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Romney airing his first general elections ad

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What the hell is it you would have done Mitt? What are you going to do now.


Well, for starters, he would approve the Pipeline that would create 10-20 thousand jobs immediately. You know, just like it says in the ad.

Edited by jjamie12
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PPP ... where that is a great advertisement.


PPP ... where people have the nerve to act annoyed b/c I make a few posts about how I think Romney is weak (when the entire board is about Obama being retarded)


Tom...there's no sizzle being sold here that I can spot.


Well, for starters, he would approve the Pipeline that would create 10-20 thousand jobs immediately. You know, just like it says in the ad.


We're talking about the Romney campaign trying to get out there a proactively define him before others do it for him. And he comes w/ pipeline...and basically nothing else. :worthy:

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PPP ... where that is a great advertisement.


PPP ... where people have the nerve to act annoyed b/c I make a few posts about how I think Romney is weak (when the entire board is about Obama being retarded)


Tom...there's no sizzle being sold here that I can spot.




We're talking about the Romney campaign trying to get out there a proactively define him before others do it for him. And he comes w/ pipeline...and basically nothing else. :worthy:

You do realize that you are heading towards DinDom don't you?

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PPP ... where that is a great advertisement.


PPP ... where people have the nerve to act annoyed b/c I make a few posts about how I think Romney is weak (when the entire board is about Obama being retarded)


Tom...there's no sizzle being sold here that I can spot.




We're talking about the Romney campaign trying to get out there a proactively define him before others do it for him. And he comes w/ pipeline...and basically nothing else. :worthy:

I'm confused because in your last post you, literally, asked for "What would you have done, Mitt? What are you going to do now?". It seems like the Mitt Romney ad is exactly what you were asking for because, you know, it sort of directly answers the question that you're asking. Now you want to play politcal games, which is fine -- but just admit that, literally, no matter what President Obama does or says nor what Governor Romney has ever done or will say will make you think that any ad he ever runs will be a good one. Really, it's OK, just admit it then we can stop pretending and save ourselves carpal tunnel syndrome arguing about (shocker!) Progressives or liberals or Democrats not liking Mitt Romney ads.

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then we can stop pretending and save ourselves carpal tunnel syndrome arguing about (shocker!) Progressives or liberals or Democrats not liking Mitt Romney ads.



You forgot about their obvious concern that Gov. Romney is such a weak candidate...........




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I'm confused because in your last post you, literally, asked for "What would you have done, Mitt? What are you going to do now?". It seems like the Mitt Romney ad is exactly what you were asking for because, you know, it sort of directly answers the question that you're asking. Now you want to play politcal games, which is fine -- but just admit that, literally, no matter what President Obama does or says nor what Governor Romney has ever done or will say will make you think that any ad he ever runs will be a good one. Really, it's OK, just admit it then we can stop pretending and save ourselves carpal tunnel syndrome arguing about (shocker!) Progressives or liberals or Democrats not liking Mitt Romney ads.


No way I will admit that. Mitt Romney absolutely could run an ad that I would say was a good ad. He has to run it though. He could either be really effective selling sizzle or he could give some steak (to put it in Tom's terms). My opinion is that if this is what he leads with ... then it doesn't seem like he's really going to make a strong case for anything other than "I'm not Obama." To me, this is a really safe ad and I'm not sure he's going to get out there and do anything other than play it safe...(which btw may be the right thing to do who knows...)

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No way I will admit that. Mitt Romney absolutely could run an ad that I would say was a good ad. He has to run it though. He could either be really effective selling sizzle or he could give some steak (to put it in Tom's terms). My opinion is that if this is what he leads with ... then it doesn't seem like he's really going to make a strong case for anything other than "I'm not Obama." To me, this is a really safe ad and I'm not sure he's going to get out there and do anything other than play it safe...(which btw may be the right thing to do who knows...)


So you pick your candidate based on a TV ad? Sound bite society for sure. We're dooooooooooomed.

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Tom...there's no sizzle being sold here that I can spot.


You're not the target audience. You're basically a vegan wondering why carnivores like steak.



And it's no more substantial than "Hope and Change". It's a political ad.

Edited by DC Tom
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So you pick your candidate based on a TV ad? Sound bite society for sure. We're dooooooooooomed.


We're talking pure politics here Jim...strategy....I'm criticizing Romney's ad.


You're not the target audience. You're basically a vegan wondering why carnivores like steak.



And it's no more substantial than "Hope and Change". It's a political ad.


Hope and change wasn't meant to be substantial though. Hope and change worked in '08. It won't work in '12 haha...but it worked then. Grade A sizzle.

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Hope and change wasn't meant to be substantial though. Hope and change worked in '08. It won't work in '12 haha...but it worked then. Grade A sizzle.


Exactly my point.


And I bet it would work again. But I have an extremely low opinion of the electorate, considering they base their decisions on sizzle to begin with.

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Exactly my point.


And I bet it would work again. But I have an extremely low opinion of the electorate, considering they base their decisions on sizzle to begin with.


LOL...sizzle has got to change...hope and change def. will work again some day but not this day.

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We're talking pure politics here Jim...strategy....I'm criticizing Romney's ad.




Hope and change wasn't meant to be substantial though. Hope and change worked in '08. It won't work in '12 haha...but it worked then. Grade A sizzle.


I would go for some real hope and change this time around.

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So you pick your candidate based on a TV ad? Sound bite society for sure. We're dooooooooooomed.


You say it's a safe ad. No **** you go with safe in May an bring out the big guns for the debates. I expect the ratings for those be huge.

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Pipeline (a no-brainer even the Democrats agree with), "tax cuts and reforms for job creators," and dismantling of Obamacare.


Look. We get it. You're a progressive and this makes no sense to you. It's just an ad that lets Romney play on offense instead of chasing the embarrassing Bain narrative the Obama camp is counting on. We look forward to the Obama ads talking about what he'll do if he's re-elected and has more "flexibility."


Basically, analogous to a "P-K4" opening in chess. Not as exciting as a Caro-Kann, bland but solid opening.

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Basically, analogous to a "P-K4" opening in chess. Not as exciting as a Caro-Kann, bland but solid opening.


Assuming it was solid, I still wouldn't have gone "bland but solid" to define myself initially if I was Romney.

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