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New York Times: Romneys Still Rich

May 27,2012



Having missed out on the critical prep-school haircut story, the New York Times is playing catch-up. Today’s front-page, deeply reported story concerns — drumroll please — Mrs. Romney’s horseback-riding hobby. She took it up as therapy for multiple sclerosis, the paper acknowledges. But readers will want a glimpse into the “Romneys’ way of life, which they have generally shielded from view.”


The Times’s crack investigative team has unearthed some really critical information here: 1) it’s expensive to buy horses, 2) when buying and selling horses, the parties sometimes squabble about foot injuries, horse tranquilizers, and other fascinating equine stuff, 3) the Romneys are supporting a trainer/Olympic hopeful who does dressage, 4) said trainer was once sued and, oh boy, prepare yourselves, hired a veterinarian who supported Romney for president in 2008.


Well, I guess after this we can just call off the election in November.



Really, doesn’t this agonized search for something — anything — with which to discredit Romney feel desperate and deeply silly? What an absolutely unblemished life the man must have lived if all they can come up with is that he pulled some unkind pranks in high school and HE’S RICH!!


Well, let the Times tell it:


Mr. Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, was also drawn in. He chose the music that Mr. Ebeling has ridden to in competitions, from the movie “The Mission.” He also took up trail riding. In a recent conversation with Sean Hannity of Fox News not meant for broadcast but leaked to the Internet, Mr. Romney showed a familiarity with expensive, esoteric breeds, mentioning his wife’s Austrian Warmbloods and his own Missouri Fox Trotter — “like a quarter horse, but just a much better gait.”


What a scandal!


National Review


Do you really think a story about the Romneys owning horses is FRONT PAGE material in this campaign ?


With the frequent examples of these kind of laughable media "investigations", the new media is going to kept very busy pointing out their hypocrisy.




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Let me be clear.


Ann Romney's horse fetish and her husbands history as a bully are vital issues of the day and will be focal points of this campaign.


Now if you'll excuse me, I have vital national business to conduct in Ohio, Virgina, Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Indiana. I'd love to stay and chat but I left Air Force One's engine running

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"The liberal media, we should have expected to find them holding Obama's leash. We recognized their foul stench when he was brought on board".

Charming to the last.


And if Obama was as effective as Darth Vader we'd be having very different conversations around here.

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Charming to the last.


And if Obama was as effective as Darth Vader we'd be having very different conversations around here.


"Obama lied! Tarkin died!" Then we'd get Pete and MDP linking to YouTube videos explaining how the Trade Federation runs everything behind the scenes anyway...

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Back to the desperation;


New York Times' columnist Frank Bruni tossed off a bizarre shot at Mitt Romney in his column yesterday, declaring Romney to be an "intensely private man whose strengths don't include the easy ability to humanize himself."


Perhaps Bruni based this conclusion, or the rest of his assessment of Romney --"congenitally closed-off and palpably awkward"-- on the results he got consulting the Times' special edition of the The Eight Ball which, shaken, comes up with adjectives for GOP candidates Timesworld doesn't like.


Or perhaps Bruni has actually sat and interviewed Romney a few times, read the available bios and talked to family, friends, neighbors and staff.


What is most likely, however, is that he either read an early draft of the John Heilemann piece in New York magazine outlining the increasingly desperate game plan of the Chicago Gang running the president's re-election campaign, or he got the same brief from David Axelrod or one of Axe's lower level staff as Heilemann did.


The plan is quite simple: Make Romney sinister. Trouble is, that's like making Tim Duncan short or Michael Phelps lazy. You can say it or write it, but the reality is so far removed from the description as to do nothing except diminish the writer or reporter.


