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Would you rather have the Colts play Denver with


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I'm not a 100% either way, but if I had the choice of a uninspired Colts team or sub .500 team to play Denver I would rather it be the Colts. Denver will be rocking, and the Broncos should be playing with a lot of fire. In my mind a sub .500 team would not have the talent/intensity to win under those conditions.


Now the Colts won't have much intensity of their own and for that reason Denver is a huge favorite. What separates it all and gives the Colts a shot is the huge amount of talent on their team. With the exception of a couple of teams in week 17 (Buffalo being one) Denver has more at stake then any of the other teams. They also have a home game which will increase the motivation.


While few teams can match that motivation a couple can neutralize it with talent, the Colts being one of them. Our best shot in the Denver game is that the Colt talent neutralizes the Broncos intensity/crowd by having a big first half. Big plays can do this and the Colts usually get plenty of them.

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I actually think, of all the "JV" squads this weekend...Indy will put on the best performance. They seem to have a good historical perspective of what it means to lose your momentum in the last "meaningless" game. They don't want any part of it. Even if they sit some of their stars they still have great subs like Domonic Rhodes and James Mungro. Guys with experience.

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