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Not at all. I never stand in judgement of other people's musical tastes. Music is a very subjective thing and to stand in judgement of people because of the music they listen to is just disrespectful and immature.


Except for people who listen to rap and country. They're fuggin' morons. :D





I love a lot of different types of music. Classic rock, Metal, 80's, 60's pyschadelic, folk music, blues, I love lots of music.


Country is horrible, and I can only listen to one or two rap artists.



Country is horrible, and I can only listen to one or two rap artists.




My wife bought me the new eminem CD for Christmas. Listened to it for the first time today. It's great.


I bought Contraband back when it first came out...great album. I agree with the previous post that said Audioslave was better though. Anyways, both Velvet Revolver and Audioslave are better than 90% of the other "rock" bands that are mainstream right now. I'd also put A Perfect Circle in that list.

70's or 80's DP?



One of my all time favorite boogie tunes from them is "Lazy". I guess we can safely say 70's.


Stevie Ray after that. "It's rainin' down in Texas..."


Diana Krall, and Frank after that.


Glad I always follow the crowd.

I'm assuming Ron Artest is the other?    :D





Not to flagellate a deceased equine, BF...but you have to admit that was funny...



I love a lot of different types of music.  Classic rock, Metal, 80's, 60's pyschadelic, folk music, blues, I love lots of music.


Country is horrible, and I can only listen to one or two rap artists.



There's a song called "The Dance", by Garth Brooks. I think you'd like it. It's a really nice song.


Velvet Revolver Rocks!


I was weaned on rocknroll, and was a G-n-R fan.....But, listen to mostly Country now.


VR was the first rock cd that I've gotten into fr a long time. Country is good, but there is a lot of crap out there. But, with country you kinda get a mini movie in every song (kinda like Springsteen). The lyrics, though often simple can actually be understood. Man, that makes me sound old....anyway...Go Bills!!!!!


I started listening to them last month and love it. You can def tell the resemblence to GNR in the sound. Ive always been a big GNR fan just not STP but i like it

I received this CD from my boy for Christmas and Im listening to it right now.


If you like STP and GNR...check it out.

Good stuff in my fair weather fan opinion.




Dude, where ya been? :(


It's old now. Time for a new record, IMO. I've worn out my copy.


The first 6 tracks !@#$en rock! :doh:


"Loving the Alien" is a trip.

Velvet Revolver is pretty good.  Audioslave is better but VR is a good band.


Fall to Pieces is much better than their first single was.



the music is alright...but the lyrics of fall to pieces are pretty pathetic. just my $.02 of course. there's no accounting for taste. :(

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