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Those big meanies on the internet

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What's wrong with a comment that gets compressed when a certain amount of the community thumbsdown or dislikes- geeze it's crap like this that gives regulations a bad name - keep carcinogens out of my water stop trying to protect my feelings.

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Dear NYS Senate...you're a bunch of idiots.


Now what are you going to !@#$ing do about it, tough guys?


Well after 13 Senators commit suicide following your vicious verbal anonymous interwebs assault that bullied them and hurt their feelings, several more are going to come to the Senate chamber wearing long trench coats concealing firearms and proceed to shoot the place up, hoping to get revenge some anonymous prick known to them as 'DC Tom'.


The State will be a far better place in the end. Well done, sir.

Edited by Koko78
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