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The coolest thing about WNY

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The coolest thing about WNY is being able to say "I used to live in WNY "


Exactly how we who still live here feel about your departure...


Awesome in what way? It's more humid then New Orleans, for Christs sake.

One time I was in Phoenix and the temp was 80 and the dew point was -10. Now THATS low humidity.


Sure, New Orleans at 3PM. But, come see us at 4PM!


If you can't see how awesome it is to be one of the least humid cities out of the most humid cities at 4PM, then I just can't help you. Haters want to hate....

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Yeah I'm from WNY, live in Ohio now and spend many weeks a year all across the south for work. Anyone who can complain about buffalo's humidity and heat in the summer needs to spend some time working outside all day in Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, louisiana, etc...

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Yeah I'm from WNY, live in Ohio now and spend many weeks a year all across the south for work. Anyone who can complain about buffalo's humidity and heat in the summer needs to spend some time working outside all day in Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, louisiana, etc...


No doubt. And, actually the hottest I've ever been, where I couldn't take it - were a few times in NYC in July. I don't know if it's more humid or if the buildings just keep the heat in on the streets - actually one time was at Central Park Zoo, so probably not......But, holy crap. Two years ago, I swear it took a few days of being home in Buffalo for my core body temperature to come down.

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Exactly how we who still live here feel about your departure...




Sure, New Orleans at 3PM. But, come see us at 4PM!


If you can't see how awesome it is to be one of the least humid cities out of the most humid cities at 4PM, then I just can't help you. Haters want to hate....

I just don't see what your getting at. If I understand what you posted, those are the times of day you can expect the lowest humidity in the listed citys. The lowest humidity for NO was 60.7 at 3PM. The lowest humidity for Buffalo was 62.4 at 4PM. all that tells me is at some point in the day it will be less humid in NO then it ever will in Buffalo. You seem to be making my case, not yours.

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I just don't see what your getting at. If I understand what you posted, those are the times of day you can expect the lowest humidity in the listed citys. The lowest humidity for NO was 60.7 at 3PM. The lowest humidity for Buffalo was 62.4 at 4PM. all that tells me is at some point in the day it will be less humid in NO then it ever will in Buffalo. You seem to be making my case, not yours.


What exactly do I have to do that shows I found this ridiculous stat about being one of the least humid cities at 4PM out of the most humid cities and have been goofing around about it?


I thought the ridiculousness of that stat spoke for itself. You really take your humidity seriously!

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What exactly do I have to do that shows I found this ridiculous stat about being one of the least humid cities at 4PM out of the most humid cities and have been goofing around about it?


I thought the ridiculousness of that stat spoke for itself. You really take your humidity seriously!

I thought you some how trying to seriously present the case that Buffalo is not all that humid.

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I dunno about that. I just talked to my brother in Dunkirk and he can't wait to retire and move West to get away from the humidity. I felt the same way when I lived there-after April it was so hot and humid the only outside activity I cared about was swimming.


Everyone views things differently


Not that difficult to "hide" something that only lasts 10 minutes, tops. :nana:


Global Warning seems to be changing that, it is supposed to 90 Degrees tomorrow. :thumbsup:


So Jim yes tomorrow will be humid.


The concerts or the humidity? At this point I'm not sure what we are discussing. :blink:




The concerts originally and how humid WNY actually is.

Edited by BRAWNDO
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Forecasters are predicting record heat today, with temperatures in the high 80s to 90 degrees near Lake Erie and into the mid-90s in inland valley areas.


Higher humidity is also in the forecast, which will make the air feel even warmer.


"It's going to be oppressive, especially for late May," said Jim Mitchell, National Weather Service meteorologist.


The previous record high temperature for May 28 is 86 degrees, set in 1987. The temperature reached as high as 84 degrees Sunday. Normal high temperature for this time of year is 70 degrees.

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I suppose Bread & Circuses is one way to describe the free shows, though I think it's more about selling beer. They must sell more than enough to cover the cost of the shows I'm guessing.




"Bread and Circuses" (or bread and games) (from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metaphor for a superficial means of appeasement. It was the basic Roman formula for the well-being of the population, and hence a political strategy unto itself. In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the creation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, (WNY??) but through diversion, distraction, and/or the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace. The phrase also implies the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst the concerns of the common man (l'homme moyen sensuel).


In modern usage, the phrase is taken to describe a populace that no longer values civic virtues and the public life. To many across the political spectrum, left and right, it connotes a supposed triviality and frivolity that characterized the Roman Republic prior to its decline into the autocratic monarchy characteristic of the later Roman Empire's transformation about 44 B.C.

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I suppose Bread & Circuses is one way to describe the free shows, though I think it's more about selling beer. They must sell more than enough to cover the cost of the shows I'm guessing.




"Bread and Circuses" (or bread and games) (from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metaphor for a superficial means of appeasement. It was the basic Roman formula for the well-being of the population, and hence a political strategy unto itself. In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the creation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, (WNY??) but through diversion, distraction, and/or the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace. The phrase also implies the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst the concerns of the common man (l'homme moyen sensuel).


In modern usage, the phrase is taken to describe a populace that no longer values civic virtues and the public life. To many across the political spectrum, left and right, it connotes a supposed triviality and frivolity that characterized the Roman Republic prior to its decline into the autocratic monarchy characteristic of the later Roman Empire's transformation about 44 B.C.

I am aware of the origins of the phrase. I believe the construction of the Collesium was a big part of that thinking. (Lets build a stadium and get a National Gladiator League franchise!) I was just commenting that these concert series have evolved into beer promotions more than government-sponsored diversions.



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