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All You Conservatives Will Be Very Proud of Me

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Now... All you guys here know that I don't like to brag... But I feel this calls for a little boosting. :P :P Tonight, I will personally mail an absentee ballot supporting Scott Walker! It is not my vote, but somebody elses. From time to time, pilots and deckhands ask me to mail things that they have. Being on the boats, they can't get to a mailbox, so they ask to help them out. Low and behold, I get an absentee ballot from a WI pilot... He asked me to mail it... I candidly asked him who he was for and he told me. He thought maybe I would "throw it in the river." I told him: "Trust me, I will personally drop it off inside the PO ASAP!" "The democratic process is more important than which politician somebody is backing."


And everybody thought I was a lib!



Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Now... All you guys here know that I don't like to brag... But I feel this calls for a little boosting. :P :P Tonight, I will personally mail an absentee ballot supporting Scott Walker! It is not my vote, but somebody elses. From time to time, pilots and deckhands ask me to mail things that they have. Being on the boats, they can't get to a mailbox, so they ask to help them out. Low and behold, I get an absentee ballot from a WI pilot... He asked me to mail it... I candidly asked him who he was for and he told me. He thought maybe I would "throw it in the river." I told him: "Trust me, I will personally drop it off inside the PO ASAP!" "The democratic process is more important than which politician somebody is backing."


And everybody thought I was a lib!




Did he show you his ID?

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Voter fraud.



How is it voter fraud?... Election judges are not the final deciders. If one doesn't have ID, why can't they sign and get to vote with a provisonal ballot until things are checked out? Too much work to ensure voter disenfranchisement? Like the ballot I mailed last night, I noticed on it that it said it won't be counted until after the election (I mean after all the regular votes ae counted)... Also I noticed that the person had a signed witness too. Shouldn't the ballot be secret? Why is the absentee any different?





To the other:



And no... If I would have tore the ballot up and tossed it in the canal/river... I would have been a liberal hack... The person casting the ballot couldn't get to the mailbox... Is that a bad thing to punish them for?


I did take pics and video mailing it... Just in case the guy claims his vote never reached WI.

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He answered your question. Which was..............


Why the heck should anyone show ID?



Read much??



I know that he answered the question. Checking ID doesn't deter voter fraud. Is it really hard to equate names and signatures to vote rolls? At least get the vote in before the deadline, you can toss it later if so be it. A person is in the book, they are in the book. Case in point with regard to my favor of posting somebody's ballot... How does anyone know that somebody didn't change that dudes absentee ballot and vote to recall Scott Walker? There is a chance for more fraud elsewhere.

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I know that he answered the question. Checking ID doesn't deter voter fraud. Is it really hard to equate names and signatures to vote rolls? At least get the vote in before the deadline, you can toss it later if so be it. A person is in the book, they are in the book. Case in point with regard to my favor of posting somebody's ballot... How does anyone know that somebody didn't change that dudes absentee ballot and vote to recall Scott Walker? There is a chance for more fraud elsewhere.


Once again I was being facetious.


But yeah, maybe not in the case you're referring to but people should be obliged to show a photo ID.


Even commie Quebec requires an ID to vote and it costs money to have a photo ID.


C'est la vie.

Edited by meazza
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I know that he answered the question. Checking ID doesn't deter voter fraud. Is it really hard to equate names and signatures to vote rolls? At least get the vote in before the deadline, you can toss it later if so be it. A person is in the book, they are in the book. Case in point with regard to my favor of posting somebody's ballot... How does anyone know that somebody didn't change that dudes absentee ballot and vote to recall Scott Walker? There is a chance for more fraud elsewhere.


So I could theoretically go in to the polls and find a name that does not have a signature next to it fake the signature and vote. I could do this all day long couldn't I?

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Once again I was being facetious.


But yeah, maybe not in the case you're referring to but people should be obliged to show a photo ID.


Even commie Quebec requires an ID to vote and it costs money to have a photo ID.


C'est la vie.


I know you where joking. You do bring up valid points. How do you think absentee ballots should be handled? How do you even know this dude even resides in WI? He may be voting for his aged father or something... Heck, he may even vote in 2 or more states... How do you resolve photo ID and transient workers? Just because a person shows up in person at the both, can't they go the same route as the absentee? That is get the guy next to him to witness? Doesn't the absentee process throw the whole secret ballot out the window?


So I could theoretically go in to the polls and find a name that does not have a signature next to it fake the signature and vote. I could do this all day long couldn't I?


At the same polling station with the same old ladies as judges? I highly doubt it. Keep dreaming!

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I know you where joking. You do bring up valid points. How do you think absentee ballots should be handled? How do you even know this dude even resides in WI? He may be voting for his aged father or something... Heck, he may even vote in 2 or more states... How do you resolve photo ID and transient workers? Just because a person shows up in person at the both, can't they go the same route as the absentee? That is get the guy next to him to witness? Doesn't the absentee process throw the whole secret ballot out the window?




At the same polling station with the same old ladies as judges? I highly doubt it. Keep dreaming!


First off I know I could get away with it at the same polling place and second off I could get away with it by going to several polling places.

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I know you where joking. You do bring up valid points. How do you think absentee ballots should be handled? How do you even know this dude even resides in WI? He may be voting for his aged father or something... Heck, he may even vote in 2 or more states... How do you resolve photo ID and transient workers? Just because a person shows up in person at the both, can't they go the same route as the absentee? That is get the guy next to him to witness? Doesn't the absentee process throw the whole secret ballot out the window?




At the same polling station with the same old ladies as judges? I highly doubt it. Keep dreaming!


I'll be completely honest with you and say I have never voted with absentee ballot or even know how it works.


I was referring mostly to the battle between the democrats and republicans with respect to having show their ID at the voting booth on the specific date which I think is kind of retarded.

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I'll be completely honest with you and say I have never voted with absentee ballot or even know how it works.


I was referring mostly to the battle between the democrats and republicans with respect to having show their ID at the voting booth on the specific date which I think is kind of retarded.


That battle is directly tied into the absentee thing. Absentee is a tool that the Repubs use just like the Dems and no ID. You don't think all that out of state (WI) money was going to make sure guys like this river pilot (the river and shipping industry on the inland routes are notoriously anti-union, anti-govt... Yet, they feed off the tit of the gov't infrastructure) votes absentee.


Are you asking Conservatives to be proud of you because you didn't let your own personal bias interfere with doing the right thing?


Not really... That was a red herring and shameless move on my part.

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I'll be completely honest with you and say I have never voted with absentee ballot or even know how it works.


I was referring mostly to the battle between the democrats and republicans with respect to having show their ID at the voting booth on the specific date which I think is kind of retarded.

Alaska has a lot of absentee ballots because of of the remote villages and deployed military. I believe the way it works is you register to vote[with ID] then the AB is signiture checked against your registration signiture.

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