Here's a sample of what Team Obama has in mind, from the Heilemann piece:


The Obama effort at disqualifying Romney will go beyond painting him as excessively conservative, however. It will aim to cast him as an avatar of revanchism. “He’s the fifties, he is retro, he is backward, and we are forward—that’s the basic construct,” says a top Obama strategist. “If you’re a woman, you’re Hispanic, you’re young, or you’ve gotten left out, you look at Romney and say, ‘This [*^%$] guy is gonna take us back to the way it always was, and guess what? I’ve never been part of that.’ ”


Yeah, that'll work. One of the nicest men who has ever run for the office, who has spent his professional life at the heights of international business and his post-business life leading an international Olympics games full of thousands of striving young men and women who are as connected and savvy as any on the globe, running ultra-liberal Massachusetts, and guiding two presidential campaigns while being followed by 10,000 reporters from new and old media alike is secretly plotting to throw us into the way-back machine.



Do Bruni and Heilemann read their own stuff after they get done transcribing the bulletins from Obamaland? These pieces are actually hilarious, and not just to people who have spent quite a bit of time interviewing Romney both in person and over the air but also to the casual observer of the candidate.

"An intensely private man" doing the bobsled run for the Today Show?................. A "fifties guy" armed with the latest cases from HBS and a mountain of data on emerging trends in global economic growth?




Take us back? Well, perhaps to 6% unemployment and real GDP growth at a level that can be felt outside of the "green energy sector" which is shorthand for "friends of Obama with access to government guarantees and contracts."



Axelrod has to try something because the clock has effectively run-out on pretending a recovery will get here any day. Even if gas prices tumble by 25% they will be sky-high compared with when hope and change came to D.C. Even if the numbers can be worked again and again to get them below 8% unemployment, there will be a huge credibility problem and the legion of young people knocking on doors will remain just as large as before.



Romney nevertheless is going to be the cue for Phantom of the Opera organ music in the collective mind of the Chicago Gang and the dutiful reporters who relay their "vision" for how it will all work out.



That's their plan: To so distort the reality of Romney that voters won't notice the reality of Obama's record and the reality of their lives.



The trouble with the plan is that voters are very wired into actual data of the present and are not subject to the sort of manipulation of fear that might have worked 20 years ago. People who make such assertions will be laughed out outside of the their small circles of devotees.



In trying to turn Romney into Frankenstein, voters in the middle and even on the left will see Team Obama turning out another Colbert, and they will laugh.



And vote for Romney. Because a team that ham-handed, inept and especially condescending towards them is exactly the team that advised the president how to wreck the economy and confuse the world.




Hugh Hewitt



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"Obama lied! Tarkin died!" Then we'd get Pete and MDP linking to YouTube videos explaining how the Trade Federation runs everything behind the scenes anyway...

Anybody else notice that The Phantom Menace, which came out in the late 90s, has 2 antagonists that are politicians named Lott and Newt Gungray?


I remember the first time I saw that, I thought Wow, George isn't even trying. Then I saw the rest of the movie. Yeah, George wasn't trying

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Anybody else notice that The Phantom Menace, which came out in the late 90s, has 2 antagonists that are politicians named Lott and Newt Gungray?


I remember the first time I saw that, I thought Wow, George isn't even trying. Then I saw the rest of the movie. Yeah, George wasn't trying

I could be wrong on this, but wasn't Star Wars based on a book that was written before the movie?

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I could be wrong on this, but wasn't Star Wars based on a book that was written before the movie?



No, I do not believe so. It was all pretty much George Lucas.


Though I am sure that he borrowed heavily from earlier movies.



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I could be wrong on this, but wasn't Star Wars based on a book that was written before the movie?


It's a retelling of the classic hero myth. So...yeah, about a bazillion of them, all the way back to Gilgamesh. Mostly, though, it steals from Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress.

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In my adopted home of Hampton Roads it is difficult to not find people associated with the military and even those associated with the SEALs. They are not too happy about spiking the football because even little bits of classified material here and there can be pieced together which opens them and their families to retaliation

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I almost hate to add this one because "Big Ed" is such a lightweight in the scheme of things, but its such a funny example of their desperation, I guess I will.


