shooting someone 32 times or shooting 32 people once makes you a victim.

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The state of Washington should reach out to Rahm Emmanuel. He's done a terrific job getting control of the random shootings in Chicago. I think Memorial Day weekend was the first weekend where they only had 40 shootings resulting in 10 deaths.

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it could be, or it could be the converse of your question.


Places with highest gun crimes have virtual bans on guns. How much more strict do you want laws to be? Or should the focus be on people and why they useguns in violent crimes and not the guns themselves?

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