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It's a tough life being an ex-president

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If I was to care about anything it would be that Clinton was making around 8 mil a year as a ex-president- mostly by making speeches at $150,000- $500,000 a pop for banks- Clinton presided over the end of Glass-Steagall and the enactment of the Financial Modernization Act which were more responsible for turning a real-estate downturn into a global financial disaster than anything the Bush administration enacted.

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If I was to care about anything it would be that Clinton was making around 8 mil a year as a ex-president- mostly by making speeches at $150,000- $500,000 a pop for banks- Clinton presided over the end of Glass-Steagall and the enactment of the Financial Modernization Act which were more responsible for turning a real-estate downturn into a global financial disaster than anything the Bush administration enacted.


You must be a blast at parties.

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