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Genetic Alteration...through injections.

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:lol: I don't know how/who/where this "theory" got started, but it's hysterical.


Apparently, according to Tom, there are some group of people, who believe that this means that gay people can "reproduce". It's a simple process, if a gay guy injects his partner with enough...gay genes, and if that partner was to have sex with a woman...then the result of that coupling would most likely be gay.


Gay gene therapy? :lol: Where are the doctors here on this?


But the best part, imo: if you believe this, then, aren't you also saying that being gay...is genetic? :o Oops.


Hehe...for those of you waiting patiently for me to bash the far right....here is the ultimate "far right idiots unintentionally Fing themselves over" example. Enjoy. The stupidity of this is astounding.


:lol: And yeah, for those of you keeping score at home, I find this every bit as hysterical as when the far-left does it.

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