Ed Schultz: If Romney wins this election, there’ll never be another Democratic president


Hot Air






As the campaign season moves along, the American people will see more "desperation" by the liberal media and President Obama as the case for his reelection grows harder to justify. They're not seeing gravitas and they're not seeing presidential statesmanship.


So MSNBC's Ed Schultz whining that should Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker ® survive the union-backed recall effort and should Mitt Romney get elected, there would never be a Democratic president elected in his lifetime again is panic time indeed





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Even Maureen Dowd is bashing Obama:





"ON Friday night, the nation’s capital was under a tornado watch. And that was the best thing that happened to the White House all week.


As the president was being slapped by Mitt Romney for being too weak on national security, he was being rapped by a Times editorial for being too aggressive on national security.


A Times article by Jo Becker and Scott Shane revealed that the liberal law professor who campaigned against torture and the Iraq war now personally makes the final decisions on the “kill list,” targets for drone strikes. “A unilateral campaign of death is untenable,” the editorial asserted.


On Thursday, Bill Clinton once more telegraphed that he considers Obama a lightweight who should not have bested his wife. Bluntly contradicting the Obama campaign theme that Romney is a heartless corporate raider, Clinton told CNN that the Republican’s record at Bain was “sterling.”


Covering a humorous W. at the unveiling of his portrait, the White House press actually seemed nostalgic for the president who bollixed up Afghanistan, Iraq, Katrina and the economy — a sure sign that the Obama magic is flagging."

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I think Romney will choose Condalisa Rice as his running mate. That should send the Liberals into frothing mania once again. Just hope BO doesn't dump Joe in favor of Madame Hillary. That's about the only way I see him getting reelected.

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Panic is never pretty. When it involves a politician scrambling desperately to stay afloat, it is ugly. When it involves a president of the United States trading national-security secrets for political gain, it is obscene.


Twice last week, The New York Times published insider accounts of Obama-administration decisions. One involved “kill lists” of terrorists targeted by drones. The other described cyberwarfare attacks against Iran.


The articles revealed details of top-level meetings and quoted the president’s comments. They were so gushingly favorable to him that it’s clear they were based on authorized leaks by the White House designed to make Obama look tough against terror. Flattery was part of the bargain.


So we learned the president insists on giving final approval to each target, a “grim debating society” that tests his “principles.” We learned he “is a student of writings on war by Augustine and Thomas Aquinas” and follows the “just war theories of Christian philosophers.” Adviser John Brennan, described as a “grizzled” son of Irish immigrants, is compared “to a priest whose blessing has become indispensable” to Obama.


Naturally, campaign guru David Axelrod attends these “Terror Tuesday” meetings. Not that politics is involved, of course.


This is more than an unseemly spiking of the football. This is reckless politicking that reflects an his “anything goes” approach to November: Nothing is sacred except four more years.


The Times also outed Israel as our partner in launching the Stuxnet virus against Iran’s nuclear computers. While the United States and Israel were long suspected, the article shredded any deniability.


The Allies broke German military codes in World War II, but it remained secret until the 1970s. Now our president leaks secrets in real time.


The Times says the virus program, code named Olympic Games, started under President George W. Bush and was an effort to stop Iran from getting the bomb. While Bush “had little credibility,” the Times says, Obama “concluded that when it came to stopping Iran, the United States had no other choice.”


See, when Bush does it, it’s bad; when Obama does it, it’s good. Give the Times a gold star for its campaign contribution.



NY Post



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Glad you brought that up. I was going to but got distracted. How do his supporters on the left reconcile him being the executioner in chief with his Nobel Peace Prize?

This isn't a case for unleashing the hounds of war into a battle. This is targeted assassination and he's being open about it only because he's shat the bed in every other conceivable manner as President. How weak he is that he grasps at this and holds it up as an admirable accomplishment which somehow connotes he's deserving of a second term.

This guy is an unmitigated disaster. He's a fake, phony, fraud to use a phrase of a former NYC radio talk show host.

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