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Hil'ry article in today's Rochester D&C

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Some Clinton pimp penned a puff piece on Secretary of State Thunder Thighs. It seems she is the greatest SoS ever, but her international service is coming to an end. I'm sure her femininity and world acumen have resulted in world leaders, especially in the Middle East, reassessing their centuries-old stance demeaning women.


My hope is that her step-down from public life provides time for washing her hair and getting it cut. What a schlub!

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Some Clinton pimp penned a puff piece on Secretary of State Thunder Thighs. It seems she is the greatest SoS ever, but her international service is coming to an end. I'm sure her femininity and world acumen have resulted in world leaders, especially in the Middle East, reassessing their centuries-old stance demeaning women.


My hope is that her step-down from public life provides time for washing her hair and getting it cut. What a schlub!

Decision 2016 already? This is going to confuse NBC. Or is she going to run now? Oh this would baffle the media. Woman or black? I think they will just go off the air and give cat in tree stories.

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Not the greatest SoS ever, but the most level headed cabinet head in an administration severely lacking adult supervision.


I'm awaiting your commentary on Powell's and Condi's fashion sensibility.

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Not the greatest SoS ever, but the most level headed cabinet head in an administration severely lacking adult supervision.


I'm awaiting your commentary on Powell's and Condi's fashion sensibility.


Agreed on Madame Hillary.

I always get a chuckle when some Democrat lady gets critiqued on style. If she were a Republican, the leftist media bitches would crucify her every which way but loose. Google Katherine Harris on YouTube and view the comment on any video you find. The left is classy.

Edited by Nanker
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Some Clinton pimp penned a puff piece on Secretary of State Thunder Thighs. It seems she is the greatest SoS ever, but her international service is coming to an end. I'm sure her femininity and world acumen have resulted in world leaders, especially in the Middle East, reassessing their centuries-old stance demeaning women.


My hope is that her step-down from public life provides time for washing her hair and getting it cut. What a schlub!


Posts like this are why the war on women label hangs so easily on the right. And no, that's not me saying that label is good or accurate, but you do your party no good when you don't bring up a single point of criticism besides her sex and appearance. !@#$ing caveman.

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Responding to John Adams, I point out my attack was on a woman, not women. Whatever you managed to falsely extrapolate from my comments might just equal your assumption that you know what "party" I represent/support. Imagine this: There just may be a number of Democrats out there that neither worship the Clintons, nor admire the trail of destruction they left in DC.


The woman carpetbagged her way into NYS politics, rode her husband's tawdry administration/affair to prominence, "listened" her way across the country in a faux presidential campaign angling for a political appointment; now, in the sunset of her years, rides off to a sinecure fit for just another politician. Meteoric, I think not!

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Responding to John Adams, I point out my attack was on a woman, not women. Whatever you managed to falsely extrapolate from my comments might just equal your assumption that you know what "party" I represent/support. Imagine this: There just may be a number of Democrats out there that neither worship the Clintons, nor admire the trail of destruction they left in DC.


The woman carpetbagged her way into NYS politics, rode her husband's tawdry administration/affair to prominence, "listened" her way across the country in a faux presidential campaign angling for a political appointment; now, in the sunset of her years, rides off to a sinecure fit for just another politician. Meteoric, I think not!


Alright. I'll admit that I had to look up sinecure....anybody else? :D

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"listened" her way across the country in a faux presidential campaign angling for a political appointment;


W/ out getting into any other aspect of this thread....LOLOLOLOLOL


(assuming you meant that her campaign for a faux attempt at a run for President designed to secure an appointment...if it just meant that she was running for President then I apologize)

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