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Posted (edited)

Didn't see anything about it anywhere; hope I will be able to find a ticket (or two) for the opener.


Yeah, and this is great news; could not hurt the franchise any.

Edited by jboyst62

Welll actually it was the first article on the homepage for a day or two.


I would probably buy a ticket if I could have. Hopefully the front office is'nt doing this just to sell tickets and that they are actually serious about winning.


Welll actually it was the first article on the homepage for a day or two.


I would probably buy a ticket if I could have. Hopefully the front office is'nt doing this just to sell tickets and that they are actually serious about winning.


Well winning usually leads to more ticket sales, so they are probably serious about both. :thumbsup:


If you didn't get tix for either game, and you want 'em, here's what you do. You wait for 9 AM the morning after the first home preseason game. The Bills are withholding many seats to each game, hoping to sell them as season tickets. After that first preseason game, they release those blocks.


Bills facebook Status:


First two home games, Kansas City & New England, sell out. Season tickets and club seats remain available for all games.

So what Jay is saying is correct. Unless there is a big run on season tickets expect more individual tickets to be available. Not to mention stubhub.


Bills facebook Status:



So what Jay is saying is correct. Unless there is a big run on season tickets expect more individual tickets to be available. Not to mention stubhub.

Just picked up two tickets for the home opener on Stubhub no less than twenty minutes ago.


Also: I'm going to the home opener! Woot!


Kinda wierd that the year TO was signed 54k season tickets were sold. This team looks a lot better on paper then that team.


Quick, someone outline that "the Bills can only survive in Buffalo by renewing the Toronto series" argument again.


Giving away a home game a year to ensure that they won't move................................yeah right.



Winning will solve all.




Kinda wierd that the year TO was signed 54k season tickets were sold. This team looks a lot better on paper then that team.

A lot of people got fooled into buying seasons that year. Maybe they are just being more careful now. I do agree with you that this team appears considerably stronger overall. But never underestimate the drawing power of someone like TO. Brandon knew what he was doing.


A lot of people got fooled into buying seasons that year. Maybe they are just being more careful now. I do agree with you that this team appears considerably stronger overall. But never underestimate the drawing power of someone like TO. Brandon knew what he was doing.

Don't blame Brandon if people are so gullible that they prefer signing one declining superstar to a legitimate rebuilding.




Don't blame Brandon if people are so gullible that they prefer signing one declining superstar to a legitimate rebuilding.



Not blaming him at all. It was brilliant marketing.


Not blaming him at all. It was brilliant marketing.

There is nothing hear of any import to blame anyone for in my humble opinion. One of the interesting paradoxes here is that in the real world pro football and the NFL really are not all that important. Certainly whether a team wins or loses has little real impact and no long-term impact at all for the world as a whole and even for folks in the town of the team which wins it all (perhaps one can make a case that winning the first SB makes a palpable difference in Title Town Green Bay but in terms of the world writ large or even in our little haunt called America the question of who wins the SB in any given year is little more than a little noticed blip.


Sports is of a great interest to me because it is entertaining. In a let them eat cake kind of way I simply enjoy sharing the fate of the Bills with my family and the region.


My best experience as a Bills fan and one which I value more than all others was actually prompted by the LOSS of the first SB. The virtually impromptu gathering of 20,000 folks in Niagara Square to welcome back our vanquished (metaphorically speaking that is) warriors was a palpable moment of togetherness in our rough and tumble quite rich but quite separated society.


The moment when Scotty Norwood begged forgiveness and the crowd as a one gave it still gives me goose pimples (this was a flash mobe before Ipads and Blackberries even existed).


As a person born in Chicago and longtime Cub fan (though the recent roundly repudiated effort by the Cub owner to try to buy the federal election result with a $10 million factually inaccurate but defendable campaign has endangered even my lifetime Cub loyalty) I know first hand that while W/Ls are the only stat which really matters in sports, that actually a team can make it their stock in trade to wrack up Ls in a particular way to make the sport fan experience the best thing going.


Would I trade 4 Bills SB losses for 1 Bills SB win?


No way!


The four losses in a row were such a great ride for such a long time that I think it would be a far worse deal to get the more brief exultation of winning once. It is a question of whether I would rather be a Buffaloanian willing to buy a Bills of good around their marketing of TO because the 4 year ride cemented me as a Bills lover or instead be a Colts fan who has had the joy of winning it all once but now they are living through the disaster or having to trade Peyton Manning in part due to the marketplace and salary commitments which came with their win.


I would easily take 4 years of losses and the feelings it bred to help me still believe after a decade+ of failure than to instead have the win once and devolvement of Indy (some folks do seem to win a lot more than 1 but if the cost of this is you end up being Bill Bellicheat then I would rather even be Indy).


In the end, I see no problem with folks getting sucked in and fooled by the marketing scheme which brought TO here as it did provide a brief but real false hope of a return to glory. Certainly I have rooted for teams both that have historically loss (the Cubs and Bills) and have rooted for teams that have mounted great victories in single years ('85 Bears) and over longer periods (MJ lead Bulls) given a simple choice between winning and losing I prefer winning.


However, in this life we do not get to simply choose our fate in many areas.


Again the simple fact is that though I prefer rooting for a winner, this experience comes no where near the entertainment and actually the transcendental value of still loving my decade plus losing Bills and a lifetime plus of failure to win it all from the Cubs.


That would be for non-season ticket holders I believe.

Right.. I am not a season ticket holder, however, I recall that last year I was able to purchase single game tix the same day as season tix holders as I am in the Bills backers fan club. I don't think I got an email about being able to buy tix early this year (but then again I get like 3 Bills emails a day).


Does anyone know if Bills backers were able to buy the tix early again this year?

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